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Old 01-19-2012, 06:34 PM   #31
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yes yes yes, i know gun safety rules, i grew up in a house with guns.

okay then how about a plastic toy squirt gun?
I could be "miss lil wet kitty" and you could be Big Joe! A blindfold and tie me to the railroad track? (pretend railroad tracks of course) I been bad again, probably need a lil spanking too!
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Old 01-19-2012, 07:10 PM   #32
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plenty of good ranges around SA that will rent you a gun (try before you buy lol), some even have really nice female instructors that will teach you how to use it.
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Old 01-20-2012, 04:44 AM   #33
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As to the killing ability of the .22, any firearm may prove fatal. However, a long time friend of mine who was both a retired police detective of 33 years and a Marine sgt. who went thru the pacific in WWII and has shot humans on more than one occasion told me, in the heat of battle you need a weapon with knock down power. What good does it do you to shoot your assailant and he keeps comes coming at you. My friends advice was for defensive handgun, .45 or in home a 12 gauge with buckshot. Either will knock a man down and most probably out. If you don't knock them down will you really have time to continue firing? Most gunbattles are quick and at close range, be first and be powerful.
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Old 01-20-2012, 03:08 PM   #34
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I have my concealed carry license but I have never taken a gun into a session, if I don't feel comfortable enough without a gun I would not do it. I am a "gun nut" which I guess is a good term. I am a very active collector and own more guns than I care to mention. I enjoy the hobby and I have always believed it to be a good investment.
I was in the military for 6 years and I have shot everything from A .22 to a 50 Bmg. and I go to the local range on a regular basis if someone wants to learn to shoot I would be happy to let them know when I am going next.
I have always believed it to be a good idea for a provider to carry a gun as long as they know how to safely use it and I would be more than happy to offer suggestions.
During my military stint I have been pepper sprayed, tazered, and had a stun gun used on me for training certifications. I would never trust a stun gun because other than the initial shock from it I was still able to go after the training partner and attack him as well as most everyone else I have seen. A tazer is acceptable but I have seen a few people rip the wires out of there chest like nothing happened. Other than a gun pepper spray is the best defense in my opinion. It was worse than hell and I would rather eat razor blades than go through that again. But invest in a canister unit not one of those cute little pink key chain things.
I am sure alot of people will disagree with me but a .22 is not a good defensive weapon. There is no knock down, penetration, and they are too easily jambed from not enough blow back. I use a .45 acp with specialially designed hollow points that slow the bullet down and break apart on impact. I would reccomend having at least a .380. I like the Ruger .380 concealed, very small and they dont really kick and reasonably priced. I appolligize in advance for the spelling.
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Old 01-20-2012, 03:59 PM   #35
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I too am a concealed carry disciple and am constantly surprised more people aren't. There have been a few times in my life where it has made the difference in protecting me and my family.

I have no issues whatsoever with a reputable provider I am seeing carrying and I trust those that know me wouldn't either. It is a delicate situation and I will be the first to admit it. Where the comfort level is on both sides is something to be determined by both parties involved.

I would however disagree with my colleague's previous post about the Ruger .380. I am not a fan of it at all. I would offer the Bersa CC .380 as a better choice or if you go a little further the Walther PK .380 as well.

I carry the Walther as my summer weight carry and a XDM .40 as my winter weight. LOL Not there really is any difference. Which one I carry depends upon clothing, imprinting and being able to use effectively in any given situation. I like the .40 because it is high velocity stopping power and use hydro-shock titanium core 180 grain and in my .380 use 135 grain jhp.

There are a lot of good choices out there and should anyone wish to shoot I too am available to take you out to the range. After all "a polite society is a well armed society" Robert Heinlein!
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Old 01-20-2012, 04:38 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by fade_to_black View Post
Other than a gun pepper spray is the best defense in my opinion. It was worse than hell and I would rather eat razor blades than go through that again. But invest in a canister unit not one of those cute little pink key chain things.

I pepper sprayed someone once with a whole can of the one in the pink thing and it looked really painful! I felt bad afterwards, but at the time, he asked for it. A few weeks later, I was really cleaning up my place, wiping down all over everything and I guess there was some on the wall because when I wiped it down, my eyes teared up and they began to burn super bad! This was weeks later! I couldnt believe how bad it stung and it was only, like, a drop lol!
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Old 01-20-2012, 04:49 PM   #37
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I couldnt believe how bad it stung and it was only, like, a drop lol!
lmao, I know exactly what you mean, when I was pepper sprayed I was taking a shower a few days later and I guess some had stuck somewhere around my eye and it was like being sprayed again. Me and my buddy's used to walk into a room on base and spray a tiny bit in the middle of the floor and everyone would have to leave the room because they could not breathe. (We got bored easily.)
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Old 01-20-2012, 05:01 PM   #38
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LMAO That's all fucked up!
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Old 01-20-2012, 10:07 PM   #39
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Oh man a city full of armed providers... I hate to expose myself as the nerd that I am, but that totally fulfills my Sin City fetish.

And as far as providers at the range? I shoot on a regular basis. What a treat it would be to see a group of you lovely ladies lining up at the 7 line.. presenting arms.. controlled breathing.. squeezing and....

Anyway, what about knives? Any of you girls carry knives? Any of you girls practice any kind of self defense or martial art?
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Old 01-20-2012, 10:13 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by fade_to_black View Post
lmao, I know exactly what you mean, when I was pepper sprayed I was taking a shower a few days later and I guess some had stuck somewhere around my eye and it was like being sprayed again. Me and my buddy's used to walk into a room on base and spray a tiny bit in the middle of the floor and everyone would have to leave the room because they could not breathe. (We got bored easily.)
LMAO!!! It reminds me of the days in the gas-chamber (CS gas). Remove your gas mask, and see how many verses of the Marine Corp hymn you can sing (before you have to stagger out of there). Military shananigans, I tell ya.

One thing that I dont miss is humping a 70ish pound pack with full mop gear around the base.
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Old 01-21-2012, 12:31 AM   #41
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I'm sure Rak and Fade are willing to help out a few Hobby guys also at the range.
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Old 01-21-2012, 10:40 AM   #42
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Why I carry a .45, because they don't make a .46
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Old 01-21-2012, 10:41 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Sweet Lexxxi dd's View Post
I would prob get a Taser as the lovely Malaya has one and she is not afraid to use it.
Is that an extra charge...??
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