Originally Posted by shorty
Write reviews of the ladies. We will be gentle on you on your review. Well except for maybe BB. 
Now, Shorty, you know I only lose my patience when I haven't had my morning coffee or the wine cellar is running low on the pinot grigio. Or on occasion when someone is just a brick shy of a full load.
Seriously, Shorty's right. Become involved and participate. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Use both of your references. Seriously, the ladies don't mind and aren't territorial. There's plenty of business for all.
Do a little research. There are some really fine providers who are newbie friendly and find ways to verify you. We have been blessed with the intersection of I-30 and I-40 bringing a lot of touring providers this way. Many of them will work with you to get screened.
When you get ready to write a review, read the sticky notes at the top of the review thread and cover all the bases. Sure it takes a little time, but you'll find it pays off in the long run.
You might be dipping into your hobby budget, but spring for premium access before obtaining it by writing reviews. The information available to you will assist with research and give you access to the Men's Lounge to ask questions and seek advice you might not wish to do in a coed environment.
Most of all, be patient and play safe!