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Old 02-27-2012, 12:33 PM   #16
Little Stevie
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I've asked before, and haven't gotten a response. I doubt I will get one this time. Show me an example of how Fox, on one of its news programs, distorts the news. We know Hannity, O'Reilly, Mr. Ed Shultz, Chris Mathews, etc. lie to make their points. But on the straight up news programs, where is Fox biased?
Uh.... You're kidding. Right?

Try Fox's lies about Obama attending a Medrassah, about he and his wife using a "terrorist fist jab", their faked up graphs with off-scale graphics to make the economy or jobs or debt look worse under Obama by a larger and inaccurate "gap", their copy-cat usage of "the Democrat Party" simply because Bimbaugh renamed it that from "Democratic", .... I've got about a thousand more just on their "News" programs but you get the picture.

After 10 years or more of that behavior, you are just now seeing networks like MSNBC start to approach the adversarial threshold but still they are nowhere near the out and out lies. Maddow nearly always makes a retraction of inaccurate information as soon as someone brings it to her attention. Not so at Fox "News" unless it gets to be a National Outcry like the Medrassah story or some birther bullshit. They've still never admitted they skew the graphics on graphs to favor their righty spin.

Left and centrists guests have even quit giving interviews to Fox because of the fear of meaning-changing edits.

I agree that the foreign sources like the U.K. Guardian and even Al-Jazeera English give broader and more multi-directional news.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:08 PM   #17
JD Barleycorn
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Well we can look at the Fox News personnel and try to remember the difference between news and commentary. On Fox we have Greta Van Sustern and Geraldo, both liberals. We also have Juan Williams and Kirsten Powers, also both liberals and Powers works for the democratic party. Speaking of liberals and democrats who can ignore Bob Beckel or Allan Colmes. There are all the other guests from the other side like Dr. Lamont Hill, Lanny Davis, Pat Caddell, and Kimberly Guilfoyle, former wife of San Fransisco Mayor Gavin Newsome. Those are just some of them commentators.
The news staff has Chris Wallace and Brit Hume reading the news. Both have ties to the democratic party.
Besides Scarborough who else MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS claim as a the resident "republican"?

As someone said, it is not enough to watch one channel or have one source. You have to watch more than one channel and go to more than one source. The European sources have a very different outlook on our news than our local people. The International Herald Tribune or the UK Guardian are good choices in english. Also watch the news with a critical eye. You common sense can serve you well. I watched a "live" feed from Iraq a few years ago on CNN and imagine my surprise when the Iraq located journalist was standing in daylight when the local time in Iraq was 2 AM. I sent off an email and they admitted that the feed was recorded from an earlier time AFTER someone tried to tell me that it SAT phone. If it was a Satellite phone then were was the time lag as it was bouncing off a satellite? They were busted and they lied to me and I caught them. So CNN thinks we're stupid.
I still remember the Clinton years especially 1994. Bill Clinton on Omaha beach ALONE, looking pensive as he pondered the sacrifice and courage of our veterans on that day in 1944. He found some white stones on the beach and arranged them in the shape of a cross as he was all alone. Someone asked who took the picture (video) and we were told it was only the one official cameraman. The International Herald Trib rans pictures taken from the bluffs over the beach and we saw a herd of photogs around Clinton. We also got the story that the stones were put there for Clinton to find as Omaha Beach has no stones on it. Our press never, NEVER corrected the story.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:43 PM   #18
Little Stevie
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The news staff has Chris Wallace and Brit Hume reading the news. Both have ties to the democratic party.

Someone asked who took the picture (video) and we were told it was only the one official cameraman. The International Herald Trib rans pictures taken from the bluffs over the beach and we saw a herd of photogs around Clinton. We also got the story that the stones were put there for Clinton to find as Omaha Beach has no stones on it. Our press never, NEVER corrected the story.
Brit Hume - ties to the Democratic Party? Surely you jest.

There COULD have been one "official" videographer and two dozen other non-official photographers there.

Not saying you're wrong - just that, like news, unless you document clearly, things can be taken out of context.

Also, for you to run off a list of pseudo-liberals like Greta van Sustern and Geraldo reveals more about your viewing habits with regard to Fox than it does of your knowledge of Republicans and Tea Party politicians who appear on MSNBC.

Not arguing, just pointing out your own lack of knowledge about MSNBC news employees, guests and spokespersons.

Alan Colmes left Fox because even his milk toast objections were getting in the way of Hannity's and Murdoch's agenda-laden "news" program.
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Old 02-27-2012, 02:41 PM   #19
Jackie S
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All of these shows are primarilly for entertainment value. They know their audience, and the last thing they want to do is piss off the very people who pay the bills.
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Old 02-27-2012, 03:12 PM   #20
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You all seem to forget that FOX News is "FAIR AND BALANCED"

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Old 02-27-2012, 03:40 PM   #21
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Sure, compared to something like MSNBC, which is evolved into nothing more than a shill for the Democrat National Committee.
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Old 02-27-2012, 04:29 PM   #22
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Fox's distortions are too numerous to catalog. But if you want to keep up with a lot of them, here is a good media watchdog site:


Here's my favorite distortion:

Notice anything different about the two graphs??!!!!

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Old 02-27-2012, 04:38 PM   #23
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Hey, TTH! How you doin'? I've missed your misleading pompous posts, hope you're doing well. And thanks for citing to MediaMatters. They are well known for their fair and objective reporting.

Post again, soon!
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Old 02-27-2012, 06:38 PM   #24
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They NEVER ask tough questions from their guests on their news shows. It's only an opportunity for a dog and pony show for the conservative guest. They NEVER covered Murdoch's involvement with the scandals of wire tapping in Britian! That was a major news story totally uncovered by FOX!
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Old 02-27-2012, 07:16 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Fox's distortions are too numerous to catalog. But if you want to keep up with a lot of them, here is a good media watchdog site:


Here's my favorite distortion:

Notice anything different about the two graphs??!!!!

How about $4.79/gallon .............. Coronado, CA
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Old 02-27-2012, 08:44 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Hey, TTH! How you doin'? I've missed your misleading pompous posts, hope you're doing well. And thanks for citing to MediaMatters. They are well known for their fair and objective reporting.

Post again, soon!
This from the failed lawyer who hides with the curtains closed and admist he doesn't watch TV. Does your TV even goes past 12?
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Old 02-27-2012, 08:59 PM   #27
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Old 02-27-2012, 09:23 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Sa_artman View Post
This from the failed lawyer who hides with the curtains closed and admist he doesn't watch TV. Does your TV even goes past 12?
Seriously. Therapy. You will feel much better. And medication will help with those delusions. They can do wonderful things now. You are starting to get jealous when I respond to someone else's post. Not a good sign.

So I would be smarter and better informed if I watched TV. Like American Idol, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and Two and a Half Men. You're right. I've been missing out by staying home and reading, talking to my kids, and trying to correct your misconceptions.

You can't make this stuff up!! LOL!
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Old 02-27-2012, 09:41 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by undercover1 View Post

They NEVER ask tough questions from their guests on their news shows. It's only an opportunity for a dog and pony show for the conservative guest. They NEVER covered Murdoch's involvement with the scandals of wire tapping in Britian! That was a major news story totally uncovered by FOX!

you sound like a "former" donkey friend, who said the samething. I replied, "he is front of Parliament right now, you bigoted SOB", he has not spoken to me sense

If I remember right, Fox even had more coverage of bo than the GOP contender, NBC was like 3X

And how would you donkey dimb shits know if you never watch FOX
but who the highest ratings?
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Old 02-28-2012, 12:31 AM   #30
JD Barleycorn
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Media Matters? Seriously? The outfit that is under investigation for coordinating with the democratic party and risking their tax exempt status? You mean that media matters? The media matters of Brock who paid off his gay lover to hide certain unsavory business practices? That media matters?

Love the cartoon.
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