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Old 04-07-2010, 01:55 PM   #31
TX Bulldog
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Originally Posted by Big Jake View Post
Why was your brother scouring the internet looking for Classysex pics? You think he wants to fuck you? That is hot.
That is funny Jake.

But I think it went down something like this:

Originally Posted by VN Brother
: I’m feeling kind of horny. Lets see whats on the internet. Hmmm….where to look, BP….no……eros….no….craigslist ….no…….I know, I’ll check out photobucket, I’ve heard there’s hot women on there. . Now…..what to look for…..I want sex……not just any sex….it can’t be cheap and raunchy sex…..hmmmm….I know it has to be classy sex. Lets see what I come up with…..hmmmmm…..WHOA!!!!….Sis! !!!….WTF!!
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Old 04-07-2010, 02:11 PM   #32
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Let me review your initial defense regarding this matter YMWV and have others review it before I share my thoughts...

****************************** *************

I’m going to try and be nice, stick to the facts.

ClassyVenusSexNova joined ymwv in 5/1/07 not as a parody but as a provider looking for clients, she selected the face shot in question as her avatar. YMWV is a private board and as such ladies post photos they might not in public. That image for the avatar was hosted on photobucket, at her request. It is not uncommon for providers on the Y to post face pics as avatars.
****************************** ******************

No I never joined your site looking for "clients" I checked it out and logged out in fact asked you to cancel my account after reviewing it..I think your site is a low class place where people with too much time on their hands visit in hopes of finding twisted humor in poking fun at discussions that are discussed on reputable boards and I found it to be a waste of my time as a provider interesed in finding likeminded indivuduals to play hard with.
My image was never hosted on photobucket with my consent you are a liar...
****************************** ************************
In June of 2007 ClassySex was outed by her provider “friend” Channelrose to her family. That really did suck and we tried to help CS by highlighting exactly what channelrose did. This included chanelrose filing an order to “NOTICE TO CEASE AND DESIST ORDER”
****************************** ********************

You are the sh*t Big Jake is spitting up from brown-nosing for even bringing up this information that is irrelevant.
****************************** **********************


Which is pretty damn funny, it took a while to answer this insanity posted today because we don’t really use photobucket anymore and at first I thought CS was ranting about something on the YMWV blog
****************************** *******************

Bull SHIT..
I have the proof...You had several tasteless pictures of many providers including some of fellow provider Caroline's face on Animal body parts...several provider face pics as well as many of mine and you even stooped as low as to create a classysex account on your photobucket blog with a video of me...you are despicable!

I have emails to prove from photobucket...you are a liar and here is the proof..

One of my emails to them:

******** wrote:
Report Type: Comment abuseUser Comments:
I do not know why this indivudual is posting private pictures of me under the name
classysex or drunken skank! Please remove immediatley and do not allow this waste
to post photos of me again!

Page Url:
http://s165.photobucket.com/albums/u77/YMWV/?action=view&current=DrunkenSk a[..]

Media Url: http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u77/YMWV/DrunkenSkank.

Page Url:
Media Url:

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Photobucket Support <support@photobucket.com> wrote:
Dear,We will be happy to remove the images, however we need to be sure this is a legitimate request.
Please supply the specific links that you are referring to and attach a digital image of yourself as proof of identity.
If your photo matches that of the individual(s) portrayed in the account you reference, we will remove them.
Your Photobucket Support Team
Online Help Center: http://photobucket.com/tips.php
FAQ's: http://photobucket.com/faq
Support Email: support@photobucket.com

This is abuse in the sickest sense!

I demand that my photos be removed from this account holders profile and he should be banned or penalized for this.

If my photographs are not removed immedietly, I will be contacting my attorney in the morning.

Photobucket can suffer further losses in court.

These pictures are of my face and I am just disgusted that there are people in this world that have no scruples!

Here is one photo of me to prove that these are infact photos of me and I will provide you with more in COURT!

- Show quoted text -

Reply |Photobucket Support to me
show details 3:00 PM (18 hours ago)
Dear ********,
The images have been removed.
You may need to clear your browser's cache or temporary internet files and then refresh the page where you had viewed the images to avoid seeing an older cached version of the images from before they were removed by us.
If you truly feel threatened you should report the user to your local police department.

Your Photobucket Support Team

****************************** ****************************
I would not be bitching about this if I was a skank or streetwalking whore on crack that does not have any self respect or dignity. I know I may play naughty but that is ON MY TERMS BCD AND IN A DISCREET MANNER.
Wayward you crossed the line here.

****************************** *******************

But there is nothing about her on the blog and no images of her anywhere on it either, so I thought she is just drunk again. Then one of the staff found the pics she is talking about and a little research brought us to what happened. When she stopped being CS we never deleted the classysex folder on photobucket, maybe we should have but she went to California and changed her name. Did we make fun of her on the Y? yes we did and this level of stupidity will lead to more of that. It’s a private board and we make fun of pretty much everyone, including the folks that run it. Did she ever ask us to delete an image or images? No she didn’t and we would have. CS/VN did send us a very nice note for roasting Chanelrose to a crisp. Did she send me or any of the Y staff a request to delete the image today no she didn’t. Again we would have. I’m really sorry if her family thinks she is doing something she shouldn’t be, the only way anyone could have found that pic was to either be a ymwv member or to have done an image search on her former provider name. I just did one and there are several results that are hosted on other photobucket accounts. The N***** R***** L****** to F**** video struck me as slightly more of an issue.

****************************** ***********************

I ONLY DRINK SOCIALLY AND I DO NOT GET DRUNK. You have absolutely no remorse in your actions as you continue to bash ...typical weasel behavior. When I went to California I did not change my name infact if you look up classysex in Orange County on TER you will see that I am still active...


I am not hiding that I am CLASSYSEX ask Dearhunter, lol...and I am looking better than ever and more experienced in the "ART" so bite me.

Venusnova sounded like fun and I wanted to spice it up after being away.


AND AS FAR AS ME SENDING YOU A THANK YOU NOTE...NEVER THANKED YOU FOR the Chanel Rose drama but again your tasteless demeanor has not failed to dig up old drama that has nothing to do with this discussion.

****************************** ******************

In the interest of full disclosure I have seen VENUSNOVA once and in my opinion at the time I saw her it would have taken a family member to recognize the provider that showed up plastered for the appointment, she bore so little relation to the photos that I had been sent. What I find most disturbing is her response, she wants to post a picture of me and is willing to pay to do it. She might want to re-think that on many different levels.

****************************** **********************

Oh you are just really trying to add insult to injury now...

I recall our meeting quite well and if you want to play dirty I will get nasty.

We met and you mentioned were insecure about you weight being that you are an obese Man.
I did not have a problem with your weight! As a nympho and sexually enthusiastic woman that seeks naughty thrills with clean and respectful gentlemen your weight was not an issue at all.

You were a gentleman and so free with discussing kinky topics I loved that!

So after the we agreed to meet at my hotel bar ( your offer) for a drink we had 2 cocktails (2)... I was not drunk!

After the 2 drinks you followed me up to my room.

You were wearimg a black shirt and black pants and smelled nice I was looking forward to bcd adventure I was in a dress and heels ..you seemed very nice and where very respectful.
You folllowed me and you where carrying a large tote with "toys" the toys in your bag where not my idea of fun they where whips and home made paddles. I declined getting whipped and you then asked if you could gently use the mild Cat O 9 tails.
I told you that only if it was very lightly and we talked dirty and quite frankly I tried my hardest to please...it was a task because you where more into whipping and spanking.

Needless to say being the provider I AM...

You left satisfied and I felt a little sad about not allowing you to whip me the way you where hoping to but I am sorry you can find another punshing bag I am here for the kinky XXXmarathon f*cking!

If you where not pleased why in the hell did you insist on making it a multi- hour meeting after we where upstairs?

I understand you are upset because I am pointing out that what you did was innapropriate by posting my face pictures on photobucket without my consent especially the face pix with drunk skank posted underthem..BUT DONT YOU DARE POST THIS NONSENSE ABOUT YOUR "BAD ENCOUNTER" OR TELL ME OTHERWISE NOW!

ITS BULLSHIT..and while we are on the topic your little buddy Big JAKE saw me TWICE and for multiple hours..too...AFTER you told him I was a good one to see!

I have no qualms with Big Jake infact I rode him like a wild cowgirl..reverse too it was fun! I like enthusiastic playpartners regardless of weight. Sure I prefer fit men but I will not refuse LARGE GUYS if they are clean and DISCREET GENTLEMEN..

Sorry bigjake I hope there are no hard feelings with me sharing this info ... I do understand the bro's before hos so many of you gentlemen follow...and I am trying to defend myself in the most diligent manner.

My photos are always current and I will not allow you to say otherwise. I have several repeats with gentlemen that find me to be satisfactory..to say the least.

You are the type of hobbyist that has absolutely no class or appreciation to this industry and I for one will not tolerate this from you OR ANYONE else for that matter!

It should go without saying that if you are going to post a picture that is not one of yourself please ask first.
Especially if you are planning to post it on a website that has nothing related to the hobby and without my the person on the picture's consent, it is not right!

You posted my face pictures without my consent on Photobucket including some that I have never even posted on any adult sexually oriented site...photos shared privately with "hobby friends" .

I found a picture of me on your blog from a family party I attended at Vargos...I have had MANY parties at Vargos some with family and friends and some with old aspd friends.. the picture of me you had posted from vargos was a family event... and under it drunk skank...

that with several other lewd pictures of other providers in animal bodies and just mean photos on your photobucket account ?

No this needed to be addressed and I for one hope that anyone that ever joins your little parody site keeps in mind that you are not a man of integrity and to be careful when having any association with you.

I would never do that...to anyone regardless of how much I despise them..

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Old 04-07-2010, 02:17 PM   #33
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Uh, why did you include links to these face pics, if you're so upset about them being out there? I completely understand how upset this would make you, except that you don't seem to have any problem putting them out there. I've seen you post pictures of yourself here and on other "reputable" boards doing all kinds of adult things with nothing more than a thin strip over your eyes. If you're indignant because someone is using pictures of you without your permission, that's one thing, but that doesn't seem to be what's bothering you.

Photobucket is an image hosting site, not a community. As far as I know, people don't log on there to just scan random images. They upload their images for use in hyperlinks. There is no reason whatsoever for anyone's family or friends to randomly scan their database of millions of images, unless they are provided with a reason. For example: if someone got onto a public board and created a shitstorm over one or two pictures, even hyperlinking them and including aliases and other regions of the country to search... Well, then people might start checking.

Am I the only one picking up a personal agenda here that has nothing to do with the pictures?
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Old 04-07-2010, 02:26 PM   #34
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Why was your brother scouring the internet looking for Classysex pics? You think he wants to fuck you? That is hot.

No thats not hott thats disgusting, I love mu brother the way a Sister and brother love no incest here..thats only in fantasy roleplay with no relation fuckfriends~!

He saw a picture of me from the "family" party in the same eveniing dress and jewelry that I wore that night...a party he attended. It was my birthday!

ya...and then he asked who is this ywmv member that has your b-day pic under drunk skank?

I was shocked and reviewed it asap!
Then I saw the others and the old video...NICE.

I told my brother it was an old boyfriend with vengance and was able to laugh it off he was very cool and I for one appreciate him for having the guts to bring this to my attention.

I hope that those of you reading understand and appreciate that it is very important that we respect each others privacy and keep our dirty kinky fun private and only post others pics with their consent in places where they are acceptable...
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Old 04-07-2010, 02:29 PM   #35
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Uh, why did you include links to these face pics, if you're so upset about them being out there?

They have already been removed and I was trying to get my fucken point across that yes he did have an account active there and with several of my pictures on his YMWV blog.

Oh great no they have not.


Well they are old pics fuck it I will contact them again to remove those

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Old 04-07-2010, 02:39 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA View Post
No I never joined your site looking for "clients" I checked it out and logged out in fact asked you to cancel my account after reviewing it..

Classysex washed ashore on the Island of the Misfit Toys (a/k/a the Y) in early May 2007, having been invited by our favorite Attention Whore. She first posted in her welcome thread on May 12, and was a frequent poster - and thread starter - for the ensuing two and a half months. She floated away on July 30, stating that "Anyone (sic) board that is going to allow a pathetic piece of shit asskissing faggot to post threatening comments to me with such hatred is not a board I want to belong to."

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Old 04-07-2010, 02:49 PM   #37
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I just got a note from photobucket..

I will fucken post it if need be.

It turns out they did remove my pictures and Wayward put them back up...

So is this the way you want to play?

Do you feel like more of a man now?

Take my pictures off now!
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Old 04-07-2010, 02:51 PM   #38
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And keep them off.

Photobucket is working with me now to remove the pictures they removed yesterday that you put back up.

You are despicable
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Old 04-07-2010, 02:53 PM   #39
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If my pictures are not removed and removed completley I will take measures into my own hands.

This WILL get very ugly...if you do not respect my privacy and my wishes.
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Old 04-07-2010, 02:53 PM   #40
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Step away from the keyboard slowly. You are making no sense. How would someone get face pics of you if you hadn't posted them on the internet or sent them to someone?
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Old 04-07-2010, 03:05 PM   #41
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What cb states is correct.

classysex wrote the same kind of threADs over there that she writes everywhere else..............you can imagine how sideways they went.........they became classics.

I just wish I could have seen the photos of her head on a goats body before they came down..........that is fucked up funny........No wonder Big Jake had the hots for her.

I did notice that there were 18 visits to a photo page that had been up for almost 3 years..............I'm just saying.
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Old 04-07-2010, 03:30 PM   #42
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I logged on to his junkyard site and logged off after I saw the trash involved.

Why on earth would I want to be a part of his timewasting little money less pit?

Im not going to be sharing any pictures here of myself I just removed my showcase I do not want wayward posting pictures I shared here on photobucket.

Wayward is a threat...to my personal safery and has no respect for my privacy.

Photobucket is a family type of website...

Hobby sites like this are supposef to be respected and treated as a priviledge....

Not abused.

I am working with Photobucket to have you banned permanently.

YMWV and thank you very much for showing the ECCIE community how you have absolutley no respect for discretion and zero respect a providers personal privacy.

The pictures you have of me are old, so if you think I am going to lose any sleep over this you are wrong.

My appearance is nothing like those pics now..if my family should see them I will just tell them that it is an old obsessed stalker...thats what you are.

A pathetic obsessed stalker.

I will be contacting admin on Eccie regarding this matter and if you are not given any points or warnings by abusing me in this manner I will be closimg my account as well and blacklisting you.

this place is not a place where I think I feel I want to be associated with if members like you have absolutely NO respect in privacy.

You have basically outed me on photobucket, and from the way you are behaving do not even give a damn.

Ladies these are the sorry fucken trashy scum that make me want to raise my rate...or retire completely.

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Old 04-07-2010, 03:31 PM   #43
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gee thanks Dear hunter ...you are the Man.

24 hours im out of here.
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Old 04-07-2010, 03:35 PM   #44
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I still don't understand how & why would anybody log onto photobucket site, a site that is not a pornographic site in nature and search for pictures that have "classysex" in the name? It just doesn't make sense at all.

The whole story about a brother doing it & finding his sister photo (and recognizing a dress she wore when only a headshot was given) is just a pure, unfiltered BS given to underline the seriousness of the alleged offense.
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Old 04-07-2010, 03:38 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA View Post


I logged on to his junkyard site and logged off after I saw the trash involved.

Why on earth would I want to be a part of his timewasting little money less pit?
I would be more than happy to post here some of the classyc threAds you started on the Y - for instance, the one about the fake Prada bag - so everyone can judge for themselves whether you were active there.
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