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Old 01-29-2012, 03:41 PM   #16
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I agree 1000%. Look, after you see a provider a few times, the relationship does elevate a little. It's just human nature. Then, you're just minding your own business when they become a damsel in distress. Of cource you wanna be the hero, the savior, and besides, they're promising a free session and eveything. What could go wrong?

Well, we've read over and over and over again exactly what does go wrong. These numb skulls would rather forsake their reputation and in some cases even continued business and regular income for a fast few bucks. Then they become fuckin' Houdini.

Yeah, I've outed before. I'll out again. I try like hell to resist all temptation to be the knight in shining armour, but I'm just a stupid man. Gimme a break.
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Old 01-29-2012, 03:42 PM   #17
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Like Bubba said, no one but Legman and the provider know the conditions that led up to this arrangement. Many of us develop special feelings for certain providers that often negate any rational decisions. After a few close calls, my big head and little head reached an agreement. These girls make more per hour than most of us. If they are in dire need of immediate cash and have the free time to contact me, I can usually arrange for them to have it within, say, an hour or two. Legman, I hope it works out, bud.
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Old 01-29-2012, 04:13 PM   #18
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Not an alert (read the definition).

Moved to Coed Discussions.

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Old 01-29-2012, 04:25 PM   #19
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"I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today."

Try this type line of BS on a provider and see how far you get.
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Old 01-29-2012, 04:44 PM   #20
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In a world too often characterized by sophomoric bullshit and bullying, yours was a pretty credible post. I commend you for taking time to write a thoughtful, careful account of the problem. It stinks, doesn't it?

You didn't come here looking for comfort (it doesn't sound like) but if it makes you feel any better there are only two kinds of gentlemen in this hobby, those who have done what you've done and those who won't admit they've done what you've done.

In the long run, whether you get your money back or not, I believe you'll be better off for the education you've gleaned and the appropriate manner in which you handled the situation.

Congrats. And all the best.

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Old 01-29-2012, 05:24 PM   #21
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Doing advances of any type is a mistake. Next time, if she wants money she needs to spend the night first.
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Old 01-29-2012, 05:35 PM   #22
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Hey, legman! I wondered about the final line in your original post: "PS: Julie, it's not you." Did a provider named Julie do the exact same thing to you such that you wanted to let her know it wasn't you that you wrote about? Also, why would you submit yourself to scorching when you were already burned once? Didn't you learn a lesson the first time?
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Old 01-29-2012, 05:41 PM   #23
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The 'Julie' mentioned wasn't the same scenario, didn't betray my trust, and worked out an arrangement for payment. Not the same at all by a long shot.... not at all.
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Old 01-29-2012, 05:50 PM   #24
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Default Right On!

Originally Posted by gashpump View Post
"I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today."

Try this type line of BS on a provider and see how far you get.
Isn't that the truth? No matter how friendly / familiar we hobbyests become with our ATF's, what's the likelihoood she'd go for an arranged (donation-less) session or two with the promise of paying up later down the line when you have the funds? It's possible, I suppose, but I just don't think so.....Legman, I hope this all works out between you and this young lady. I know times are tough....just would hate to see, whomever she is, get outed and her biz be adversely affected.
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Old 01-29-2012, 05:57 PM   #25
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Legman, I am really sorry to hear that that happened to you. Some of the other posters are correct in that we assume all responsibility when we loan $$ to some of the providers. Even when we do it in good faith and and a presumed "relationship" or understanding with a long time tryst partner. I, included, have been subject to such a scheme and I chalked it up to a steep learning curve and experience. Even though you acted in good faith and sincerely tried to help this girls, I suggest you learn from it and move on. As far as posting this providers name, I have no problem with it. It would warn others to avoid the same pitfall, as I'm sure this is not her first effort in doing this. It is truly a shame that we can't have more integrity and honesty in the hobby, however we're are playing on the fringes of mainstream of society and those character traits are scarce. I am also glad that you pointed out it is NOT Julie. It would be very surprising and I would be very disappointed if it was her. I feel she is one of the shining examples of what a provider should be.
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Old 01-29-2012, 06:18 PM   #26
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Default True Blue Til the End

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot View Post
Isn't that the truth? No matter how friendly / familiar we hobbyests become with our ATF's, what's the likelihoood she'd go for an arranged (donation-less) session or two with the promise of paying up later down the line when you have the funds? It's possible, I suppose, but I just don't think so.....Legman, I hope this all works out between you and this young lady. I know times are tough....just would hate to see, whomever she is, get outed and her biz be adversely affected.
Sometimes life takes you a path of self-discovery which can be painful but rewarding. Most often the reward comes after the pain. I remember the thread with Ivy & Rktman and how ugly that ended for both.

So I have a choice: give her up since it seems she will not come forth on her own to honor her word and have the brief satisfaction if it could be called that and leave her risking her business success. This is her whole world not mine. I'm a misfit obviously, the knight to the rescue even though in this case it wasn't my plan or purpose. I met a ragged young lady once upon a time who was struggling and offered a shoulder and my heart. The risk was mine. The choice was mine.

Since this is her world and most of you in general are deeply entrenched in this fun place, I will take the blame and the loss of some money but more so a great love for someone with a lot of potential as a mother and a woman.

So lady if you ever had any doubts about what friendship really is, maybe now you'll know.

Adios amigos & amigas!!!
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Old 01-29-2012, 06:27 PM   #27
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What's really sad about this whole thing, and one reason why the girls who do this should be outed, is that there are girls out there who would be good for it if you loaned them money to get them out of a spot.

But then you have the others who will take advantage of a guy's desire to help them out. And it ruins it for the rest.

Face it. A girl who will borrow money from you and then not only not pay you back, but avoid you altogether, will steal from you in other ways if given the opportunity. Not only that, but she'd flip on you in a minute if she thought it would work to her advantage, or there was anything else to be gained from it, or to save her own ass.

I'd really like for someone to explain to me the difference between a provider not repaying a loan, and a guy who pays a girl less than the agreed on rate, or scoots out the door without paying at all.

If you'll notice, the providers seem to have no problem at all posting about guys who do that......and less. I wonder if other providers have the attitude when something like that happens that says, "Well, it's the provider's fault." Funny...I haven't seen a case like that yet.
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Old 01-29-2012, 06:31 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Chateau Becot View Post
Isn't that the truth? No matter how friendly / familiar we hobbyests become with our ATF's, what's the likelihoood she'd go for an arranged (donation-less) session or two with the promise of paying up later down the line when you have the funds? It's possible, I suppose, but I just don't think so.....Legman, I hope this all works out between you and this young lady. I know times are tough....just would hate to see, whomever she is, get outed and her biz be adversely affected.
Why would it bother you to see a girl outed who is obviously of such low character that she can't repay a kindness?

Is the possibility of getting laid really so much more important that we'll just let anything slide?

I hope, that if legman doesn't get paid back, or some effort made by these cheap little slut to make it right, that he DOES out her.

Why should she be allowed to get away with this?
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Old 01-29-2012, 06:35 PM   #29
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So sorry that happened to you!!! That kind of Mickey Mouse shit makes it
bad on all of us!!! Out of all the providers in Dallas she should be greatful
that you even chose to see her!!! Ungreatful Heifer !!!!!!
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Old 01-29-2012, 07:00 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by legman+ View Post
.....I don't know how many guys have wimped out after being used or taken for a ride and don't say anything......
More than you would ever believe, my friend...more than you could ever wrap your mind around. For the same reasons you aren't naming her, they won't either. So the beat goes on.

Anyway, even if she does pay you back, do the other gentlemen not deserve to know about what a hassle it was to get it? Man up and save some poor schmuck from going through the same thing! And I am not getting on the OP's case here. Bitches like this bank on the fact that their legions of WK's will keep you quiet. Look, it's working.

Name her! Fuck it!
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