Originally Posted by Elysa Scott
69er you have to understand that I am very low volume, selective and exclusive enough to be able to recognize when I am being talked about even in a partial recount. When you posted this I immediately knew who you were. I openly owned the situation because it hurt my feelings that you would want to make a public example of me when I really felt badly and did my best to help you with immediate options.
Elysa, this is where you have got it wrong. I figured you would know if you read the thread who had posted it. It was a situation with enough detail that I knew you would know who posted it, and who the provider in question was. But I did not put your name out in CoEd, as I figured it would derail my purpose for this thread. You have derailed my purpose for this thread. I wanted the ladies to think about when they cancel, the effect it has on the gents, and to let us know as soon as they know. I am not saying you aren't aware. But I will tell you that I have had a string of cancellations lately, and it has gotten old. You chose to make your name public in this thread, not I.
What I admitted was that I got home 1 hour and 45 min before we were to meet originally that means I was in the door only 15 minutes before I spoke to you. I am not sure where you are getting this 30 mins from. I promise you I would have been on the phone or email with you MUCH earlier if I had been able.
I'm not going to argue with you about 15 minutes vs 30 minutes... that is just silly. So, I'll focus instead on why you couldn't tell me when you knew.
I agree that you weren't able to tell me as soon as you knew. But that was because of the way you have chosen to run your business, not because of choices I made. If you were more organized, used a smartphone, or a variety of possible ways, you would have been able to contact me. That you didn't contact me as soon as you knew, you should own, but you choose to dodge that and simply say you couldn't. I agree the way you choose to do things, you aren't able to, but those are your choices. If the choices you make about how you run your business impact me, I think it is within my rights to be unhappy about it, and let others know.
Regardless of what might have been said in some private area you went on in public to insinuate that I was offering a friend that was not good enough for your choosing. It wasn't until one of the friends I had contacted and requested to make time as a personal favor to me was named publicly that you back peddled on that.
As far as me insinuating that you were offering a friend not good enough for choosing... I think you need to read what I read. The time you attempted to set me up with Wynter would have worked, had she been available at our appointment time. But per my phone conversation with you, she was not. Her availability was the next day. That did not work for me.
I did post in a thread that I would have rather you used time to notify me rather than try and find me alternatives. Somehow I believe that in your mind you have twisted that statement into a statement about Wyner?

It was not about Wynter. Wynter gets it, I don't understand why you don't.
Wynter is great, and has quite a following, but is pretty known for more of a PSE rather than GFE session. What if that isn't what the guy wants? It sounds like you don't get that the gents here try to do their homework and choose carefully. All I was trying to say is that I would rather have you call me 1 minute sooner, rather than spend anytime trying to set me up with who you "think" I may like.
You would think it stops there, but no you begin to insinuate that I have some unsearchable NCNS status seemingly in attempt to hurt my reputation. Truth is I am one of the most outspoken female advocates for making the NCNS link to profiles. You even commend me for my outspoken stance on this thread http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=360287 which makes me feel more and more as if you have a personal vendetta because I was not able to appease you in a manner you were happy with.
You seem to just read all kinds of things into this. All I can say is read for the content, as your just seem to misunderstand a great deal. I was saying that I posted in the Mens Lounge to determine if you had any real history of NCNS or cancellations. Because of the way ECCIE has chosen to do things, and the way search works here, that searching to determine if you did have a history is nearly impossible. I think that content is pretty clear. Why you seem unable to get the meaning, I can't say.
When you set up the appointment through p411 you presented yourself as a very respectful and kind gentleman with whom I would have been happy to meet. Yet had you been honest about your handle instead of the false one you list then this appointment would never have been made in the first place based on how you have behaved towards others in previous situations. But none the less I was unaware and the appt was set and now we are here reading the examples of exactly how understanding you are and how inept you feel I am.
Now you are accusing me of something! You accuse me of a false handle on my p411. I do not post a false handle on p411. You are either mistaken, or making a blatent lie! Please, post what handle I have shown on my P411... or admit to the mistake.
I am glad that all the sudden one of the ladies I contacted is good enough for you. It saddens me that you have not even recognized how your behavior might make me feel given you seemingly represented the situation as if I am that thoughtless and inconsiderate. You have contacted Wynter to try to salvage what you could with her, but you have not even acknowledged the initial effort on my part for that to be an available option. I won't lie you have done an excellent job of making me feel really shat upon.
Please go back and read what I said. I never said during our phone conversation or any posting that Wynter wasn't "good enough". I am tired of fighting your comprehension skills.
As I said, I would prefer a lady not try to set up a backup for me. I have been around a while and seen a lot of BS happen during such situations. I had a lady set me up with a friend when she had to cancel, and came to find out that the original lady made the backup give her a cut, so I got a less than great session. Yeah, this is another case where you see things through only your eyes, and not mine. I'll say it again, I would rather a lady not try to set up a session for me, if things fall through.
I'll say this one last time. The whole reason for this thread, was never to bring up your name. The fact that this is public, is because you chose to make it public. The reason was to let other ladies know that gents would like to know right away when a lady starts her period.
I am done with fighting you. You just are not following the logic or reasoning, and seem unable to get past your emotion, and read all kinds of things into what is written. I don't see you wanting to see me. I can't change that.