Originally Posted by iINDULGE
If I was married and had a horrible wife I wouldn't hobby, but I hold marriage in high regard. People always tell me it's different when you're married, but no matter what it is, I'm a one woman man once I'm married.
That being said, I've had a large number ....
i - if the woman lied and said she was pregnant or just thought she was and you did the "right thing" and she used that against you for...years and years. Would you still feel that way?
Originally Posted by Dondo7
For the most part, this hobby is about:
A. Older guys being able to get young gals and even better if they do what wife doesn't
B. Guys who can't get anything being able to get something.
C. Guys who just don't want to fuck with women on a day to day basis.
D. Sex Addiction
Impressive list Dondo, well organized and stated. But I would add the "trapped group" in. Now abortion is a little easier I guess for some people, but if she traps a man, well it starts bad and can only get worse. Divorce or hobby? And divorce can kill a man's income, home, retirement, etc. I counseled a guy one time to not make the mistakes I did in my divorce. I wish lawyers would automatically protect a man during a divorce but they don't seem to!
Originally Posted by Red Rock
Been in this hobby almost 4 decades. When I was initially married, I left the hobbby until my ex started using sex as a "weapon" ...you know with holding sex. It was easy to fall back into old habits. Besides, there is something to be said about the visual and variety. 
so add those two in as well! And sas's illness comment!
Angela - good question.
Now we could do a poll to see if the 8 items apply to most hobbyist here. The use of a poll allows lurkers to have input without "saying" anything also. Could be interesting?