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Old 03-10-2012, 11:35 PM   #16
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The question I have is how was this item supposedly taken? What are the circumstances surrounding this accused theft?
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Old 03-11-2012, 12:42 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by TheWanderer View Post
The question I have is how was this item supposedly taken? What are the circumstances surrounding this accused theft?
Read the first post in this thread and follow the links. Duh.
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Old 03-11-2012, 01:51 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by AlexandriaSquirtz View Post
You really are crazy man. I don't have time for your games so this will be the last time that I post on this thread. I DID NOT STEAL ANYTHING FROM YOU & I have no warrants & I really could care less what you think! I really doubt providers have contacted you about me since I don't associate with anyone in the business. Have fun wasting your time
Hey, Alexandria,

Good for you. Hope all is well hun, look forward to visiting you again real soon.

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Old 03-11-2012, 04:40 AM   #19
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To the OP, when you posted your initial alert about a year ago, I completely understood your point of view. Now, you're just coming off as kind of weird IMO. This chick is not Bin Laden, how hard is it for you or anyone to find her if you want to press charges and lock her up for allegedly stealing from you??

Either move on with your threats and have her arrested for theft, or just leave it alone and go about your business. It's been a year, what's the point of threats? She has not been arrested for this. And my guess is that she knows your threats are empty for a reason - why? Because she has not been arrested.

And if she did steal from you, have her ass arrested. I hope you do so. But I just don't see the point in bashing her for an alleged crime that you refuse to follow through to have her charged with. It's simple - have her ass arrested or stop talking about it a year later.

Perhaps I am just old school, but if you threaten someone, go through with the threat if you are not satisfied with the outcome; otherwise, you are just a backyard dog that barks too much and is not going to do shit because of the fence that confines it.
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Old 03-11-2012, 05:42 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by pilot4u View Post
If my memory is still there you were out some Bob Seger and 18K other music tunes. REALLY?
I remember the original alert as well, but he should not have lost ANY music, just the ipod itself. The music is on your laptop, desktop, or cloud these days.. and when you plug the ipod in, it syncs that music up and downloads it to the ipod. So unless she stole his laptop, desktop, etc where the original music was (and that wasn't the case according to any of his posts), he didn't lose any of that music.

but yeah, it's time for the OP to let it go... definitely coming off as strange by going this crazy for this long a period of time over an ipod.
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Old 03-11-2012, 06:54 AM   #21
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Uptown....thanks for the info! Don't bother with the ones that would want to keep this under the radar. Tells me allot about them.
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Old 03-11-2012, 07:25 AM   #22
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Uptown you are the MAN!!!!!!!!!!! Don't listen to anyone who says "just let it go"...Why the fuck should you?!?! Obviously it's not about money anymore... It's about principle. I believe him and it's obvious, by her current posts, and posts on the original thread, that she did it.... Karma is a bitch and she will get what's coming to her!!
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Old 03-11-2012, 07:33 AM   #23
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Uptown ---- felony theft of an iPod? Surveillance photos of her at your building a year ago? Ever read Les Miserables? Let's see the photos. Are you seriously telling us that the lady has gone into hiding over the alleged theft of your now obsolete iPod more than a year ago? Get a life.
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Old 03-11-2012, 08:08 AM   #24
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I agree...it is the principle of the matter. I don't steal and I don't approve of those who do. I know when I have been stolen from I did everything in my power to make sure that the thief paid. I recently had an expensive gold necklace stolen from my bathroom. I knew who did it and I made his life so miserable that he called me and met me to give me back my necklace. I'd say for my peace of mind after having trusted someone enough to allow them in my home and to have them steal from me...it was worth it. It doesn't matter if it was an ipod or a gold necklace, a thief is a thief and you were wronged. The community does deserve to be made aware so that she doesn't get the opportunity to rob another one of our gentlemen members.
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Old 03-11-2012, 08:13 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
Read the first post in this thread and follow the links. Duh.
Lust4xxxLife, I love your avatar! For some reason that movie Clockwork Orange has always turned me on. Now everyone knows how weird I am. Lol.
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Old 03-11-2012, 10:48 AM   #26
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Pilot4u: I have ZERO reviews because I choose not to. I contribute to the board in other ways. I don't need street cred. Believe it or not, not everyone here writes reviews.

Lucas: It would violate the rules to publicly ask for help in outing her real name on the board or sending it to me for the purpose of tracking her down. Not a bad suggestion, but it's greatly frowned upon. As I mentioned in an earlier post, people have PM'd me with some additional details about her.

Bolivar: I didn't say felony theft, I said burglary. They are two different things. For example, if you burglarize a persons home no matter how you obtained access and take an item or items, regardless of the value, its a felony. And she hasn't gone into hiding, she gained 30 pounds and changed her alias on here.

That was the POINT OF THE ALERT: that she's back, that she's using a different handle. And that she steals.

One other important note here is this: around the time I originally posted the first alert she called and texted me numerous times, over and over yelling, screaming, having other girls and guys call and text to describe cool ways to beat me silly. Asking me if I was still living in the same building (she remembered) and stating "they was on they way ova" and "we goin hit a lick on yo ass, fool".

I explain this for two reasons: 1. because I've always admired creative and colorful diction when expressing oneself and 2. she told me then and has told me now to go fuck myself. Not a simple, "I didn't take anything and I'm sorry if things were missing." No, this little sweet thief (publicly) goes to great lengths and detailed reasons about how she didn't do it and then (privately) threatens me with what one can only decipher as a step above a series of clicks and grunts to stop posting and to fuck off or else.

Thanks for the support from the rest of you.

My parting thought is this: Eccie does have pretty high expectations and standards when it come to this kind of shady stuff and moves quickly to inform. It gives the community separation from the rest of the internet sites and telegraphs a clear message to the providers who come here from Backpage, etc. that their career on this board will be short lived if they dont conduct themselves in a reputable manner. Likewise for hobbyists. If not, seek life elsewhere. I thought that was the community mantra that Eccie was building.
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Old 03-11-2012, 12:33 PM   #27
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UPTOWNDALLAS, thanks for the alert on the name change. I have updated the master offense list in the secret vault in the men's lounge.

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Old 03-11-2012, 05:33 PM   #28
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So would you call it even if she returned to ipod in less than perfect condition? Afterall, her names always include some variation of squirt and I dont think Ipods are waterproof.
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