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Old 02-19-2012, 09:16 PM   #1
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Default Ron Paul - Right Again: America Is Becoming Fascist

The only one brave enough to tell the truth.


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Old 02-20-2012, 06:29 AM   #2
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So, isolationism is anit-fascist? Now, the "War on Drugs" may not be being fought worth a damn, and I'm certainly not for long prison terms for possession of the evil weed while "corporate" drug lords run free, but I'm struggling how abandoning some sort of enforcement on harder drugs is anti-fascist.

Now, all of you corporatist Republibans who think big bidness knows best might want to dwell on Paul's tying corporations (read Koch bros, among others) to the root of fascism. Don't forget, Sarah Pailn's book tour notwithstanding, that we had "death panels" long before the Affordable Healthcare Act, they were called insurance companies denying coverage after collecting premiums.

And, of course, there's the poster-boy for the evangelical brown-shirts, Mr. Personal Choice hisself, Rick Santorum-Asylum.
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Old 02-20-2012, 11:00 AM   #3
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
So, isolationism is anit-fascist? Now, the "War on Drugs" may not be being fought worth a damn, and I'm certainly not for long prison terms for possession of the evil weed while "corporate" drug lords run free, but I'm struggling how abandoning some sort of enforcement on harder drugs is anti-fascist.

Now, all of you corporatist Republibans who think big bidness knows best might want to dwell on Paul's tying corporations (read Koch bros, among others) to the root of fascism. Don't forget, Sarah Pailn's book tour notwithstanding, that we had "death panels" long before the Affordable Healthcare Act, they were called insurance companies denying coverage after collecting premiums.

And, of course, there's the poster-boy for the evangelical brown-shirts, Mr. Personal Choice hisself, Rick Santorum-Asylum.

If we're forced to limit certain medical treatments due to cost, I'd much rather deal with it in the private sector than at the level of the federal government.

Letting the government determine who gets expensive life saving treatment and who dies is obviously a nightmare scenario.

Obama and his socialist/Marxist cronies crave power above all else and the ultimate power is getting to decide who lives and who dies.

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson

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Old 02-20-2012, 11:23 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
So, isolationism is anit-fascist? Now, the "War on Drugs" may not be being fought worth a damn, and I'm certainly not for long prison terms for possession of the evil weed while "corporate" drug lords run free, but I'm struggling how abandoning some sort of enforcement on harder drugs is anti-fascist.

Now, all of you corporatist Republibans who think big bidness knows best might want to dwell on Paul's tying corporations (read Koch bros, among others) to the root of fascism. Don't forget, Sarah Pailn's book tour notwithstanding, that we had "death panels" long before the Affordable Healthcare Act, they were called insurance companies denying coverage after collecting premiums.

And, of course, there's the poster-boy for the evangelical brown-shirts, Mr. Personal Choice hisself, Rick Santorum-Asylum.
You really should listen to the link before you respond. It makes you sound stupid.
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Old 02-20-2012, 07:22 PM   #5
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Well, COG, let me lift a few lines from the article YOU referenced:

"Paul staged his rally near the nation's World War I museum, asserting that the U.S. got off track about 100 years ago during the era of President Woodrow Wilson, who led the nation through World War I and unsuccessfully advocated for the nation's involvement in a forerunner of the United Nations."

"Several Republicans slipped away from the banquets to join the Paul rally. Among them was Ralph Munyan, a Republican committeeman in Kansas City's home county, who said he agreed with Paul's warnings of a "fascist system" and his pledge to the end nation's involvement in wars overseas and against drugs."

Maybe you missed them...

S'pose it may be fine to look stupid (me?) rather than to actually partake (you).

OH! Silly me! I GET IT!!! When you say "right" you mean his political philosophy, instead of whether or not he's correct. My bad.
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Old 02-20-2012, 10:13 PM   #6
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Ok, Candy, ignore the article, make up your own facts, criticize them, and then congratulate yourself on how smart you are. Ho hum. Nothing new around here. No wonder America is becoming fascist. You'd rather try to be cute than smart.
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Old 02-20-2012, 10:32 PM   #7
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OK, my brother is going to FLA as a Ron Paul delegate. I just don't get Ron Paul even though I supported (to some extent) him as the Libertarian Party candidate in 1988. The guy is old, he's an isolationist, he doesn't have a constituency in the Republican party, many of his answers are simplistic but most importantly...he can't win...and his supporters know he can't win.
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Old 02-20-2012, 10:43 PM   #8
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The only reason he can't win is because the media have repeatedly told us he can't win. Let's prove the media wrong. We have to quit letting them tell us what to believe.
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Old 02-21-2012, 12:09 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Ok, Candy, ignore the article, make up your own facts, criticize them, and then congratulate yourself on how smart you are. Ho hum. Nothing new around here. No wonder America is becoming fascist. You'd rather try to be cute than smart.
You need to get out...really. Fascists...
I'll have to laugh at that next time I almost run over the anti-abortion protester idiots down the street. I'm amazed they get away with it our in fascist country...or the 'I think I'm cute because I say so' idiot on the escort board posting anti-government rhetoric. Boy, this fascist USA is just on the downhill spiral.
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Old 02-21-2012, 12:17 AM   #10
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Now, do you want to respond to the article, or do you simply want to level your usual ad hominem attacks, Sa_fartman? Do you deny the close relationship between business and government is not nearing fascist status? Do you deny that the NDAA is a step toward totalitarianism?

I guess you'd like to silence the anti-abortion protesters. So much for free speech. There aren't many freedoms that you value, are there? Which explains why fascism is appealing to you.

You are creative at calling names, and it is cute. Not productive, but cute.
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Old 02-21-2012, 01:03 AM   #11
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Do you deny the close relationship between business and government is not nearing fascist status? Yes, I do. Only someone who is truly ignorant, sheltered and doesn't travel enough would make that claim about this great country. You rely on media, obviously the internet being your only outlet, for your views. That's a shame.

Do you deny that the NDAA is a step toward totalitarianism? Yes, it's a badly written law which will eventually be watered down. That's why we have checks and balances. Totalitarianism is just a buzz word thrown around by extremists who love to see this country dismantled.

I guess you'd like to silence the anti-abortion protesters. Assuming aren't we? So much for free speech. There aren't many freedoms that you value, are there? Which explains why fascism is appealing to you. Now now, aren't we being hypocritical on the attacks. Ha. I thought you were just spineless loon. Grrr...

You are creative at calling names, and it is cute. Not productive, but cute....and you are creative at fear mongering, posting random sky is falling links. Do you deny that?
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Old 02-21-2012, 01:07 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Sa_artman View Post
...and you are creative at fear mongering, posting random sky is falling links. Do you deny that?
That's not Foghorn Leghorn in his av, it's Chicken Little!
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Old 02-21-2012, 01:15 AM   #13
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Yes, I deny that. And I don't fear monger, I point out what is going on. If you choose to not listen, fine. You are welcome to enjoy the fascist state we are becoming. You have not paid attention to anything I've said, except to make fun of it without offering any substantive response. You are the perfect 21st century American citizen. You blindly accept what the government tells you, and when confronted with a different opinion, rather than consider it and respond with some independent thought, you ridicule it. You will do well in a fascist state. You have no independent thought, and are happy to let the government and media think for you.

So you think I am ignorant, sheltered and untraveled. Good. If someone coming from your perspective thought anything different, I would be very disappointed. That is exactly what I expect from a government syncophant. In all honest, it reaffirms the veracity of my opinion. So, thanks for the validation.

And you are entertaining. At least I now know why you don't post anything of substance. You have none.
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Old 02-21-2012, 01:16 AM   #14
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Ditto the previous post to you, as well, MC. Another syncophant.
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Old 02-21-2012, 01:58 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Yes, I deny that. And I don't fear monger, I point out what is going on. If you choose to not listen, fine. You are welcome to enjoy the fascist state we are becoming. You have not paid attention to anything I've said, except to make fun of it without offering any substantive response. You are the perfect 21st century American citizen. You blindly accept what the government tells you, and when confronted with a different opinion, rather than consider it and respond with some independent thought, you ridicule it. You will do well in a fascist state. You have no independent thought, and are happy to let the government and media think for you.

So you think I am ignorant, sheltered and untraveled. Good. If someone coming from your perspective thought anything different, I would be very disappointed. That is exactly what I expect from a government syncophant. In all honest, it reaffirms the veracity of my opinion. So, thanks for the validation.

And you are entertaining. At least I now know why you don't post anything of substance. You have none.
So enlighten me with your substance. Prove to me the government is fascist, without someone else's views which you're so fond of doing. How is this country a fascist state?
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