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Old 02-21-2012, 01:39 PM   #61
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Cameras help to catch the "bath house bandit".


But I can see where some would not want others made aware of their comings and goings.
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Old 02-21-2012, 01:44 PM   #62
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NM. Found what I was looking for.
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Old 02-21-2012, 04:30 PM   #63
Kimberlee Sugarcookie
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Fyi to all,please just give me a break . I have had enough crap happening to,me as it is with,Shawna...Then I,have,Angelina And her sister are threatening me saying some very horrible things..
I am ONLY Wanting,peace And just want to work.I am only here for you gentlemen.So lets,stop,the drama because I,,feel Ive been scrutinized enough.So Ill,thank,all,of you very much. I am happy where Im at,Im simply trying to move forward. If its at all possible may you let me do that please/ive been very giving to each,And every one of you I have been nothing but nice.I made SW a lot of money/I helped out everyone there,by always speaking very highly of the girls when each And every one of u asked about them/
So,if we could all give a,girl who,has been through,enough a break,from the,strss,,so Im able to serve all of those who,wish to see me with 110 % of the pep And sexiness i always have And will continue ti,have even w/all the recent events.
Thanx my,loves
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Old 02-21-2012, 05:23 PM   #64
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Not cool! Showing tapes of customers to clients? Thanks for the information. Never going there

Originally Posted by bigdog0311 View Post
That is funny, I went to Studio Wet last night and saw the tape of Bunnie at SW and the guy she was in session with. I saw her vehicle as well as his at the 1:30 time stamp on the tape. And, this thread, http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=387579 proves my point that she was there as well.
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Old 02-21-2012, 05:39 PM   #65
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Does anyone believe whoever posted #63 is the same person who posted Bunnie's other 11 posts in this thread?
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Old 02-21-2012, 05:40 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Tpain2469 View Post
Not cool! Showing tapes of customers to clients? Thanks for the information. Never going there
So would you have gone there from LA if they had only 10's in the physical looks and no drama? I seriously doubt it, so why post something like that? What is also funny is SW has been open for over a year, and most of the posters that have said they will not go to SW, never have, so they would not have gone anyway. As I said, I do not think V will miss your supposed potential and very unlikely business, even if there was no drama associated with it.

Originally Posted by trynagetlaid View Post
Does anyone believe whoever posted #63 is the same person who posted Bunnie's other 11 posts in this thread?
Nope, #63 is Kimmie, the others were Shawna, so much for the handle change!.....but I know most people on this site do not believe anything I say.

I have spoke with V and she told me she would be fine with a mod coming to SW, logging in to her computer so she knows he is a mod, then her showing the video footage I saw where guys want proof of. The caveat is, that they have to come on the site and in this thread or starting another, they have to tell the truth of what they saw.
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Old 02-21-2012, 06:00 PM   #67
Kimberlee Sugarcookie
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Well this is Kimmie i posted #63 &please may yall let me, have some peace?ive,,been through so,muc crap I am just trying to move on And salvage whats left,of everything...so please Bigdog I gave you a,,lovely time. You told me to,stay away from SW right..Remember baby?I've nothing to wrong you bigdog...i like ya
& as for studio wet,i gave them a lot of myself helped them make a lot of $$,&that season is up.
i am only trying to b happy may,I,please do that?
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Old 02-21-2012, 06:59 PM   #68
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Bunnie, you know how I think of you. regardless of ANYTHING and I want you to know that, I told you that privately now you can see it puplicly. I wish for your happiness. I will go just about anywhere, so long as I get to see you. I will go with the flow kiddo. and how would it look if I could not extend the empathy and patience that you have shown me? no worries dont let it get to you. I want you relaxed when we meet gorgeous. maby take some time off you deserve a break. Have a good night.
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Old 02-21-2012, 07:33 PM   #69
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First of all, bigdog0311, thanks for replying to my request to clarify your previous posts. If you are a fill in as an unofficial photographer for Studio WET, then it is plausible that there is more trust between you and the lady in charge. All that I am stating is that it is plausible, and perhaps she felt it was ok to show some surveillance files to you. It will be up to the readers to decide if they are comfortable with that and form their own opinions.

For those who wonder why a thread like this is allowed to go on, I refer you to the Forum Guidelines , No. 22

#22 - ECCIE Staff will go to great lengths to avoid editing, deleting, or censoring our members posts or threads...unless absolutely necessary. Forbidden topics such as underage sex, illicit drugs, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, or images not in compliance will be removed from public view. Controversial, troublesome, or objectionable posts may draw staff attention or in some cases disciplinary action, but the offending post will not be removed from the view of our membership in any but the most extreme cases. Often times you will find directions, footnotes, or other guidance from staff edited INTO posts which draw our attention. These are for the purpose of educating the readers of what is and what is not acceptable as well as informing others about how these issues have been dealt with. Members are encouraged to RTM posts which include rule infractions or objectionable material if it appears that staff has not already becomed involved with the thread or post in particular.
Note: Staff will consider a request from the original poster to remove a thread/post they have made provided it was recently posted and not replied to. As a general rule, staff will not consider such requests once a thread or post has been visible for at least 4 hours or received 2 or more replies. In these cases, a request from the OP to lock the thread is more appropriate and will receive consideration.
Everyone has expressed his/her opinion. Studio WET is under no obligation to get involved with this thread, even if in the eyes of many members they should do so. People can choose to visit or not the studio.

I ask that people refrain from speculating on who made post #xx. It adds nothing to the discussion.

Bunnie Darling made a plea on post #63 and post #67, and those who are fans of hers should seriously consider honoring that request. How much more value can be added to the discussion by posting more he/she/it/they said to the thread?

If you choose to continue, keep it civil.
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Old 02-21-2012, 08:00 PM   #70
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Glad to see you back and sorry that you to had to endure the drama!
Welcome home to ECCIE Bunnie... Jim

Originally Posted by Bunnie Darling View Post
I use to be Kimmy Sugar but left after all that drama!
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Old 02-22-2012, 12:59 AM   #71
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Even though I no longer work at wet for the fact V fired me. I will let you gentlemen know there isnt any video cameras in the room but there is a camera once you walk through the production doors.
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Old 02-22-2012, 01:13 AM   #72
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Big dog she's not prettier y'all only say that cause she's GFE and I'm not and never will be
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Old 02-22-2012, 02:40 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Enticing April View Post
Even though I no longer work at wet for the fact V fired me. I will let you gentlemen know there isnt any video cameras in the room but there is a camera once you walk through the production doors.

There are multiple cameras, in various locations throughout the building, inside and out, but as you say, and I have said in an earlier post, none are in the session rooms, also, as I have said before, ALL sexually-oriented businesses have them for security.

Originally Posted by Enticing April View Post
Big dog she's not prettier y'all only say that cause she's GFE and I'm not and never will be
GFE or not, you are gorgeous April, and I have told you that, it is close, but IMO, Halo is physically prettier, I have no idea how either of you two are in session as I have not been with either one of you. What was a "saving grace" for you was the fact that when a lineup was called, especially for someone who has not been there before, you were picked because of your looks. From what I have seen, Halo is the one they are "picking" more times than not, save for Erin and maybe Jourdan at this time, but I think now she has the pics up, she will actually have guys setting appointments with V for her. I actually have had several PMs sent to me asking about her, but I could not tell anyone how she is in session as I have never been with her.

V has said that I am OFFICIALLY hired on as a part time photographer!
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Old 02-22-2012, 06:14 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by jrock824 View Post
Hey guys I was Bunnie's 130 appointment and we were at her new location. So all this "account is compromised" crap is false. She is very HAPPY at her new location. I have see it first hand.
So basically Bigdog is calling this guy a liar that saw her at her new location,why would the guy need to lie? What would that do for him?

Here is just my .02 leave well enough alone clearly she wants nothing more to do with studio wet or any of their employees/ex-employees. I spoke with her(Bunnnie) myself and no one has taken over her handle as bigdog tried to state. She said she feels this "attack" on her is because she will not tell him where she is located now & will not see him for a appointment due to his extreme ties with studio wet & "working" for V.

I believe B.Wayne confirmed that he spoke to Bunnie & the owner of her new location on Monday. So again these 2 guys really have nothing to gain by stating the truth they know especially the one who was in a session with her at the time she was supposedly at studio wet & stated pretty clearly it was not at studio wet where he had his session that it was her new place

Just let Bunnie be happy & do her own thing.

Btw cameras or no cameras in the room the fat that other guys are allowed to view the tapes is big Hell No for me only the owner herself should be viewing these in private.
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Old 02-22-2012, 06:38 AM   #75
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this is the same person?

Originally Posted by Bunnie Darling View Post
I am not nor will I ever be associated with SW ever they falsely used my name on the website today so please do not be fooled my clients have all been contacted via e-mail and know I will never return to that place EVER! So stop with the false bait & switch to get clients into your studio by using my name! I am no longer affiliated with any of the providers there nor the owner!

Bunnie Darling
as this

Originally Posted by Bunnie Darling View Post
Fyi to all,please just give me a break . I have had enough crap happening to,me as it is with,Shawna...Then I,have,Angelina And her sister are threatening me saying some very horrible things..
I am ONLY Wanting,peace And just want to work.I am only here for you gentlemen.So lets,stop,the drama because I,,feel Ive been scrutinized enough.So Ill,thank,all,of you very much. I am happy where Im at,Im simply trying to move forward. If its at all possible may you let me do that please/ive been very giving to each,And every one of you I have been nothing but nice.I made SW a lot of money/I helped out everyone there,by always speaking very highly of the girls when each And every one of u asked about them/
So,if we could all give a,girl who,has been through,enough a break,from the,strss,,so Im able to serve all of those who,wish to see me with 110 % of the pep And sexiness i always have And will continue ti,have even w/all the recent events.
Thanx my,loves
You ask why would jrock824 lie, why would I lie? I have also spoken to Bunnie as well, people do lie, but anytime you want to go look at the tapes I am talking about, and video, does not lie, tell me when, otherwise, it is speculative gut feelings and he said she said. You just have to come on this thread and say you saw the tape of her there at the time she said she wasn't, you want to do that, NYR? However, we all know how you feel about SW! Bunnie wants to put all this behind her as she has said, and a Mod has also posted on this thread to stop with the accusations.
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