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Old 02-19-2012, 06:04 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Grifter View Post
OMG Let me fix this.

Herman Cain- Numerous charges of sexual harassment. Clintonesque
Newt Gingrich-Considered a serial philanderer with his wife. Clintonesque
Mitt Romney-A self-identified Mormon which itself is commonly linked to polygamy. Not in the last 100 years. Polygamist associate themselves with Mormons not the other way around.

Are you offeneded that it took the antics of Gingrich and Cain to measure up to level of immorality of the best Democrat president in the last 40 years?
WOW, let me fix this.
-Your comparing a blowjob in the oval office between 2 consensual adults to sexual harassment? Yeah right….

-I said mormonism is commonly linked to polygamy, I didn't say it was true and that's why by the way, the religious rightwing is rejecting him and why he can't get above 25% in the primary.

-Newt has a credibility problem and his party's actions concerning women is like an albatross around his neck. President Clinton never had to deal with that.

Add the chauvinistic attitudes and religious zealotry that I have exposed quite prominently earlier in this thread and you've got a losing hand for the Presidential election which will also translate to both the house and the senate.

Let me ask you, why does the republican party hate women so much? What's the deal?
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Old 02-19-2012, 06:29 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by 1NEMESIS View Post
WOW, let me fix this.
Let me ask you, why does the republican party hate women so much? What's the deal?
Statements like this make it hard to take you seriously. You know it is false yet you make it to cause conflict. If you want a serious conversation you have to be rational.

As for the sexual antics of politicians we could spend a long time pointing fingers at politicians who have had affairs in both parties and get nowhere. Married men fuck around. I would hope that a member of this forum would understand that. It does not make them anti women.
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Old 02-19-2012, 07:46 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
Statements like this make it hard to take you seriously. You know it is false yet you make it to cause conflict. If you want a serious conversation you have to be rational.

As for the sexual antics of politicians we could spend a long time pointing fingers at politicians who have had affairs in both parties and get nowhere. Married men fuck around. I would hope that a member of this forum would understand that. It does not make them anti women.
No Laz, I made the comment to make a point and I wasn't accusing Grifter of being anti-woman, I specifically asked about the republican party.

Why did the republican party not allow women to testify on the birth control issue?

Why did a republican in Iowa introduce a bill to make it impossible to get an abortion.

Why did republicans introduce a bill requiring women to receive an ultrasound before they can receive an abortion in the Virginia senate and then passed it in the committee with an overwhelming majority?

Why did Foster Friess tell women to use an aspirin between their legs instead of birth control?

Why did Republicans unanimously vote against reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act for the first time ever since 1994?

Why did republicans here in Texas pass this bill? The law, enacted in 2011, requires abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on pregnant women, show and describe the image to them, and play sounds of the fetal heartbeat. Though women can decline to view images or hear the heartbeat, they must listen to a description of the exam

What's with all the Personhood amendments by the way?
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Old 02-19-2012, 08:49 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by 1NEMESIS View Post
No Laz, I made the comment to make a point and I wasn't accusing Grifter of being anti-woman, I specifically asked about the republican party. But you fail to make the point because the statement is so grossly inaccurate that any rational person quits listening.

Why did the republican party not allow women to testify on the birth control issue? Because the issue was not about birth control. It was about whether the federal government can mandate a private organization to offer specific healthcare coverages. In this case since the private organization is a religious organization whose beliefs specifically prohibit paying for the coverage does the mandate violate the first ammendment of the constitution. No one is trying to deny women contraceptives.

Why did a republican in Iowa introduce a bill to make it impossible to get an abortion. Because that is what they believe in. It will not pass because there are many that disagree.

Why did republicans introduce a bill requiring women to receive an ultrasound before they can receive an abortion in the Virginia senate and then passed it in the committee with an overwhelming majority? Because they want the person to realize the seriousness of their decision. Is it a good idea? I don't know. The abortion issue is not an easy one for a lot of people. We want to recognize it is not black and white and allow people to have their own opinions. On the other hand we do not want them to treat the potential life with callous disregard.

Why did Foster Friess tell women to use an aspirin between their legs instead of birth control? A stupid comment. We could spend years pointing out stupid comments by people on both sides and get nowhere. Why act like it is more than it is.

Why did Republicans unanimously vote against reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act for the first time ever since 1994? The issue is more complex than you are implying. In know it is hard for you to accept but it is possible to be against a piece of legislation even though you like its goals. If the details are overly broad or its cost is greater than the benefit, a rational person has to evaluate everything and not vote based on emotion.

Why did republicans here in Texas pass this bill? The law, enacted in 2011, requires abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on pregnant women, show and describe the image to them, and play sounds of the fetal heartbeat. Though women can decline to view images or hear the heartbeat, they must listen to a description of the exam Answered on the similar issue above.

What's with all the Personhood amendments by the way? Can't you just accept that there are a lot of good honorable people that believe life is to be valued and protected. I know there are good honorable people that believe that a womans right to choose is more important. It is an issue honorable people can disagree on but everyone should recognize that it is a serious issue.
My answers are in red.
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Old 02-19-2012, 09:25 PM   #50
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Ya'll are just wasting your breath on this guy... The good thing to keep in mind, is it only take one vote to cancel out all his nonsense.
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Old 02-19-2012, 10:12 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
My answers are in red.
"But you fail to make the point because the statement is so grossly inaccurate that any rational person quits listening."

It's grossly inaccurate in your eyes because its an inconvenient truth that you can't defend. Everything is inaccurate, everything is a lie, everything is irrational despite overwhelming proof, and it's all a conspiracy by the Liberal media

I know I'm not going to convince you of anything and that's not my goal, my goal is to illustrate what the republican party has become. These political threads I do draw huge view numbers and people are listening and that's my goal. I'm drawing attention to the alternate reality republicans live in, where up is down and down is up and the earth is still flat and 6000 yrs old.

Your the party of less and smaller government and your trying to legislate morality with your vision of theocratic authoritarianism which is just a classic display of hypocrisy and projection.
Stay out of peoples bedrooms, stay out of the personal decisions women need to make for themselves and most of all stay out of their uterus.
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Old 02-19-2012, 11:59 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by 1NEMESIS View Post
Why did republicans introduce a bill requiring women to receive an ultrasound before they can receive an abortion in the Virginia senate and then passed it in the committee with an overwhelming majority?

Why did republicans here in Texas pass this bill? The law, enacted in 2011, requires abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on pregnant women, show and describe the image to them, and play sounds of the fetal heartbeat. Though women can decline to view images or hear the heartbeat, they must listen to a description of the exam
Because a human child's life is sacred. Killing a human child with an abortion is not the answer. Prevention of the conception is the answer. People need to be responsible.
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Old 02-20-2012, 07:23 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by 1NEMESIS View Post
"But you fail to make the point because the statement is so grossly inaccurate that any rational person quits listening."

It's grossly inaccurate in your eyes because its an inconvenient truth that you can't defend. Everything is inaccurate, everything is a lie, everything is irrational despite overwhelming proof, and it's all a conspiracy by the Liberal media

I know I'm not going to convince you of anything and that's not my goal, my goal is to illustrate what the republican party has become. These political threads I do draw huge view numbers and people are listening and that's my goal. I'm drawing attention to the alternate reality republicans live in, where up is down and down is up and the earth is still flat and 6000 yrs old.

Your the party of less and smaller government and your trying to legislate morality with your vision of theocratic authoritarianism which is just a classic display of hypocrisy and projection.
Stay out of peoples bedrooms, stay out of the personal decisions women need to make for themselves and most of all stay out of their uterus.

This is like me saying ALL democrats are baby killing socialists that want to make everyone dependant on the government so that they can control us.

It is not true but I could show lots of statements and actions of democrats to back up that statement. If you are not willing to consider that there are many good people in both parties then there really is nothing to discuss.
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Old 02-20-2012, 07:40 AM   #54
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Clinton was plagued by sexual harrassment suits and rumors you apparently just didnt bother to be educated on that particular topic.
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Old 02-20-2012, 10:18 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
This is like me saying ALL democrats are baby killing socialists that want to make everyone dependant on the government so that they can control us.

It is not true but I could show lots of statements and actions of democrats to back up that statement. If you are not willing to consider that there are many good people in both parties then there really is nothing to discuss.
Laz, let me make something clear to you and the others that I have disagreements with politically, when I speak about the republican party it's about the party and not you specifically. When you vote and defend the party it translates to you and there is no other way to debate without that becoming part of the discussion especially with issues concerning morality. Religion, morality, sex, marriage, family,women's health are all extremely personal issues the republican party tries to legislate with mandates like sonograms and vaginal probes and birth control and on and on.
The problem the republican party has is their family values platform and in today's society, that equals intrusion into personal life and beliefs. The Komen debacle is a perfect example, it is prologue to what is going to happen in the general election when Obama starts unloading on your candidate over these issues.
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Old 02-20-2012, 10:28 AM   #56
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No Grifter, I remember the problems Clinton had but your problem is Democrats don't have a family values platform and republicans do. That is why republicans are getting hit much harder over this issue than Democrats did over Clinton.

Republicans legislate morality and it's hypocritical for republicans to have a family values platform and have Gingrich and Herman "999" Cain as candidates. It's also hypocritical to have a "No government/small government" mantra and then expand government to mandate your war on women.
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Old 02-20-2012, 12:24 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Mokoa View Post
Because a human child's life is sacred. Killing a human child with an abortion is not the answer. Prevention of the conception is the answer. People need to be responsible.
Your right mokoa, if only I could get you guys to care as much about the living as you do about the unborn…..
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Old 02-20-2012, 12:33 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by 1NEMESIS View Post
Laz, let me make something clear to you and the others that I have disagreements with politically, when I speak about the republican party it's about the party and not you specifically. When you vote and defend the party it translates to you and there is no other way to debate without that becoming part of the discussion especially with issues concerning morality. Religion, morality, sex, marriage, family,women's health are all extremely personal issues the republican party tries to legislate with mandates like sonograms and vaginal probes and birth control and on and on.
The problem the republican party has is their family values platform and in today's society, that equals intrusion into personal life and beliefs. The Komen debacle is a perfect example, it is prologue to what is going to happen in the general election when Obama starts unloading on your candidate over these issues.
The problem with that is the Republican and Democratic parties are made up of millions of people with differing views. Republicans will generally range from social and fiscal conservatives to libertarians. Democrats will typically run from social liberals and big government advocates to Blue dog democrats who are more fiscally conservative. To sum up either party with simplistic and the most extreme positions is silly. You talk about compromise but it will never occur as long as people do not find a common ground.
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Old 02-20-2012, 01:06 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
The problem with that is the Republican and Democratic parties are made up of millions of people with differing views. Republicans will generally range from social and fiscal conservatives to libertarians. Democrats will typically run from social liberals and big government advocates to Blue dog democrats who are more fiscally conservative. To sum up either party with simplistic and the most extreme positions is silly. You talk about compromise but it will never occur as long as people do not find a common ground.
You are absolutely right about that Laz and I'm with you.

The extremist have taken over your party and ejected those republicans that used to reach across the aisle and that's why the Tea Party has created such a mess for you guys. The Tea Party took all those seats held by republicans that compromised and that's the problem now. I'll tell you a little bit about John McCain but I've gotta get outta here for now, so I'll holler at ya later.
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Old 02-20-2012, 02:47 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by 1NEMESIS View Post
You are absolutely right about that Laz and I'm with you.

The extremist have taken over your party and ejected those republicans that used to reach across the aisle and that's why the Tea Party has created such a mess for you guys. The Tea Party took all those seats held by republicans that compromised and that's the problem now. I'll tell you a little bit about John McCain but I've gotta get outta here for now, so I'll holler at ya later.
The Tea Party is the result of uncontrolled government spending. They are not the extremists. We are facing a financial crisis if spending is not brought under control soon. Raising taxes is counter productive and can only help solve a small amount of the problem.

When are the democrats going to wake up and agree to some spending constraint. Obama is not even making an effort. The democrat leadership in the Senate can't even get 51 Democrats to agree on a budget in the Senate. Only in the House have some democrats worked with the republicans and budgets have been passed.
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