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Old 04-03-2010, 05:08 PM   #16
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I stand corrected... I didn't think it would bring Law suites? I guess the video was seen as that offensive!!!...woah...
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Old 04-03-2010, 05:44 PM   #17
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Even kids as young as 4 or 5 need to learn that other people have different views of "morality", if you think it's a moral issue to wear clothes rather than a social convention. How on earth can this harm a child? I can see how too much soda pop can cause harm, too much fatty food, trans fats in commercial food, second hand smoke, not wearing a seat belt or a using poorly designed or installed car seat -- the human nudity??!!!! How can that ever harm, unless it's coupled with bizarre and antiquated notions of "morality" on the part of adults who make that nudity out to be something it's not.
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Old 04-03-2010, 06:24 PM   #18
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Let me preface this by saying I love naked women as much as, if not more than, anyone.


Whether it was art or not...she broke the law.

If it was a man that had done it he would have been arrested, done jail time, paid a big fine, and would have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
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Old 04-03-2010, 06:34 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Sweet Heather View Post
If I were there with my 10 year old daughter and she pulled that stunt I would have slapped her. Yes I would.

Of course! Because slapping her would be a much better way to teach your child about socially acceptable, adult behavior in public...right?

Amen, TTH! Well said.
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Old 04-03-2010, 09:11 PM   #20
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I'm continuously amused at how uptight some of y'all are on THIS of all sites. As far as breaking the law....why would anyone here even be throwing those stones? Because she dropped her bra and panties in downtown Dallas for a music video? Please.
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Old 04-03-2010, 10:33 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by monkish View Post
I'm continuously amused at how uptight some of y'all are on THIS of all sites. As far as breaking the law....why would anyone here even be throwing those stones? Because she dropped her bra and panties in downtown Dallas for a music video? Please.
I am not "throwing stones", just stating a fact. Walking around naked in public is against the law, the fact that it was for a music video does not change that. She is going to be punished, as she should be, and it is nowhere near as harsh a punishment as a man would receive for dropping his drawers in public for ANY reason.

I'm no angel, I break the law on a few occasions. If I get caught I get punished, as I should.

People that don't want to see, or their kids to see, naked people, should be able to go out in public without seeing naked people walking around.
Just because we belong to a site based on "pay for play" does not mean that we should not respect people who do not believe the way that we believe.
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Old 04-04-2010, 08:22 AM   #22
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You are making a lot of presumptions about the circumstances regarding the filming of this incident. Do you have some inside information? If you watch the video, when Miss Badu is running nekkid none of the people in the background are reacting.

Can you say digital effects? I knew you could.

And, because I find some humor in what I perceive to be the hypocricy in the mores of some here, it doesn't mean I don't respect them.

I don't even know you or anything about you, how could I not respect you? I just find your legal and moral stance on this matter funny in light of our collective activities here.

Are you too young (or too uptight) to have ever streaked when you were younger (God only knows what I was thinking with my little dingle dongle flapping in the breeze)?

Were people so hurt by streaking? Maybe only the pride of some.

Look, most times I prefer to see people with their clothes on in public, too.

But, let's assume that during this little isolated and controlled incident Miss Badu was actually streaking past Dealey Plaza before she was so tragically gunned down by an assassin's bullet.

Tell me again, how many human animals were injured during the filming of this segment?

You know, the law has a spirit as well as a letter. I do have a problem when people try to use the letter of the law to push their sense of morality onto others. As I said, this is an isolated incident, looks to be created digitally, and was not done with the intent to cause harm to others. Self promotion? Probably...but, that is another issue (capitalism, baby).

This is the kind of bullshit that they use as an excuse to stone people in certain parts of the world. Imagine what, in those dark corners, they think of adultery.

That doesn't mean I don't respect you. Yes, just because I am chuckling at your point of view does not mean I do not respect you.

I am not particularly a fan of Miss Badu. The song has a pleasant enough groove. I'm not sure exactly what the lyric has to do with the video specifically (also another issue).

I must ask this one final question: If all she wants a window seat, how is she going to fit that round, black bootay into the seat?

As for myself, I would like a better view of her 'grassy knoll'.
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Old 04-04-2010, 10:25 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by monkish View Post

You are making a lot of presumptions about the circumstances regarding the filming of this incident. Do you have some inside information? If you watch the video, when Miss Badu is running nekkid none of the people in the background are reacting.

Can you say digital effects? I knew you could.

And, because I find some humor in what I perceive to be the hypocricy in the mores of some here, it doesn't mean I don't respect them.

I don't even know you or anything about you, how could I not respect you? I just find your legal and moral stance on this matter funny in light of our collective activities here.

Are you too young (or too uptight) to have ever streaked when you were younger (God only knows what I was thinking with my little dingle dongle flapping in the breeze)?

Were people so hurt by streaking? Maybe only the pride of some.

Look, most times I prefer to see people with their clothes on in public, too.

But, let's assume that during this little isolated and controlled incident Miss Badu was actually streaking past Dealey Plaza before she was so tragically gunned down by an assassin's bullet.

Tell me again, how many human animals were injured during the filming of this segment?

You know, the law has a spirit as well as a letter. I do have a problem when people try to use the letter of the law to push their sense of morality onto others. As I said, this is an isolated incident, looks to be created digitally, and was not done with the intent to cause harm to others. Self promotion? Probably...but, that is another issue (capitalism, baby).

This is the kind of bullshit that they use as an excuse to stone people in certain parts of the world. Imagine what, in those dark corners, they think of adultery.

That doesn't mean I don't respect you. Yes, just because I am chuckling at your point of view does not mean I do not respect you.

I am not particularly a fan of Miss Badu. The song has a pleasant enough groove. I'm not sure exactly what the lyric has to do with the video specifically (also another issue).

I must ask this one final question: If all she wants a window seat, how is she going to fit that round, black bootay into the seat?

As for myself, I would like a better view of her 'grassy knoll'.


Even a police force deep in the heart of one of the most conservative states in the country would not file charges if it were digital effects. There is a witness, or witnesses, that are filing charges.

I personally do not have a problem with public nudity, as long as kids are not involved(yes I have streaked and mooned people). If I had been there I would have looked, enjoyed the view, maybe had myself a little chuckle, and gone about my day. That being said, if I had been there with a kid and, because of her actions, would have had to answer questions that I thought the kid wasn't ready for...I'd be pissed.

There is a time and place for nudity, and it is not downtown Dallas, in front of other peoples kids.

As for our our collective activities here, keep in mind these activities are participated in by consenting adults, behind closed doors(for the most part), and if we get caught, we will be punished. Right or wrong that's just the way it is.

No one was hurt by this, I will admit that. There will be no long term scarring of the children's psyche's . The only damage done was to the sensibilities of the adults who were offended by her actions. But, in this day and age you just can't do stuff like that in front of kids, and my biggest problem with the whole thing is the fact that if it were a man walking around naked he sure as hell wouldn't be getting off the hook with a misdemeanor and a $500 fine.
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Old 04-04-2010, 11:38 AM   #24
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I find it quite disturbing that many here cannot distinguish between imposing moral standards on adults versus the involvement of children. Had she done this and taken steps to ensure there were no young children around I would have zero problem.

This isn't digital effects. Please stop using that as a pass here.
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Old 04-04-2010, 02:16 PM   #25
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You are right Boltfan, in that, according to Badu, it was shot real and live. So, I will stop using that as a 'pass' here, as you requested.

Also true that the city openly sought witnesses until one came forward. Nice publicity for the city as well as Ms. Badu, as well as satisfying the retentive prude who came forward.

While I of course am against the exploitation of children in many ways, to compare this incident with more serious and real forms of abuse or exploitation of children is laughable, though I am in danger of repeating myself on this point.

So, with that, I will go on chuckling to myself and leave this argument behind.
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Old 04-04-2010, 04:00 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by jkerouac View Post
And she needs to hit the gym. Why couldn't Pink have shot this instead?
Harsh words. Gosh, I met the woman about three years ago at a poetry reading and she was a super petite little thing. I cannot tell size on film but she didn't look huge. I generally really like what you have to say, on the road man kerouac, but she didn't seem that big and I did watch it online after the news story.

I saw the newsflash on this and didn't really believe it to such a "gasp!" event.

I understand what others are stating but if I had been there with my son (when he was younger) and there was a small film crew shooting this, and we saw it, I would have just explained it to him what was going on.

Quite a bit different then being flashed at a grimy car wash (that happened to me in my 20's and shook me up) on Ross Avenue or something similar.

I just don't think that someone can compare what happened at Dealey Plaza last week to sex offenders in general. Not even the same phylum.

Personally, I thought it was a clever concept.

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Old 04-04-2010, 05:11 PM   #27
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I am in total agreement with you! When men "flash" or expose themselves, it is for a sexual purpose. If the 85 year old man who exposed himself to me in a Wal-Mart parking lot had the word "evolving" on his abdomen, I may not have wanted to throw up so much. There is a difference between getting your rocks off by exposing yourself (MEN) and expressing artistic concept.

The fact that one of the first replies to this post was "she needs to hit the gym", only reinforces her message. Baaaaaaaaaa. (my best sheep impression)
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Old 04-04-2010, 08:38 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
I just don't think that someone can compare what happened at Dealey Plaza last week to sex offenders in general. Not even the same phylum.
I am not comparing her with a sex offender, I am saying that IF a man did EXACTLY what she did with EXACTLY the same "artistic expressionism" in mind(admittedly, not very likely) he would become a sex offender regardless of his intentions(again, not very likely, but possible).

Originally Posted by UTR ATF View Post
When men "flash" or expose themselves, it is for a sexual purpose.
There is a difference between getting your rocks off by exposing yourself (MEN) and expressing artistic concept.
Not all men that find themselves "exposed" in public are getting their rocks off(most, yes...all, no) And, many women get their rocks off exposing themselves. The difference is women don't want to see most men exposing themselves while most men want to see women exposing themselves.

What about the guy who has a couple of beers, has to use the restroom really bad, and goes behind a tree. Scout troop happens to walk by...he's no longer a guy who had to pee, he's the guy who was shaking his dingle in front of a group of kids. Far-fetched, sure...impossible, no.

Now as for this being artistic...maybe. I believe she did this for publicity and notoriety. She may or may not have gotten her rocks off, but she got plenty of publicity for a mediocre song and I'm sure that it put more money in her pockets.

And last, but certainly not least...I am truly sorry that both of you ladies were violated by those men, they should be thrown under the jail. Nobody should feel violated in that way.
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Old 04-04-2010, 09:02 PM   #29
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I don't care about a guy peeing by a tree. Seen that. I never took offense to it either. Why, you ask? Because there was nothing SEXUAL about it. Would I call the cops if I saw a guy peeing on a tree? Probably not. Would I be offended if I was with my daughter and she saw a guy peeing on a tree? No. He had to pee.
When he whips it out and is staring at me mid-stroke, I have an issue.

There was nothing SEXUAL about her walking down the street. NOTHING.
Had she been fondling herself in front of children, I might understand all the whining about it. However, all the lady was doing was walking down the street.
Context is everything. Of course anyone can compare it to a man walking around in front of kids in school. Is it a fair comparison? Hardly.

There was nothing SEXUAL about it.
I think we just have to agree to disagree. I still lub ya'll tho.
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Old 04-04-2010, 09:43 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by scooterpie View Post
I am not comparing her with a sex offender, I am saying that IF a man did EXACTLY what she did with EXACTLY the same "artistic expressionism" in mind(admittedly, not very likely) he would become a sex offender regardless of his intentions(again, not very likely, but possible).

Not all men that find themselves "exposed" in public are getting their rocks off(most, yes...all, no) And, many women get their rocks off exposing themselves. The difference is women don't want to see most men exposing themselves while most men want to see women exposing themselves.

What about the guy who has a couple of beers, has to use the restroom really bad, and goes behind a tree. Scout troop happens to walk by...he's no longer a guy who had to pee, he's the guy who was shaking his dingle in front of a group of kids. Far-fetched, sure...impossible, no.

Now as for this being artistic...maybe. I believe she did this for publicity and notoriety. She may or may not have gotten her rocks off, but she got plenty of publicity for a mediocre song and I'm sure that it put more money in her pockets.

And last, but certainly not least...I am truly sorry that both of you ladies were violated by those men, they should be thrown under the jail. Nobody should feel violated in that way.
Some valid points, really. But just say that the guy taking off his clothes wasn't just the average guy. It was, ahhh, Mick Jagger. And he had a small film crew following him and he was undressing. It would be news but probably wouldn't have the same fallout as my next door neighbor deciding to take off his clothes while walking down the street.

And I'm pretty certain if I squatted behind a tree at White Rock Lake and was going to the bathroom, there may be someone that I offend and the police could be called. I've actually DONE that in years past but this is a different time, I believe.

And I also agree with you and a few others that this was obviously a publicity stunt. I just don't see the problem with it. We (escorts) take pictures of ourselves, or I do, to try to flatter the way that we look and to sell ourselves in some fashion. Heck, I'll even tell someone that I hate my stomach so I don't show it. It's not a secret but it's something that I do.

Being a Scout mom, probably a Boy Scout troop would point and laugh. But a Girl Scout troop, with Girl Scout MOMS, well that would be a possible problem. (All Boy Scout moms are cool. They just are. We have to listen to body fart jokes for years at a time. We're used to overt bodily functions while dealing with males!) So again, good point. So much of what we're discussing the environment or circumstance makes all of the difference in the world.

You know, this has been just a great topic for me to read with the back and forths. Only one poster kindof got his panties in a wad and even his response was rather fun to consider and food for thought.

I love these back and forths.

Finally, thanks for showing concern with regard to a few of us having a guy expose themselves to us. Funny how it wouldn't matter to me if a man had a cock that was a piece of art, I wouldn't wish to see it in that fashion.

And being flashed was just plain scary, not unlike your clown avatar. (What and where is that from?) Most women if they're young, raised in a protective environment, and in my case just not street smart at all but just loved to see the underbelly of life in my 20's (not that much different now), generally found themselves in these types of situations here and there.

Which is interesting ... and is a bit of a segue with the topic ... how men who have participated in this topic and in general on this board, are so protective of women most of the time. You were. At any rate, thank you again.


P.S. My obvious "wordiness" when I post goes into high gear when I'm tired so I apologize for any rambling. It's late!
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