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Old 04-06-2010, 07:26 PM   #1
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I am furious, today I was contacted by a family member that my face pictures where posted on some YMWV's photobucket account...and that they had created a "classysex account with my pictures?"

My brother...was concerned and wanted to make sure I was "OKAY"

I very embarrased yet swift and was able to get out of the situation, I blamed it on revenge of an old lover and laughed it off hoping he would not give it another thought. I then I contacted photobucket they were diligent in helping me remove the pictures after several emails back and forth.

This is abuse, this is not nice.

Photobucket is not ECCIE OR TER OR P411..

Thats a fucken family website..

Kids get on there.

You are tasteless and have proven yourself to have absolutely NO respect for the "Hobby" .

What makes you think it was okay to post my face pictures there when I do not even share them here?

What did I ever do to you to you to have you post my face pictures on your photobucket blog as well as create a classysex account?

Not join your pathetic little home grown website?

You really do have too much time on your hands.

I am appalled by your lack of respect in discretion and am posting this to alert others of your behavior.

Your lack of discretion and respect to the industry and towards me as a provider is ghastly and I find no humor in this.

I am ashamed that I once said you were "safe" just having fun with kicks here.

It did not bother me so much that you created a handle of me in your little world and even posted garbage about me on your site or on even on here!

However you crossed the line posting several of my face pictures on a family website.

You are tasteless.

This is why so many providers retire...

This is why so many lurkers LURK

This is why so many women never provide...


You have no integrity and you make me want to vomit YMWV.

I wish there was a way I could find a picture of your fat ass and create a blog just for you just to see how you like the way that feels around your colleagues or family.



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Old 04-06-2010, 07:47 PM   #2
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I am missing something here. How is a face picture is hurting you. As you said , it could just be an old lover with a picture of your face. It is not a compromising position .
I am not sure what the blog says or anything , so may be that is the part that enraged you.
As for personalities on Y, it is just a parody site with dead characters on there posting as well as parody characters. It may not be appealing to you but that is what YMWV has been about for years. I am not judging the right or wrong but it is part of free speech and internet . It is not however a wide reaching site. It has very few members and nobody can just browse on it as a guest . So the possibility of what you call damage is very limited.
Sorry. Trying to help here.
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:02 PM   #3
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Sorry that happened to you. I hope everything works out in your favor.
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:27 PM   #4
Artie Lange
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Originally Posted by Classysex,May 21 2007, 12:19 pm
I saw him lastnight..We met at the Rio Ranch again...had a couple of cocktails and I was delighted to see his cock. I gave him a deep throat treat he will never forget! He fucked me Good too..I am in need of his cock right now! But he is at work...
I guess I will just amuse myself with my dildos until my next fuck.
If you shaved my hair Bj you would not have anything to pull and Yes Your cock is HUGE I enjoyed riding it.:blush:
Anyone wanna have phone sex while I play with my toys??
call me right now Im feeling really hott.
You never had an account over there? So this wan't you? This was him? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:29 PM   #5
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Don't worry I will delete all the pics off the photobucket and ban the person putting them on there.
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:51 PM   #6
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am missing something here. How is a face picture is hurting you. As you said , it could just be an old lover with a picture of your face. It is not a compromising position .
I am not sure what the blog says or anything , so may be that is the part that enraged you.
As for personalities on Y, it is just a parody site with dead characters on there posting as well as parody characters. It may not be appealing to you but that is what YMWV has been about for years. I am not judging the right or wrong but it is part of free speech and internet . It is not however a wide reaching site. It has very few members and nobody can just browse on it as a guest . So the possibility of what you call damage is very limited.
Sorry. Trying to help here.

Yes I agree I should not care so much about my face pic on a parady website with a parody handle..I really do not give a flying fuck about him spending his time creating drama for my character there infact I do not I pity him.

Here is why I am irritated.

He posted my face picture on Photobucket...AND created a classysex account for me there with face pictures of me on his blog.
They were face pictures...some where even posted under drunk skank?

gee thanks....

photobucket is a family website where my family and neighbirs as well as collegues that do not "hobby" share photos.

Most of my family has photobucket..l.

It was not cool.

I am very fucken discreet about where I choose to .

"Oh its okay Cercy your just a wh*re deal with it"...no I do not think so.

There is a fine line here that needs to be addressed.

THIS WAS A SLAP IN MY FACE...in the most disrespectful manner and I am not one to take things like this lightly.

So what?

No I do not fucken think so.

How would you like it if some 'provider" posted a picture of you under a blog on photobucket with the word SEX?

What if your Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, wife, neighbor or collegue children saw it?


This is a very serious matter and you mongers that do not respect our privacy need to understand that this is not fucken OKAY.


Im not okay with this...this is a slap in my face and clearly shows that he has no respect for me as a provider or hobby discretion.

Guys like wayward that show no class or respect or appreciation for discretion make me want to vomit................... then retire..

If it were not for the refined hobbyists with class that keep me interested I would have retired long ago.

This is not just a bitch and moan thread this is a RESPECT MY FUCKEN PRIVACY THREAD.
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Old 04-06-2010, 10:06 PM   #7
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I agree with you and sorry this happened. If this happened to some dude he would have shit his pants then cried to anyone who would listen to him. All day everyday dudes preach about privacy and some don't see the problem this is. If this was a provider that posted something like this dudes would be raising hell.Sorry again this happened.
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Old 04-06-2010, 11:01 PM   #8
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Post Bullshit!

I’m going to try and be nice, stick to the facts.

ClassyVenusSexNova joined ymwv in 5/1/07 not as a parody but as a provider looking for clients, she selected the face shot in question as her avatar. YMWV is a private board and as such ladies post photos they might not in public. That image for the avatar was hosted on photobucket, at her request. It is not uncommon for providers on the Y to post face pics as avatars.

In June of 2007 ClassySex was outed by her provider “friend” Channelrose to her family. That really did suck and we tried to help CS by highlighting exactly what channelrose did. This included chanelrose filing an order to “NOTICE TO CEASE AND DESIST ORDER”


Which is pretty damn funny, it took a while to answer this insanity posted today because we don’t really use photobucket anymore and at first I thought CS was ranting about something on the YMWV blog


But there is nothing about her on the blog and no images of her anywhere on it either, so I thought she is just drunk again. Then one of the staff found the pics she is talking about and a little research brought us to what happened. When she stopped being CS we never deleted the classysex folder on photobucket, maybe we should have but she went to California and changed her name. Did we make fun of her on the Y? yes we did and this level of stupidity will lead to more of that. It’s a private board and we make fun of pretty much everyone, including the folks that run it. Did she ever ask us to delete an image or images? No she didn’t and we would have. CS/VN did send us a very nice note for roasting Chanelrose to a crisp. Did she send me or any of the Y staff a request to delete the image today no she didn’t. Again we would have. I’m really sorry if her family thinks she is doing something she shouldn’t be, the only way anyone could have found that pic was to either be a ymwv member or to have done an image search on her former provider name. I just did one and there are several results that are hosted on other photobucket accounts. The N***** R***** L****** to F**** video struck me as slightly more of an issue.

In the interest of full disclosure I have seen VENUSNOVA once and in my opinion at the time I saw her it would have taken a family member to recognize the provider that showed up plastered for the appointment, she bore so little relation to the photos that I had been sent. What I find most disturbing is her response, she wants to post a picture of me and is willing to pay to do it. She might want to re-think that on many different levels.
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Old 04-06-2010, 11:35 PM   #9
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What does linking that order have to do with anything? Not very mature of you to post personal information. So are you going to pull out other little "gems" that you have saved for years and post them regarding a hobbiest? Or, do you just have a thing for posting a providers personal info?

Curious minds want to know?
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Old 04-06-2010, 11:36 PM   #10
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Just when I was about to get judgmental, this thread has reminded me that there are two sides to every story. The dead mod thing is in very poor taste though. After someone dies, its about time to let go of whatever was going on. Just sayin'. I guess I got a little judgmental afterall. Oh well!!!
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Old 04-07-2010, 12:01 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by CassidyBlue View Post
What does linking that order have to do with anything? Not very mature of you to post personal information. So are you going to pull out other little "gems" that you have saved for years and post them regarding a hobbiest? Or, do you just have a thing for posting a providers personal info?

Curious minds want to know?
The provider that sent that document to CS is the one that outed her to her family, there is no personal info on it. She also thanked me for posting it at the time. Everything that is personal has been redacted. It is the reason that some family member may have been doing a search for C*****S**. There are quite a few folks that understand exactly what one thing has to do with the other. We have handled provider and hobbyist about the same when it comes to outing. In general the number of males we lampoon would be about 10 to 1 the number of females.
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Old 04-07-2010, 12:09 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
Just when I was about to get judgmental, this thread has reminded me that there are two sides to every story. The dead mod thing is in very poor taste though. After someone dies, its about time to let go of whatever was going on. Just sayin'. I guess I got a little judgmental afterall. Oh well!!!
If you are ever too offended, by all means stop logging in. I agree much of the Y is in very poor taste. But no one is forced to view or post on it, those that do have a wicked sense of humor. You do realize that only the SHMB personas of the departed actually post and not actual dead people?
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Old 04-07-2010, 12:25 AM   #13
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Hang in there, babe. You have identified multiple points that should (and must) be evaluated. Here if you need us. (My balls are constantly shaved in case you were wondering).
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Old 04-07-2010, 12:25 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Wayward View Post
If you are ever too offended, by all means stop logging in. I agree much of the Y is in very poor taste. But no one is forced to view or post on it, those that do have a wicked sense of humor. You do realize that only the SHMB personas of the departed actually post and not actual dead people?
Yes, I realize that but the handle represents something, does it not? Now what if management here adopted your stance on offensive material on a SHMB.
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Old 04-07-2010, 12:42 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA View Post
am missing something here. How is a face picture is hurting you. As you said , it could just be an old lover with a picture of your face. It is not a compromising position .
I am not sure what the blog says or anything , so may be that is the part that enraged you.
As for personalities on Y, it is just a parody site with dead characters on there posting as well as parody characters. It may not be appealing to you but that is what YMWV has been about for years. I am not judging the right or wrong but it is part of free speech and internet . It is not however a wide reaching site. It has very few members and nobody can just browse on it as a guest . So the possibility of what you call damage is very limited.
Sorry. Trying to help here.

Yes I agree I should not care so much about my face pic on a parady website with a parody handle..I really do not give a flying fuck about him spending his time creating drama for my character there infact I do not I pity him.

Here is why I am irritated.

He posted my face picture on Photobucket...AND created a classysex account for me there with face pictures of me on his blog.
They were face pictures...some where even posted under drunk skank?

gee thanks....

photobucket is a family website where my family and neighbirs as well as collegues that do not "hobby" share photos.

Most of my family has photobucket..l.

It was not cool.

I am very fucken discreet about where I choose to .

"Oh its okay Cercy your just a wh*re deal with it"...no I do not think so.

There is a fine line here that needs to be addressed.

THIS WAS A SLAP IN MY FACE...in the most disrespectful manner and I am not one to take things like this lightly.

So what?

No I do not fucken think so.

How would you like it if some 'provider" posted a picture of you under a blog on photobucket with the word SEX?

What if your Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, wife, neighbor or collegue children saw it?


This is a very serious matter and you mongers that do not respect our privacy need to understand that this is not fucken OKAY.


Im not okay with this...this is a slap in my face and clearly shows that he has no respect for me as a provider or hobby discretion.

Guys like wayward that show no class or respect or appreciation for discretion make me want to vomit................... then retire..

If it were not for the refined hobbyists with class that keep me interested I would have retired long ago.

This is not just a bitch and moan thread this is a RESPECT MY FUCKEN PRIVACY THREAD.

I'm just saying,, you and I have been pretty active on the SHMB world for the same amount of time,, I think you were a couple a months behind me on ASPD..

We have shared photos throughout our days and talked plenty of shit.. You need to keep this one thing in mind; all photos, ads and shit you said on SHMB's are out there on the world wide web (WWW) and this is for all to see and be shared!

So what are you thinking????? Were you thinking you are now lily white being you changed your handle? And,,how stupid of you to admit you were Classysex in the first place!!!

Girl,, It is very easy to copy your photos, quotes and such from the SHMB’s,, so I would not jump time on the “Y” for something you have done in your past.. As long as you are a provider, your shit will be out there and it will come back to eventually haunt you.. If you do not want to be known like this to your family,, then retire and let it all eventually go away....... You resurrected and confirmed it by posting it again……..

Good luck to you lady……
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