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Old 04-09-2010, 09:31 AM   #31
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Everyone is bringing up good points, but Obama's main critics are blaming him for high unemployment- this past month we had the highest job growth in 4 years and that's even if you take out the people who got hired for the census. As I stated before the same people who are hammering Obama for the bailouts would be hammering Obama if he didn't help out the banks. I really can't understand how Tea Party people and Republicans are mad at Obama for health care which we really need- I am not saying the Health Care Bill is perfect, but it's a dayum good start and yes in reality it will save money- who do you guys think are currently paying for the 30 million uninsured? In fact, at a meeting 2 weeks ago- I was speaking to a very prominent medical doctor in my city who told me that 90% of the patients he sees were glad that the Health Care Bill passed - and these are patients of all demographics- the doctor told me that majority of his patients reject a lot of his recommended test because they tell them they simply can't afford the payments. In the longer run Americans will be healthier- remember sick people cost millions in lost wages- ask any ER Doctor what % of revenue is collected from Uninsured people. Also, let's keep in mind when Obama is talking about uninsured- he's not talking about homeless people or bums who don't want to work- he's referring to honest hard working americans who simply can't afford health care.
On the other hand- we went to war with a country who was never a threat to us and had no WMD's- the Iraq war costs us 1 billion american taxpaying dollars a day- where 5000 or so young Americans have already been killed over a fake war and you guys are getting upset over Obama passing health care? I have good health care but I will be more than glad to pay an extra taxes to make sure my fellow americans of all backgrounds if they are working has decent healthcare- but I don't want to pay taxes on a War based on lies where brave young americans are getting killed for nonsense?
I even heard Dumb ass Palin tell a heckler at one of her rallies that her son was fighting in Iraq for the right for that heckler to protest. Are you fucking kidding me Palin??? When did Saddam or the Iraqis jeapordize our freedom? Did I mis something? Did Saddam once tell America that we are going to take away your right to protest??? Of course the crowd cheered because they are a bunch of morons who believe anything these politicians tell them- ole Sarah Palin who she and her husband who once belong to org that wanted to secede from The Unites States- oh how American is that???
But here is something you guys can bank on- unless a real Depression hits in 2012 or some unforseen hell breaks loose in 2012 wil be re-elected once again. In fact, even if the elections were held today Obama will get re-elected- the GOP had better come with some miracle candidate to come close to beating Obama- because Palin has no chance- Mitt Romney is a joke-funny how he's against Obama's Health Care- when Obamacare is so similar to the Health Plan Massachusets has in which Romney presided as Governor. Huckabee has no chance either-
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Old 04-09-2010, 11:11 AM   #32
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BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ............................

If the best response liberals can come up with is it's Bush's fault then they are going to be in trouble in 2012. As much as they try to keep using that crutch eventually Barry is going to have to stand on his own two feet.

As for the job growth your talking about, most of it is summer employment at low paying positions. Where are the jobs that a person can support a family on.

As for the war's, well at the time of the Afgan invasion there was an over 85% approval rating, remember it was right after Sept 11, of course liberals forget this part. There was also a high approval rating of the Iraq invasion, yeah I know he lied, of course every other intellgence agency in the free world was wrong also but I will leave that argument for another time. But the fact remains that he has been office over a year and he could have ended both these conflicts, but he has chosen not to and in fact has increased the conflict in Afgan. Hmmmm must have gotten the full picture of the situation, unlike when he was running for office. Never the less, he has chosen to continue these conflicts so they are now his wars, yes his, cause he could have ended them both but has chosen not to, so he now assumes ownership of them and is no longer entitled to the Bush started them defense.

The economy, no sitting President is responsible for the economy that is in play during their administration. Changes in the economy change to slowly for that to be the case. So I dont blame Barry for the economy, but I can speak about his efforts to correct it and the job market. As far as I can see he has nothing to encourage businesses to hire people, oh he has a summit meeting, but nothing else. He could have given tax credits to companys who expand and hire or a myriad of other things which promote and encourage company's to hire. But so far nothing unless I have missed something. So when you say he did not cause these problems, well is some cases you are completely correct, but he has not taken many steps to solve them either. In time he may but only after he has passed as many of the wish list projects of the Liberal/progressive party as he can, like healthcare, cap and trade, amnesty, gun control when he has scratched some of these long time liberal/progressive pet projects maybe then maybe he will devote some time to the economy, jobs and real life America.
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Old 04-09-2010, 01:35 PM   #33
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I saw it once and I ignored it..now it has been repeated. Iraq does not cost one billion a day.

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so. "...Ronald Reagan
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Old 04-09-2010, 02:54 PM   #34
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how many billions has it cost so far then. how much dose it cost us in health care when our troups come home then . Now bush & his sorry ass excuss for a war in afgan when it was the only war we should be in sucks. He sent so few troups its sicken me if he had suit case bomb a few of those moutain hideouts we built for them I would respect his dumb ass if you don't blame bush what about dick head cheany. And palin if should wasn't hot nobody would listen to her. I bet she was a the strip club with the Rnc right.
now about any body with 50 store credit cards well I'll just say what dumb ass credit card companies for giving to them if they give me I am not paying either shouldn't be so greedy let people buy stuff they can't afford. credits card & home ownership is not the same. I don't use credit cards so sad cause i can't buy internet porn but i don't.
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Old 04-09-2010, 03:44 PM   #35
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"now about any body with 50 store credit cards well I'll just say what dumb ass credit card companies for giving to them if they give me I am not paying either shouldn't be so greedy let people buy stuff they can't afford."

This response is so typical of the liberal/progressives, its always someone elses fault, what about personaly fucking responsibility. Jesus christ, its the credit card companys fault someone has 50 credit cards, what a crock of shit, its the stupid moran who applied for thems fault, they know what they can and cant afford, they know that they cant pay for them. Thats the fucking problem with this country, its always someone elses fucking fault.
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Old 04-09-2010, 04:37 PM   #36
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Bush, Cheney, Palin...all the same...not currently holding office. Why do we keep talking about them?
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Old 04-09-2010, 05:55 PM   #37
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I remember Dick Cheney, when asked about the deficits the Bush administration was running up said, "Ronald Reagan proved that deficits don't matter."

Now they do matter. Wonder what changed his mind?
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Old 04-09-2010, 06:06 PM   #38
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why cant anybody just say yes or no nothing else did Obama make this mess or not.

somebody else brought up the credit cards not me I am saying its poor biz to give more credit then they deserve when give someone a credit card you know what they have. So if banks want to give them a credit card then hay if they don't pay next time don't give it to them. But noooo they well will give them another card but this time we will up the %. Just say no.

Palin is not in office ohh I forgot she quit so she could make money on books, speeches, talk shows & a tv show. Teaparty people don't forget she gets paid to come to those events you host not out of kindness of her USA loving hart.
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Old 04-09-2010, 06:16 PM   #39
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Why is it assumed that if you disagree with the current president then you were an ardent supporter of the previous one. With an approval rating in the 30 percentile there were many who voted for Bush who disagreed with the way things were going, but is it the position of the Liberal/Progressives that if you disagree with Bush then you must also completely agree with Obama, is it their position that if you do not give blinded unyeilding support to Obama then you must support Bush and Cheny. Last time I checked they were no longer in office or in any position of power, last I checked the only person talking about Palin running for President are Democrats, which is very funny to me, she is like the Lawrance Taylor of politics, she just has to be near the line and the oppisition becomes preoccupied with where she is at and whats she doing. Barry has been in office now for 14 months, its time the Liberal/Progressives quit talking about what Bush did and start talking about what Barry does.
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Old 04-09-2010, 06:39 PM   #40
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Cheaper you might try reading, because I believe I answered that question. And what you said was it was the banks fault for giving them credit cards, its the individuals fault, thats called personal responsibility. Most people today try to get as much as they can even if they know its wrong and then they blame someone else when it bites them on the ass, and finally who gives a rats ass about Palin, no one but liberal/progressives because their the only ones talking about her. But the funny thing about this whole post is, your original gibberish said to name what it was we did not like, we did, and like most liberal/progressives because you are unable to rebut what was said immediately went into the it was Bush's fault. You know the bottom line is yes, the country hit bad times with Bush as President, but Obama is now responsible for the direction the country is going, just because the country fell apart under Bush does not give Obama a free ride. As I have said before, he has been in office long enough to stop both wars, he has chosen not to, so now they are his responibility. All of the legislation and Presidential orders and the resulting effects are his responsibility and if they do not go as expected he is responsible and you cant go back to saying Bush caused this or that.
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Old 04-09-2010, 07:44 PM   #41
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I am a indy & don't think I know what a Liberal/Progressives is. The palin is brought up so much is she is at all the rallys doing what your Rnc chief job getting the troups pumped up she is the only rub that you see all day every day. and who is barry is that a black nick name or something
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Old 04-09-2010, 09:31 PM   #42
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Barry is the name Obama's friends call him. Its not my RNC because I am a registered independent.
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Old 04-09-2010, 09:41 PM   #43
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WOW, i need a drink.
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Old 04-09-2010, 09:43 PM   #44
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Dirty, you and I agree on something. Personal responsibility is important. People who run up credit card bills then get another and another card until they declare bankruptcy have shown a severe lack of it. But you know what? I know a lot of people. A few of them have bankruptcies. Not one of them had a plan to get too much into debt.

You do say again that you are not a Republican or a Democrat. But your obvious disdain and dislike for progressives is right out there for everyone to see. So why don't you just say screw it and come out on the side you believe in? Give up independent thing, man.

I am a progressive, liberal SOB. That's who I am. And I don't give a rat's ass if other people don't like it.

Obama has had 15 months to get things done. Not much time to make an effect on all the things that went to hell under Bush the 2nd. But the man is full on engaged in doing something! He has been the hardest working President I have seen. And I am old enough to remember Gerald Ford in office. (WIN buttons for God's sake...). I have high hopes for his Presidency. He has a party in opposition that is completely united in its goal. Make sure he gets as little of his agenda done as possible. The country will suffer for that.

What I see from the right in this country is repugnant. Death threats to politicians. Spitting. Gas lines cut. Our President held up as a Nazi, a Socialist, a Marxist, a Communist, a Death Panel creator. Is that what our national discourse has become? Name calling. Generalizations. Crap.

I'm not innocent. I've stood and screamed on this blog and on others. I've called people names. That doesn't mean I'm wrong, or right. What it means is I refuse to sit back and allow myself to be painted as something I am not.

Being Progressive does not mean being weak on national defense. It does not mean an apologetic foreign policy. It does not mean spending the country into the poor house. It does not make you a baby killer.

What it does mean is standing up for the weak, and the disadvantaged. What it does mean is believing government should lend a hand not sit on its ass and tell you to lift yourself up by the bootstraps. What it does mean is paying attention to the lessons of history that tell you FDR was right and cutting government spending in the face of economic disaster is absolutely wrong. It means that America is too good to torture. It means we are too good to rendition. It means we are too good to give up habeas corpus as a principle of our government. It means the bill of rights apply to all of us, white, black, latino or asian or anything else. It means straights shouldn't hate gays, just because they are gay, even though gay male sex is repugnant. (Yes that's a double standard. Two women together is a huge turn on, and I don't care.) It means that if a woman is pregnant the decision to terminate is hers. It's between her, her loved ones, her conscience and her GOD. I don't get a say. And the Government damn sure shouldn't either. As far as I am concerned, if people want a say, they can teach their kid about birth control or keep them from having sex, (yeah good luck with that one) then most likely they won't have to worry about it.

Lastly, people on the left bring up Quittah Palin because she is out there everyday giving speeches, calling people names, making accusations and doing what she does best. Getting paid for appealing to the lowest common denominator. Fear.
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Old 04-09-2010, 10:55 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by lacrew_2000 View Post
I saw it once and I ignored it..now it has been repeated. Iraq does not cost one billion a day.

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so. "...Ronald Reagan
First off I am not Liberal- I have voted for both Liberal and Conservative candidates- I vote across party lines- here are two sources that quote the cost of the Iraq war on a daily basis:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...092102074.html and here's another http://www.informationclearinghouse....ticle15499.htm and yet another source: http://costofwar.com/ now on average the 3 independent sites has the war costing 700 million dollars a day- not 700 million a month or a year but 700 million a freaking day!!! Now I wonder how many jobs could be created with 700 million a day? How many people can we insure with 700 million a day? How many people who are paycheck away from being on the streets can we help with 700 million dolars a day? How many scholarships and tuition can we fund based on 700million a day? How many streets and higways can we help rebuild with 700 million dollars a day?
now quote your sources on how much the war cost? If you calaculate the cost of what is cost to run logistics in Afganistan the war in iaq and Afghanistan costs roughly 1 billion dolars a day.
I am really embarrassed by the GOP- i actually have more conservative views and values than liberal- but the GOP is a freaking joke
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