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Old 01-26-2012, 12:04 PM   #1
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Default On any given day it is only worth as much as he is willing to offer and she is willing to accept. And it DOES change. So why so down on those that want to offer less?

Girls have a rate for an hour.
For a half Hour.
For two Hours.
For a Dinner Date.
For an overnight.

Girls have "GrandFather" rates, Boy Friend rates and Repeat Client Rates.

Often, they are different rates for different clients.

Noone ever wants to pay more for something than anyone else does.

Most people understand that an inequality will exist.

But.... for many, it is natural to simply consider the fact that the price varies and make an offer accordingly.

I totally support the right of ANY business to have a price and stick to it. Ladies included. When I see a rate that is more than I will spend I just don't show interest and move on.

I've never really understood the animosity on the ladies side though or that of the chest thumpers who feel it is rude or inconsiderate for a guy to make an offer.

Why do you find it so offensive for someone to show interest in you that does not want to pay more than others pay?

If your rate is $250 an hour and you have no published hour rate why would you be offended when a guy offer you $600 for 3 hours? It is reasonable and in line with other gals. (happened to a buddy last week)

It would be a much better business move to make a not of the offer for a day you may consider something less, send a simple Thank-you and be done with it then it is to be rude in your reply or to come on here complaining.

I'm flabbergasted that in the current economy ANYONE would rudely dismiss a few hundred dollars offered for a block of your time.

Next time think about the possibility that some day,,,, you may have just plopped down $70 for a nice room to host incalls.... and come to find that your 7PM and 9PM have both canceled at the $250 an hour rate....

Having politely dismissed that $600 offer, you MIGHT be able to reach out and say, "Hey... I have an evening free and would like to see if you are still interested if I agree to your terms?... You fill the time that would NEVER be filled that easily and come out $100 ahead without having to cleanup and primp in between two guys.....

Even if you say No EVERY TIME.... Don't be rude and keep in mind that nothing positive will come your way by complaining of the practice.
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:18 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Why do you find it so offensive for someone to show interest in you that does not want to pay more than others pay?
That's not the issue. It's when you want to pay LESS than everyone else pays for the exact same time and service menu.

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
If your rate is $250 an hour and you have no published hour rate why would you be offended when a guy offer you $600 for 3 hours? It is reasonable and in line with other gals. (happened to a buddy last week)
There is absolutely Nothing wrong or unreasonable with that but most chiselers come in hoping to grind the $250 down without at least offering something in return such as multiple hour sessions.

As I stated in the other thread if he can whittle her one hour session down then there is absolutely no reason she can't do the exact same thing by up selling from a reduced service menu. Works both ways. True negotiating is when he gives less of one thing and she gives less of another.
It's not a one sided device. It means both sides get to bargain down what matters most to the other.

Walk into a restaurant and tell the waitress "I'm starving but I only feel like paying half the price of the entree". Waitress's reasonable response would be "Here is the appetizer menu. Would you like some ice in your water?"

Negotiating also allows either side to politely say Fuck off and take their money or service elsewhere.
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:22 PM   #3
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If she say's no, just get over it. Plain and simple. IT turns me off when a guy is trying to bargain my time because it'll be convenient or have nothing better to do.

I am not sure what field you work in but what if your supervisor decided to he wanted to take you aside and see if there was anyway to bring down your salary. Surely in this economy getting another job will be hard to find so just take the pay cut because money is money- it's not about what you think you deserve to be compensated, only about what you are offered.

*This example was just a general statement and not meant to be taken personally I just wanted to give you a straight laced reversal.
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:34 PM   #4
Just playing the field:)
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I agree With you whisper as I can see your common sense approach. It's like this, everything is for sales for the right price. However here in this hobby a nut is a nut no matter how you look at it. You know a smart buyer will always ask for a lower price and if they don't get it they either pay the asking or move on to the next. The bottom line is one man pays 300 for an hr and one pays 150 who get the better deal when both leave satisfied??? There is no disrespect when asking for a discount. The disrespect comes in if you ask they say no and you get angry with them and exchange words. If you don't ask for a discount it's your own stupidity especially if someone else sees the same person for less. In closing; for the individuals that think it's disrespectful to ask for a beret deal, I have 10acres I want to sell you in the swamp for 100,000.00, so ease pay what I'm asking and don't disrespect me and ask me to lower the price. Just saying!!!!
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:38 PM   #5
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it's all about both parties feeling satisfied with the deal and no one got screwed in a bad way. Like Will Rogers said, "I'd feel better about being the guy that bought the Bay bridge than being the guy that sold it".
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:53 PM   #6
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What gets me is when a guy tries to talk you down on your rate, wants everything under the sun for 100 bucks. Then when you tell him, no thank you...he responds back with "well you are not really my type anyways".... REALLY??? Jackass YOU contacted ME!

Yes... you are in the thread my dear and do it to MANY ladies.
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Old 01-26-2012, 01:12 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou View Post
If she say's no, just get over it. Plain and simple. IT turns me off when a guy is trying to bargain my time because it'll be convenient or have nothing better to do.

I am not sure what field you work in but what if your supervisor decided to he wanted to take you aside and see if there was anyway to bring down your salary. Surely in this economy getting another job will be hard to find so just take the pay cut because money is money- it's not about what you think you deserve to be compensated, only about what you are offered.

*This example was just a general statement and not meant to be taken personally I just wanted to give you a straight laced reversal.
The supervisor arguement does not work here. Providers can raise their rates anytime. I sure would like to name my salary
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Old 01-26-2012, 01:37 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Girls have a rate for an hour.
For a half Hour.
For two Hours.
For a Dinner Date.
For an overnight.

Girls have "GrandFather" rates, Boy Friend rates and Repeat Client Rates.

Often, they are different rates for different clients.

Noone ever wants to pay more for something than anyone else does.

Most people understand that an inequality will exist.

But.... for many, it is natural to simply consider the fact that the price varies and make an offer accordingly.

I totally support the right of ANY business to have a price and stick to it. Ladies included.

When I see a rate that is more than I will spend I just don't show interest and move on.
IMO, that is the respectful thing to do. OR just wait until she runs a special.

I've never really understood the animosity on the ladies side though or that of the chest thumpers who feel it is rude or inconsiderate for a guy to make an offer.

We are not selling a car or an object. We are selling our time, our selves (body, mind, and spirit). If a potential client contacts a lady and haggles it could be perceived that he doesn't think her (body, mind, spirit) are worth much. Who wants to spend time with someone you perceive to not think much of you or your boundaries you have set?

Why do you find it so offensive for someone to show interest in you that does not want to pay more than others pay? Again, it sends the message that you aren't worth it and some ladies tend to tie their rates etc. to their self worth and pride.

If your rate is $250 an hour and you have no published hour rate why would you be offended when a guy offer you $600 for 3 hours? It is reasonable and in line with other gals. (happened to a buddy last week)

Now this I don't understand either. The guy isn't a mind reader. If a lady doesn't post her rates how is he supposed to know? Personally, I wouldn't be offended by this.

It would be a much better business move to make a not of the offer for a day you may consider something less, send a simple Thank-you and be done with it then it is to be rude in your reply or to come on here complaining.

Sage advice IMO.

I'm flabbergasted that in the current economy ANYONE would rudely dismiss a few hundred dollars offered for a block of your time. Pride is a powerful thing! If taking that $$ date makes you feel cheap and you are going to have to pretend you aren't offended or irritated with a person who you are going to be extremely intimate with is it really worth taking that session? For him or Her?

Next time think about the possibility that some day,,,, you may have just plopped down $70 for a nice room to host incalls.... and come to find that your 7PM and 9PM have both canceled at the $250 an hour rate....

That's why a lady should save for a rainy day or not depend solely on the hobby. That's just my opinion.

Having politely dismissed that $600 offer, you MIGHT be able to reach out and say, "Hey... I have an evening free and would like to see if you are still interested if I agree to your terms?... You fill the time that would NEVER be filled that easily and come out $100 ahead without having to cleanup and primp in between two guys.....

Agree with you there. Multi hour dates make more sense financially, physically, and otherwise.

Even if you say No EVERY TIME.... Don't be rude and keep in mind that nothing positive will come your way by complaining of the practice.
I believe it can be done in a mature straight forward manner without being rude.

Wow, a record for me to agree with Whispers so many times...and in one day! What the hell is happening to me
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Old 01-26-2012, 02:43 PM   #9
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maybe drinking the left over kool-aid?
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Old 01-26-2012, 02:49 PM   #10
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I don't haggle a woman's rates. If I can't afford her listed rate or her special, then I will move on. There are plenty to choose from. I've always figured if I haggled the rate, the quality of service would suffer.
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Old 01-26-2012, 02:57 PM   #11
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Perhaps they are all Members of the

"GPS Local 515 Union"


and to Skylar.. From 1998 to 2009, I used to make on average $2-$5k per deal( depends on loan amount) as a Loan Officer. I was offended if anyone asked me to cut my rates or fees. I would not work for less than $1500 a deal, for anything less I felt like I lost money and my knowledge and expertise were being compromised

Fast forward to 2012. I am a Part Time Loan Officer, working full time in Oil and Gas Leasing, I would gladly take $500-$2000 a loan no matter what loan size....

I am not a Proud man I have bills to pay!!! The worm does turn. ( :
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Old 01-26-2012, 03:09 PM   #12
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Touché Ralphey! I've had to sell my soul and entire existence for 16.00 per hour. Maybe I just don't value my spirit enough? And I should live under a freeway bridge instead?
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Old 01-26-2012, 03:42 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Codybeast View Post
Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Why do you find it so offensive for someone to show interest in you that does not want to pay more than others pay?
That's not the issue. It's when you want to pay LESS than everyone else pays for the exact same time and service menu.
How would I know what everyone else pays though?

I've seen many ladies over the years. Some have given me fantastic deals for repeat visits and even first time visits. (Hint: Try adding BFE to your tag line.) Other ladies that I've seen a few times have never given me a price/time/menu break. They don't see me as often.

There shouldn't be any harm in asking as long as you are both adults about it if you don't get the answer you were expecting...
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:48 PM   #14
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If the valuation is for body, mind and spirit, my offer would be $0.

I value my mind and spirit just as much, if not more.
I P4P so I don't have to deal with the baggage and expectations that come along with mind and spirit. If we're dating, I'm not paying. If we're making a transaction, then it's business.

Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou View Post
I am not sure what field you work in but what if your supervisor decided to he wanted to take you aside and see if there was anyway to bring down your salary. Surely in this economy getting another job will be hard to find so just take the pay cut because money is money- it's not about what you think you deserve to be compensated, only about what you are offered.

*This example was just a general statement and not meant to be taken personally I just wanted to give you a straight laced reversal.
Actually, I've walked away from job offers when they did not meet my expectations. Politely. I did not get offended or give them attitude when I rejected their offer.

I also went through 3 jobs in a period of 6 months last year, by choice, for better offers. Job market and economy is nowhere near as bad as the rumors have it.
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:46 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi View Post
We are not selling a car or an object. We are selling our time, our selves (body, mind, and spirit). If a potential client contacts a lady and haggles it could be perceived that he doesn't think her (body, mind, spirit) are worth much. Who wants to spend time with someone you perceive to not think much of you or your boundaries you have set?
It may not be that he does not thing she is worth the $250 she is asking..... HE may simply be aware that she runs specials at $200 from time to time and has clients grandfathered at $180 that are friends of his. He sees HIS offer of $200 to be in line with what the lady established she was worth already. He just wants that perk reserved for others.

Every day guys try to get into VIP for free..... Then pay when caught... because they still believe in the value... but there was no harm in trying...

Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi View Post
Wow, a record for me to agree with Whispers so many times...and in one day! What the hell is happening to me
It's been enough time for most of you ladies that have been around long enough to simply realize.... I'm Right!

That or I wore ya down!
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