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Old 03-14-2012, 12:19 PM   #16
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What Zarah said.

I gave her the info she requested, validated that it would be deleted once verification was complete, and had one of the best sessions I have had in the hobby.
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Old 03-14-2012, 01:32 PM   #17
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I don't think the info ever gets deleted. One provider advertised, "If I've seen you before, call me, you'll be in my phone. If not, see my screening process."

I think a lot of ladies are like that. They just don't let you know it.
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Old 03-14-2012, 02:15 PM   #18
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For those of use who have been verified and have good references. I don't see why we would put up with all the extra hoops and hurdles. We all went thru that when we were noobs. There is one provider on here that requires ID shown even on repeat customer and because of that I will not see her. Lots of other fine ladies who don't have such strict policy. To each their own.
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Old 03-14-2012, 02:22 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
I don't think the info ever gets deleted. One provider advertised, "If I've seen you before, call me, you'll be in my phone. If not, see my screening process."

I think a lot of ladies are like that. They just don't let you know it.
I knew one lady who sepcifically told me that every night before she went to bed, she deleted the call log and text message logs from her phone.

But, many ladies keep this information forever. In the DFW area, certain studios keep this info on file (Ann Marie's place) and Pure Pleasure Massage (Brenda) had my info from when I visited her several years before. (It sure is hard remembering what name you gave them back then.)
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Old 03-14-2012, 02:47 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by tigercat View Post
But, many ladies keep this information forever. In the DFW area, certain studios keep this info on file (Ann Marie's place) and Pure Pleasure Massage (Brenda) had my info from when I visited her several years before. (It sure is hard remembering what name you gave them back then.)
Yeah, and it could be a problem if the studio gets busted. They probably can't convict, but they can make your life miserable, especially if they come interviewing you in front of your family.
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Old 03-14-2012, 02:51 PM   #21
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I have no problem with her playing safe, but giving my work information to a provider doesn't make me feel safe. Everything else seems legit, 3 provider references seems like too much but what can I say I have 3 references but most typically ask for 2. If P411 with ECCIE, and two references (P411 and ECCIE members) isn't enough then I don't know what else to say.
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Old 03-14-2012, 06:55 PM   #22
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1) Not interested in a gal who advertises a 15 minute rate.

2) Have enough P411 OKs to get a date with some of the best ladies out there.
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Old 03-14-2012, 09:01 PM   #23
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The scary thing is most providers are reckless with our information. The aforementioned phone logs is one reason a guy should never give his real name nor real phone number to a provider. Use a hobby phone and a hobby handle. Heck, even on my burn phone, I have it registered under a false name and address. The thing is I bet a high percentage of the ladies are totally clueless as to how much information is retained on their phones, computers, etc. The thought of deleting that info probably never crossed their minds.
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Old 03-14-2012, 10:50 PM   #24
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Your just a dumbass if you give a complete stranger your personal information just to fuck her for 60 bones or whatever the amount. If Bestbuy asked for your personal information at checkout most people would tell them to go to hell and go but that tv or whatever somewhere else. But when it comes to pussy people just give it away without a second thought.
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Old 03-15-2012, 10:25 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by simpleton View Post
Your just a dumbass if you give a complete stranger your personal information just to fuck her for 60 bones or whatever the amount. If Bestbuy asked for your personal information at checkout most people would tell them to go to hell and go but that tv or whatever somewhere else. But when it comes to pussy people just give it away without a second thought.
I think you seriously underestimate how much of a paper trail most folks leave when they buy something. The fact they don't directly ask for your name, phone, address, etc., doesn't mean they can't get it via your CC if necessary. Want a repair plan for that TV? Any personal info attached to that?

The reality is everyone has a different comfort level. If a lady wants more than I'm comfortable with I'm not going to tell her she's wrong, I'll just go somewhere else. Ain't my job to tell her what makes her feel safe.
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Old 03-15-2012, 06:52 PM   #26
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I'd let Olivia88 go.. As good-looking as she is, it is important to me that a provider respect the privacy of her clients. I don't go asking them for their real names, places of employment, or work info.. That is too much information and you never know what can happen with your information. But I will give you credit for being disappointed Charles. I think that she is one of the best looking providers on the board and can see why letting that one go would be distressing. Can't have them all..
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Old 03-17-2012, 02:15 AM   #27
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When I was asked for this info I asked if she wanted the document with a strong password or encrypted. (Had no intent of giving the info but wanted to make a point) Also asked who's file shredder she used to delete the documents. Nice gal but she didn't understand the trail left on a computer or how to encrypt the hard drive and come up with a bullshit excuse if the computer got taken why she didn't know the password. For example, "sorry there was a dollar bill in the computer bag and I used the serial number off it for a password, where is the bill and I will show you the password". Oops they must have lost the damn thing! If you work in a small town at a small business this crap of someone calling doesn't pass the smell test with the gal that answers the phone. Needless to say I won't give the info for the reasons listed above. Had I known she needed this in the first place I would not have called. I agree with the poster about not getting busted for your info being on someone else's laptop or phone but your life could be made damn miserable and embarrassing. I also agree with the P411 verification, if it isn't accepted then what good is it? I now have a couple of local references and they tell me what girls they share references with and thats who I see. If they don't like a provider because she is difficult to get along with I won't attempt to see her. I am too old for the headaches.
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Old 03-17-2012, 05:20 AM   #28
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The fuck are yall jumping on his ass? I dont even know this dude but REALLY?? He points out the obvious.. If ya wanna hang.. DO it .if not stay under the porch.. This whole board is so wanting newbies then ya try to crush them when here.. I WONT say teach them to the men but LADIES try to .. too many other obsticles in our paths these days..(and the men need to watch their P's and Q's also) xxoo annie P.s All that verification shit is Bullshit anyway..personally..at least 7 times been called by L.E off them.. Its like taking your shoes off at the airport.. FALSE sense of security.. with a TON of info..
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Old 03-17-2012, 08:14 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by annie@christophers View Post
The fuck are yall jumping on his ass? I dont even know this dude but REALLY?? He points out the obvious.. If ya wanna hang.. DO it .if not stay under the porch.. This whole board is so wanting newbies then ya try to crush them when here.. I WONT say teach them to the men but LADIES try to .. too many other obsticles in our paths these days..(and the men need to watch their P's and Q's also) xxoo annie P.s All that verification shit is Bullshit anyway..personally..at least 7 times been called by L.E off them.. Its like taking your shoes off at the airport.. FALSE sense of security.. with a TON of info..
Annie, You kill me! I heart you!
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Old 03-18-2012, 01:11 AM   #30
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There are foolish people born and used every day in this realm as well as in the RW of both genders. It is no business of any girl selling herself in the P4P realm to know what my, or any other guy's, RW information is unless she is giving equal disclosure by providing her RW information that is verifiable by a state issued DL or other means. They can ask all they want and I have no doubt that guy’s give that information out but consider the one, two, or more, hookers who out the guys RW information and lie when they do it. I know I am not alone in seeing that, nor the stalking/cyber-stalking some girls do before/after they out guys.

If any guy is giving out his RW information, he better hope he is either single, unemployed or has created a beard as his RW identity. There are multiple reasons why guys have to be objective and protective of their information as we have a whole lot more to lose. There is no argument anyone can make that will change my opinion. Yes, that is an absolute which has served me, and others, very, very well.

If the girl wants RW information and insists on it, then the best thing for the guy to do is walk on by, say thank you to the girl for her time and move on to the next one. There are too many other great providers out there that understand how this game is played and that discretion is a two-way street, not a one-sided alley. Trust is not an option with RW information in the P4P world and the guy better be very, very careful with what gets revealed because complacency is a killer of InfoSec.
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