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Old 03-16-2012, 08:30 PM   #46
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[quote=CuteOldGuy;2300317]+1 And add Qadafi to that list, as well. He wanted to trade oil in gold, rather than dollars. All of a sudden, the Libyans wanted "freedom."[/quote]

LOL...you aren't as creepy as they say cutiepie! Kinda funny too.
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Old 03-17-2012, 02:29 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
I read the other day that the one good thing the Taliban did was to crack down on the warlords taking young boys a sex slaves. Apparently that has been a common practice for a long time.
Islamic culture is a witches brew of evil.
highly unlikely that was a good thing. all they (taliban) did was take the sex slaves from the warlords and kept them for themselves.

the movie "kite runner" which was based on a true story illustrated it.
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Old 03-17-2012, 05:13 AM   #48
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seem just like another perfectly calculated event to fuel ww3 (officially anyhow if we're not in it already lol)

now would probably be a critical time to start re-evaluating your investments

remember war is good for business
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Old 03-18-2012, 12:11 AM   #49
JD Barleycorn
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Would you care to show us all where it says nation building is liberal?

I also caught where you are talking about Iraq when we are talking about Afghanistan. Why do you keep thinking they are the same place?

Nation building is a neutral hobby. It is how you nation build that separates the liberals from the conservatives. We destroyed Nazism in Germany and military totalitarianism in Japan. We laid down the law and kept the peace. We also brought freedom to millions of people from a different land (that is a conservative idea), we build a representative government (also a conservative idea), and we ultimately provided protection for the US by creating allies rather than colonies (definitely a conservative idea). Going in to a place like Somalia throwing food everywhere and allowing the thugs to murder, steal, and kidnap may sound like letting people determine their own lives (a liberal idea) but we are only helping the warlords to determine their own worthless lives but not the people.
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Old 03-18-2012, 08:49 AM   #50
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Talk about kharma; I was just watching George Clooney on Fox News Sunday (an aside, if Fox news is so bad then why wasn't Clooney on CBS?), anyway, Clooney has long been an activist for the Darfur region of Sudan. South Sudan voted to secede from the main country but the muslim north won't leave them alone. The muslim north is bombing the south, cutting off their aid, and obstructing the oil that they are shipping to the world to raise money to build a country. George Clooney, a liberal, is going about this the liberal way. He is calling on the UN to do something, he is calling on the US to have NATO to do something, he is using his celebrity to raise awareness. It is not working. It hasn't worked for the last 10 years. The conservative would be to take that millions of dollars raised and to provide weapons to the south Sudanese to go along with training provided by professionals. When murdering bastards come a knocking it doesn't matter who kills them, US Marines or locals with weapons, the murdering bastards are still dead. If Clooney doesn't want his people to be tainted with self defense skills then that money could be used to hire professional soldiers and to buy advanced weapons; aircraft, armor, logistics, etc. It was said back in the 1980s that an African country could be had for 3/4 of a million dollars. Factor in inflation and I'm sure that the 100 million Clooney could get would do the job. That is the conservative way plus it is 100 million that won't go to Obama.
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Old 03-18-2012, 01:19 PM   #51
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I am on my phone but you are still an idiot. You suc off the government tit and think you are a conservative. What a joke. Nation building is liberal. Period. If you do not know that you should be kicked from the comunity college job.
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Old 03-18-2012, 02:19 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Would you care to show us all where it says nation building is liberal?
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
If I try to force another person/nation to conform to my ideology, wtf do you think that is if not a liberal ideology? Do you not know the difference between liberal and Conservative?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post

I also caught where you are talking about Iraq when we are talking about Afghanistan. Why do you keep thinking they are the same place?Nation building is a neutral hobby.

They are both liberal nation building causes. Nation building is a liberal mindset. You have to understand that basic fact to have a chance at a literate discussion.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post

. We destroyed Nazism in Germany and military totalitarianism in Japan. We laid down the law and kept the peace. We also brought freedom to millions of people from a different land (that is a conservative idea) No it is not , we build a representative government (also a conservative idea), No and we ultimately provided protection for the US by creating allies rather than colonies (definitely a conservative idea). No again.
You do realize that a conquered nation does not feel like they are free. If you had an ounce of sense , you'd know that German and Japan had a Hobson Choice. Us or Russia in the case of Germany or China in the case of Japan. You talk in sound bytes as if the world is some good vs evil. Realpoltics is not like that. Only in academia does that crap go over.
Going in to a place like Somalia throwing food everywhere and allowing the thugs to murder, steal, and kidnap may sound like letting people determine their own lives (a liberal idea) a stupid idea but we are only helping the warlords to determine their own worthless lives but not the people.
You do not have a clue as to wtf a true conservative is. That is your problem. You are the worst kind, a liberal in conservative sheep clothing.
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Old 03-18-2012, 02:20 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I am on my phone but you are still an idiot. You suc off the government tit and think you are a conservative. What a joke. Nation building is liberal. Period. If you do not know that you should be kicked from the comunity college job.
spend billions of dollars to
rescue the weak
fight for the timid
then provide billions of $ financial support

sounds pretty conservative to me

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Old 03-18-2012, 02:30 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
These murders of Afghan civilians by a member of the US army, mostly women and children, are a horrible thing. This American serviceman must have just gone insane, for whatever reason.

But, I can't help but be amazed at the reaction by the Afghans. Demonstrating and raising all sorts of hell. Where is all the outrage when their fellow countrymen stroll into a market or a church and detonate a suicide bomb vest, killing dozens of women and children? Again, I don't post this to in any way justify or support what our guy did. But, I missed all the demonstrations and wailing and bitching when their own people blew them up. And that has happened scores of times.

We got to get out of that place.
Where is the outrage when an Afghan soldier opens up on american soldiers........I'm outraged that our gov't actually apologized for this. I'm sorry it happened but at the same time feel they owe us many apologies.
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Old 03-18-2012, 02:35 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
spend billions of dollars to
rescue the weak
fight for the timid
then provide billions of $ financial support

sounds pretty conservative to me

That stupid SOB thinks I'm judging if it is good or bad.

So he tries to cover his ass and say that ''conservative nation building'' is good and liberal nation building is bad! LOL

What a retard.

Nation building is liberal ideology. End of story. Nobody with half a brain will dispute that.

We can debates the merit of it but just like 2+2=4 , Nation Building will always be a liberal ideology.

That is the problem with half these so called conservatives, they do not know wtf they are.
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Old 03-18-2012, 02:37 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by titlover1 View Post
Where is the outrage when an Afghan soldier opens up on american soldiers........I'm outraged that our gov't actually apologized for this. I'm sorry it happened but at the same time feel they owe us many apologies.

hiding in the same closet with the outrage for being there 10 years?
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Old 03-18-2012, 02:38 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by titlover1 View Post
Where is the outrage when an Afghan soldier opens up on american soldiers........I'm outraged that our gov't actually apologized for this. I'm sorry it happened but at the same time feel they owe us many apologies.
You do realize we are in their country don't ya? You do understand that politics are different than war.
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Old 03-18-2012, 02:45 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
That stupid SOB thinks I'm judging if it is good or bad.

So he tries to cover his ass and say that ''conservative nation building'' is good and liberal nation building is bad! LOL

What a retard.

Nation building is liberal ideology. End of story. Nobody with half a brain will dispute that.

We can debates the merit of it but just like 2+2=4 , Nation Building will always be a liberal ideology.

That is the problem with half these so called conservatives, they do not know wtf they are.

back in the day, I called Bush the biggest liberal president in history

(2 nation building wars + passing 1100m spending bills in 1800 days)

and you are correct sir ... I was deemed HITLER and a TRAITOR

now, where were we?

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Old 03-18-2012, 03:15 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post

now, where were we?

Conservative nation building!

A true Oxymoron if there ever was one.

JD is seriously funny with this just war BS , next he will tell us free love is an exact estimate he can determine. He is clearly confused with his unbiased opinion. Good grief I'd hate to be alone together discussing minor crisis with him, the constant variable would be pretty ugly.
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Old 03-18-2012, 05:49 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I am on my phone but you are still an idiot. You suc off the government tit and think you are a conservative. What a joke. Nation building is liberal. Period. If you do not know that you should be kicked from the comunity college job.
LMAO WTF, on the phone, typing a reply and calling him an idiot, now thats multitasking!
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