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Old 01-23-2012, 06:48 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by chelsea simms View Post
In the movie Men of Honor, the master chief says: Why Would Anybody Want To Be A Navy Diver. AS a play on words the girls should be asking why would anyone want to be a " WIFE". In my limited experience with boyfriends their attitude seemed to be, I should stay home, idealy barefoot and pregant while they went hunting, fishing, playing pool, and in general hanging out and having fun. Of course when they did come home I should be overjoyed to suck thier dick and act like a sex starved porn star while cleaning the fish, or cutting up their deer.

You act like something is wrong with that.

All kidding aside, a marriage requires two people to be in the relationship. If only one is in the relationship then it goes away. Be sure to be with someone that is willing to commit to relationship and has similar relationship goals as you.
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Old 01-23-2012, 08:06 PM   #17
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If wives only knew how much grooming training takes place around here they would put providers on staff.

Where else can a man get detailed instruction on cleaning his ass, sack, taint, hair, beard, nails, breath on a regular basis.
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Old 01-23-2012, 09:38 PM   #18
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My wife found out about a provider. Said she suspected something was up since I was more caring, loving and attentive. She attributed it to guilt. No amount of talk could convince her that I was genuinely more happy and felt more alive as the reason.
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Old 01-23-2012, 10:07 PM   #19
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My wife would be really understanding. I think she would only take half of what we have, and maybe just one of my balls.
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Old 01-23-2012, 10:21 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by TexasDave555 View Post
If wives only knew how much grooming training takes place around here they would put providers on staff.

Where else can a man get detailed instruction on cleaning his ass, sack, taint, hair, beard, nails, breath on a regular basis.
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Old 01-23-2012, 10:47 PM   #21
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Default Look out, boys......it's Chelsea in a Deer Stand.....

Originally Posted by chelsea simms View Post
In the movie Men of Honor, the master chief says: Why Would Anybody Want To Be A Navy Diver. AS a play on words the girls should be asking why would anyone want to be a " WIFE". In my limited experience with boyfriends their attitude seemed to be, I should stay home, idealy barefoot and pregant while they went hunting, fishing, playing pool, and in general hanging out and having fun. Of course when they did come home I should be overjoyed to suck thier dick and act like a sex starved porn star while cleaning the fish, or cutting up their deer.. Hell I could out fish, or hunt them on my bad days. As time drifts on I still find that same attitude very much still alive and well in most of my married friends lives. Wher hubby is gone it is shocking what comments come out of their loving wives mouths. Now don't get me wrong every great once in a while I run across a relationship that is what fairy tales are made of, but not often
With that being said , if I ever do find the right one and decide to get married, I can only hope to find someone as nice, well manered, polite, respectful, and considerate as the vast majority of the guys I have had dealings with here in the hobby world. I also hope that I could take away from this life the understanding that a fellow can still be a great husband, dad , and hub of a good family life. At this point in my journey thru life I believe a descrete play session outside the bounds of marrage actually might be a good thing as long as home life is not being neglected.
As usual, Good stuff, Chelsea Simms. See my PM.
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Old 01-24-2012, 05:22 AM   #22
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Loving Glenna's right if one looks at providers as any other tradesperson. Unfortunately, one half of the consuming duo has to admit that something's in need of repair that one of them broke. It's much easier to deal with it if it's a window, car, garbage disposal, toilet drain, etc. because, as we all know, sh*t happens and things wear out. In the end, the hobby is a stop-gap measure that can get in the way if both parties in the couple ever align in phase to actually rework the relationship.

The need for "stability" (read as: control) vs (or compounded by) insecurity...

Chelsea's essentially right except for the part where awholotta wimmen really can't
get it up for guys who fit the standard issue Cosmo profile of a "good" husband. I'm not talking about the classic "bad boy" types but the average, basic guy who likes to do "man things" and sincerely believes that women waaaay over think things. It's easy for guys who are going to get to experience the goody bag they have purchased to "behave" for an hour or two just like the ladies who also suspend reality while they are doing their work.

Got a friend (don't we all?) whose wife decided to "trade up." Both him and the wife have good jobs, nice house, cars, two kids and a dog. She's a college educated professonal and he's built up his career through energy related services and equipment sales. Both work hard and are good at what they do. Well, each thought that something other than sex was lacking in the relationship and the maliase wasn't seated in bedroom dysfunction. So, she dumps my bud, takes up with someone "more upscale" and lives happily ever after. Not exactly. The new guy dumps her happy ass after a year and it takes my guy and the wife another year to negotiate a treaty and reconcilliation. They're back together again and both see that what caused the undoing of the relationship had everything to do with a do-it-yourself plan to fix something that wasn't really broken, just suffering from day to day white noise overload - kids, too much working for "success," a sense of dissatisfaction because their life wasn't the stuff of books, short stories or sticoms that all couples have to deal with. Most couples aren't worth a g/d in dealing with it and the "fairy-tale" couples one occasionally see have found a way to do so. Generally, they have found committment and thrown away the scorecard.
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Old 01-24-2012, 05:48 AM   #23
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Have had an on-agin, off-again GF for a few years. Great lady, nice to look at, bright, ambitious, good heart and soul, many shared interests etc...except sex. She simply can take it or leave it. And when she's interested, it's always nice, but very vanilla. Making matters worse, I'm no the worlds greatest lover and I think she might have been a nun in a previous life. The source of our break ups has always been lack of sex, since the quarterly plan isn't acceptable to me.

I was conflicted because I believe in monogamy and commitment, and exited the hobby when we were seeing each other exclusively. Yet the lack of sex always came between us, and we'd end up separating. It was a self perpetuating cycle.

After some soul searching, i finally realized that I wasn't interested in seeking someone new...to much time and energy, and at my age I can't stand the games. Plus, she's really the "near perfect" friend and companion.

So the hobby allows me some release (even though I'd prefer to play with the GF only) and takes the pressure off her for sex, allowing the relationship to remain happy and intact.

Matter of fact, the other day she looked at me and said, "Do you hate me because we never have sex?" I simply looked at her and replied, "No sweetie, it's just not that important anymore."

Just my $0.02 humbly submitted.
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Old 01-24-2012, 08:16 AM   #24
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I am sure we providers had SAVED more marriages than most counselors.

Amen. If I had a penny for everytime I've had to slap these men back into reality from going off the deep end & doing something REALLY retarded! It's amazing how much clearer the thought process is after certain "endorphins" are released... Your wife can thank me later!
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Old 01-24-2012, 09:05 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post

She didn't like the $ I was spending on pros. So then a 24 y/o literally fell into my lap who was into older guys. Me Having a 24 y/o girlfriend made the SO realize what a bargain the pros are.

The difference between paying for sex and getting sex for free is paying for sex is alot cheaper!
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Old 01-24-2012, 10:27 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
Loving Glenna's right .

ROTFLMFAO!!!! Now THAT is funny!
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Old 01-24-2012, 10:41 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess View Post

Amen. If I had a penny for everytime I've had to slap these men back into reality from going off the deep end & doing something REALLY retarded! It's amazing how much clearer the thought process is after certain "endorphins" are released... Your wife can thank me later!
IP, please slap me and release my endorphins anytime you like!!
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Old 01-24-2012, 11:13 AM   #28
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No wife ever (in my opinion and experience) would be able to get over the paying for it aspect. I have been in relationships that meeting a couple or a woman at a bar or something was fine to bring home and play with but if we paid for a provider the its dangerous and terrible that we had to pay for it. No logic there in my opinion. Not that I will ever claim to truly understand a woman's logic. LOL
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Old 01-24-2012, 11:18 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by chelsea simms View Post
In the movie Men of Honor, the master chief says: Why Would Anybody Want To Be A Navy Diver. AS a play on words the girls should be asking why would anyone want to be a " WIFE". In my limited experience with boyfriends their attitude seemed to be, I should stay home, idealy barefoot and pregant while they went hunting, fishing, playing pool, and in general hanging out and having fun. Of course when they did come home I should be overjoyed to suck thier dick and act like a sex starved porn star while cleaning the fish, or cutting up their deer.. Hell I could out fish, or hunt them on my bad days. As time drifts on I still find that same attitude very much still alive and well in most of my married friends lives. Wher hubby is gone it is shocking what comments come out of their loving wives mouths. Now don't get me wrong every great once in a while I run across a relationship that is what fairy tales are made of, but not often
With that being said , if I ever do find the right one and decide to get married, I can only hope to find someone as nice, well manered, polite, respectful, and considerate as the vast majority of the guys I have had dealings with here in the hobby world. I also hope that I could take away from this life the understanding that a fellow can still be a great husband, dad , and hub of a good family life. At this point in my journey thru life I believe a descrete play session outside the bounds of marrage actually might be a good thing as long as home life is not being neglected.
Very true, but I believe there is someone out there for everyone. Comes down to the basics, respect, communication, and realizing that its all a two way street where no one party has all the answers.
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Old 01-24-2012, 12:54 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by chelsea simms View Post
In the movie Men of Honor, the master chief says: Why Would Anybody Want To Be A Navy Diver. AS a play on words the girls should be asking why would anyone want to be a " WIFE". In my limited experience with boyfriends their attitude seemed to be, I should stay home, idealy barefoot and pregant while they went hunting, fishing, playing pool, and in general hanging out and having fun. Of course when they did come home I should be overjoyed to suck thier dick and act like a sex starved porn star while cleaning the fish, or cutting up their deer.. Hell I could out fish, or hunt them on my bad days. As time drifts on I still find that same attitude very much still alive and well in most of my married friends lives. Wher hubby is gone it is shocking what comments come out of their loving wives mouths. Now don't get me wrong every great once in a while I run across a relationship that is what fairy tales are made of, but not often
With that being said , if I ever do find the right one and decide to get married, I can only hope to find someone as nice, well manered, polite, respectful, and considerate as the vast majority of the guys I have had dealings with here in the hobby world. I also hope that I could take away from this life the understanding that a fellow can still be a great husband, dad , and hub of a good family life. At this point in my journey thru life I believe a descrete play session outside the bounds of marrage actually might be a good thing as long as home life is not being neglected.
WOW where have you been all my life? I try all the time to get the wife to go hunting, fishing and roping with me I just can't get her off facebook! oh-well
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