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Coed Discussions - Killeen/Waco/BCS Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 03-29-2010, 05:00 AM   #1
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Smile Time for an Indy hwp gfe reasonable donation to visit BCS!!

Seems like it has been awhile since BCS has received a visit from a real gfe(dfk and bbj) who was also an indy, hwp or a spinner and who
had a donation around 200 for a full non rushed hour.

Perhaps I just missed her ad or visit. Perhaps there are not any ladies
who are willing to visit BCS with the above description.

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Old 03-29-2010, 06:16 AM   #2
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You have Berkleigh, who is from this area
And Gen Nicole is visiting soon.

Hope this helps...love to see posts in our co-ed!
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Old 03-29-2010, 11:47 AM   #3
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B/CS had several ladies that matched that description on the B/CS calendar for about a week. (Even a couple of ladies that were offering doubles).

The feedback I received was that none of them received a pre-booking and as a result, opted not to make the trip. All of them reported their phones rang on the last day, asking for last minute appointments.

This point is not aimed at you, I know you to be a stand-up guy.

The point I want to make is an answer to the generic question of "Why can't we get XXX to come to XXX?"

B/CS sorely needs travelling talent. But the travelling ladies have a hard business decision to make, to spend the time and money to travel to someplace without pre-bookings, or to stay home and get a couple of guaranteed calls from their regulars.

I know of at least a dozen ladies that meet your requirements and would gladly come, if they had appointments.

There are two things I recommend:

1) Prebook when a lady posts she is thinking about coming, and keep the appt.

2) Find a lady you like, ask her to come down. When she agrees and posts an ad, encourage other hobbyists to consider booking with her (either in co-ed or in a PM).

Frankly, I know ladies from as far away as DFW and San Antonio (not to mention Austin) that would gladly make the trip for a multi-hour appointment or if they as few as two or three pre-bookings.

I hope that helps and good luck with your search.


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Old 03-29-2010, 03:06 PM   #4
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what hurt the bcs area was the website change. Cause here in the bcs area there are not a lot of heavy hobbyist. Looks to me that only the few regulars on the boards have came over. Im really pushing AmericanGeisha to make the trip. Shes a bit $. But for a xxx experience it would worth it.
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Old 03-29-2010, 05:31 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by jpjohnson7454 View Post
what hurt the bcs area was the website change. Cause here in the bcs area there are not a lot of heavy hobbyist. Looks to me that only the few regulars on the boards have came over. Im really pushing AmericanGeisha to make the trip. Shes a bit $. But for a xxx experience it would worth it.
No kidding. It took me a couple of months to figure out that ASPD had not expeienced just another crash, that it wasn't coming back, and then, where the hell everyone landed.

Serena Taylor is feeling us out. I expressed interest, and I hope others will as well.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:03 PM   #6
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I won't go to BCS unless you extensive screening.

And I'm $300 for that area for 2 hrs

I am however always ALWAYS available in Waco/Killeen area daily (Temple and Belton as well)
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Old 03-30-2010, 07:51 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by jpjohnson7454 View Post
what hurt the bcs area was the website change.....

Looks to me that only the few regulars on the boards have came over....

Im really pushing AmericanGeisha to make the trip...

Excellent point, JP.

I would agree that the demise of the former board left a lot of people in the dark.

Participation on the B/CS board was light, but I do not equate that to an extremely low participation rate for B/CS in the hobby, rather not that many people in B/CS (who were members here) posted, and certainly many do their "hell raising" in other cities. Some felt uncomfortable posting here, while living in such a small town.

To put participation here in perspective, you can look at the other forums and keep in mind the populations they represent.

Waco has an MSA of 230,000; Killeen/Temple/Belton, 380,000; Bryan/College Station, 207,000.

Corpus Christi has its own forum and its MSA is 415,000

When you read the DFW board, consider that the MSA there is 6,300,000.
Houston is 5,700,000. San Antonio is 2,000,000 and the Austin MSA is 1,600,000. The good news in that is that not only is the board participation heavy, but there are plenty of great providers willing to travel from there to see us.

When I signed on to ECCIE, I pushed the ownership to establish a separate Killeen/Waco/BCS forum and they were quite responsive. We had our own board in less than a week after I asked and offered to moderate it.

If you have contact with any of the "old" members, please encourage them to join ECCIE and to post.

(LADIES: Please encourage your customers to join ECCIE, especially in the smaller towns where the numbers are low.)

I think it is great that you are trying to entice a lady to travel to B/CS. Frankly, that is the best way to get a provider to visit. Contact them, encourage them and pre-book them. (And I see nothing wrong with posting here that "I am trying to get XXXX to come to town, because other hobbyist can do their research and decide if they want to see XXXX as well.) Another thing is to write a good review of your time together and post it here. It need not be a "tell all" kind of review or overly graphic or even a novel. Plain and simple is just fine. The reviews help both the providers and hobbyists.

If a lady posts an ad or comment that she is "thinking about coming to town".... read that as she is trying to make the business case to make the trip or not. What is the temperature of the hobby pool today?, so to speak. If it is a lady who sparks your genuine interest, I would suggest PMing her, even if you can't pre-book her for current visit. Tell her you are excited she is thinking about coming to town, sorry your schedules don't line up and let her know you would like to see her when she does come back. At least then, the lady can gauge if there is any interest in town and what the interest level may be.

I would also suggest that if a lady looks like she is planning a visit at a bad time or a good time (due to local events, of which she may not be aware) you gently point that out as well. "Glad you are coming that week, I won't get to see you, but it looks like 5,000 firemen will be in town." A little southern hospitality goes a long way, in many books.

Hobbying in a smaller town usually takes more advance planning than in a big city, where literally, a guy can take an early lunch and start dialing numbers until he gets a lady who is available on a short notice. It takes some advance planning on the part of both parties. It is handy to be able to call a lady up and book short notice, but somehow, you have to get the lady to your town to do so. There is the catch.

I am glad to see more posts here in the BCS, Waco and Killeen forums.

I promise to do my best to find 3 people this week who aren't on the board, that hobby, and encourage them to join.

I think once we reach a "critical mass" of members here, things will pick up even more. In Waco and Killeen, we *finally* have a couple of steady, excellent, true GFE providers.

I hope y'all find this post informative and helpful. Things are "picking up" around here, and word-of-mouth will go a long way to speeding up that process.

As always, respectfully submitted,

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Old 03-30-2010, 04:43 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by berkleigh View Post
I won't go to BCS unless you extensive screening.

And I'm $300 for that area for 2 hrs

I am however always ALWAYS available in Waco/Killeen area daily (Temple and Belton as well)
screening is another reason why its hard for us once or twice a year guys to enjoy providers that visit this town. Im young and only visit special ladies when they come. But im sure there are guys that never leave bcs and cant provide screening.
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Old 03-30-2010, 05:39 PM   #9
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Glad we have a little discussion. I'm not as active as I used to be.
Likely won't spend the time trying to convince a lady to visit. If the right reasonable gfe is wanting to come, I'm interested. Still haven't seen any ads or info that really changes anything for me. I left a 100 reviews on aspd since 1998 in the hobby and 2001 on aspd...unlikely that I will do much re references and investing a lot of time in getting a visit...may just hobby whern I travel.
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Old 03-30-2010, 05:42 PM   #10
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Sam Milone is coming to BCS THIS WEEK wineluvr, she is top notch and exactly what you specify in your posts.

If Obama would send me my stimulus, I could go get some stimulus from Sam! :-)
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Old 03-30-2010, 08:53 PM   #11
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sam gets here thursday and i leave thursday... just my luck.... i had a great visit with her last year... i was scheduled with KLN last week when she didn't have enough business to make the trip. i can't even keep my membership current through reviews because of the lack of decent providers coming to cs....
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Old 03-30-2010, 09:17 PM   #12
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her ad says 4/8 of next week, not this week.
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Old 03-31-2010, 12:13 AM   #13
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Default P411 is your friend......

Originally Posted by jpjohnson7454 View Post
screening is another reason why its hard for us once or twice a year guys to enjoy providers that visit this town. Im young and only visit special ladies when they come. But im sure there are guys that never leave bcs and cant provide screening.

Seriously ...use it please...preferred411.com for those who don't know how easy it real makes our lives in the hobby....just sayin'
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Old 03-31-2010, 05:03 AM   #14
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been at p411 for a few years now...glad Sam is coming....she posted an hour or so after my last post...yes, it is 4/8. Close to my ideal...prefer more petitie, but sounds/looks like she is hwp...just tall....75 min is a nice touch.... 3 days or parts of 3 days is a long time for a provider in BCS....she has nice reviews. Nice to have a visitor not retiring, a bbw, 300/hr or a list of non gfe activities
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Old 03-31-2010, 07:49 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by flowerflower1 View Post
sam gets here thursday and i leave thursday... just my luck.... i had a great visit with her last year... i was scheduled with KLN last week when she didn't have enough business to make the trip. i can't even keep my membership current through reviews because of the lack of decent providers coming to cs....

Dude, is KLN a memeber on here? I don't remeber seeing an ad. I would have booked had I known. Looks like her website is even down.
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