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Old 01-16-2012, 09:35 PM   #31
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Okay Wake-up

She was Latina right?

How many races of people do jobs most would not do. How many times have we heard about people crossing a river to get to America. How many races of people do you see in this state(mostly) doing yard work. Not all of them does yarn work.....but....

I was not offended by your comment, you are just being you, and your handle is not Mr.Nice guy.

Honestly I didn't see the difference in your statement, than a statement in an NBA thread. Lots of racy stuff goes in those thread and racy comments are always made.
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Old 01-16-2012, 10:16 PM   #32
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I completely understand what you're saying, and it's the perfect illustration of my point.

My original statement was "stereotypical", not "racist".


   /ˈstɛriəˌtaɪp, ˈstɪər-/ Show Spelled [ster-ee-uh-tahyp, steer-] Show IPA noun, verb, -typed, -typ·ing.
noun 1. a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.
2. a plate made by this process.
3. asetform; convention.
4. Sociology . a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group


  /ˈreɪsɪst/ Show Spelled[rey-sist] Show IPA
noun 1. a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others.

I'm attributing crossing the Rio Grande river and doing garden work with a common conception of Hispanic people. It's obviously simplified because not all Hispanic providers crossed the river to get here, and not all Hispanics do garden work. It's a stereotype associated, with certain people. There's nothing inherently bad or good in it. It's no different than associating afros with black people or Valley Girl speech to white people. It's a common conception, simplified because it obviously doesn't apply to all.

Racists would attribute this conception to being an inferior race. There's nothing inherently wrong with crossing a river, except if the Border Patrol finds you, and there's nothing inherently wrong with gardening unless you're killing all of my roses. Nothing in my original comment either stated or implied a superiority or inferiority of any race. The issue is that in our society today we've become hypersensitive to "racial" comments, and any stereotype is automatically viewed with disdain. The problem with that is that simple words are always going to cause conflict, and it's going to cause conflict regardless of what the original speaker intended.

What's sad about our society now is that if you look at it, the problem lies not with the speaker, but with the hearer. We've convinced ourselves to be angry over not what others say...but what we believe...or worse yet, what others have convinced us to believe...

Do you see the difference?

P.S.-The point of this thread wasn't to "apologize" for my comment. It wasn't to make people angry. It wasn't to stir a racism debate. It was a social experiment to see how other people would interpret the comment, and hence, how they would react here. Explaining it may cause someone to think about it, and possibly analyze how they react to others here on the Internet, where it's virtually (no pun intended) impossible to know the true intent of any typed comment. Highlight all of the text in my original post. As I said, I'm impressed it really didn't get bad...

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Old 01-17-2012, 05:37 AM   #33
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This is the "damage control" I was referring to....OR.....in other words....a "social experiment".
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Old 01-17-2012, 08:06 AM   #34
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Sarunga, damage control would assume that I did something wrong...and that I felt a need to try and mitigate the backlash...neither of which apply here...
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Old 01-17-2012, 08:47 AM   #35
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We all know you are never wrong Wakeup but....

In your original comment you insinuated that Hispanics were cheaper for yard work and pussy because more come across the river every day.

That statement is degrading to a particular race and if you can't see that than maybe you are a racist.
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Old 01-17-2012, 09:52 AM   #36
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Hispanic isn't a race it's an ethnicity therefor Wakeup can't be called a racist based on the statements in the OP.
He's not attacking Spaniards or Colombians or Hispanic Americans so it might not even be an ethnic thing.
Now is he a Mezcan hater?...maybe. What do you thinck Carkiddo?
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Old 01-17-2012, 10:43 AM   #37
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My yardman is a Middle Eastern Guy, maybe Pakistani, he has the entire familly working for him, he does multitudes of yards a day. He charges me $35 a pop.

It would not surprise me to know he lives in Cinco Ranch and drives a new Mercedes.

As to Wakeup's statement, I am not sure he is cerebral enough to come up with the whole "social experiment" thing, at first glance, it looked like your typical ThreAD, or 'hey, look at me' posting.

I would not know Wakeup if I saw him on the street. He may be a 5'2" geek using a Keyboard to get back at God for creating him as such, or he might be a retired NFL Line Backer having fun on a Hooker Board. Obviously, some of the Hookers on ECCIE have seen him BCD, but the comments are few.

Wakeup rags on me because I throw all of my Hobby Funds toward one Hooker. But I have to admitt that most of what he says is true. But it is still my choice, and as long as I am having a good time, where's the beef.
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Old 01-17-2012, 12:25 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302 View Post
Okay Wake-up

She was Latina right?

How many races of people do jobs most would not do.
You mean like fucking Carkido?
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Old 01-17-2012, 12:48 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by oilfieldscum View Post
We all know you are never wrong Wakeup but....
I'm glad you said it...I was starting to think I wasn't making that point well enough...

Originally Posted by oilfieldscum View Post
In your original comment you insinuated that Hispanics were cheaper for yard work and pussy because more come across the river every day.

That statement is degrading to a particular race and if you can't see that than maybe you are a racist.
I insinuated nothing, I stated it exactly like that, but how is it degrading? Nowhere did I say that doing yard work was degrading. Nowhere did I say that charging a cheaper price for it was degrading. Nowhere did I say being a hooker was degrading. Nowhere did I say crossing the Rio Grande was degrading. Again, racism versus stereotyping. It's not my comment you have a problem with...it's your interpretation of my comment that you have a problem with. I'm in no way responsible for that...
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Old 01-17-2012, 01:00 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
I'm glad you said it...I was starting to think I wasn't making that point well enough...

I insinuated nothing, I stated it exactly like that, but how is it degrading? Nowhere did I say that doing yard work was degrading. Nowhere did I say that charging a cheaper price for it was degrading. Nowhere did I say being a hooker was degrading. Nowhere did I say crossing the Rio Grande was degrading. Again, racism versus stereotyping. It's not my comment you have a problem with...it's your interpretation of my comment that you have a problem with. I'm in no way responsible for that...
Now isn't this what a racist might say to justify himself to others?
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Old 01-17-2012, 01:25 PM   #41
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That depends on whether you have the language skills to debate Wakeup on the validity of his argument ......or.........you got nothing and feel the need to play the only card in your hand....ijs.
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Old 01-17-2012, 01:35 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by oilfieldscum View Post
Now isn't this what a racist might say to justify himself to others?
Not at all. It's what someone who doesn't meet the definition of a racist says to someone who has no clue what the word "racist" means, even when the very definitions have already been posted...

Point out where I said that my race was superior to any race that 1) crosses a river, 2) does gardening, or 3) provides for a living, and I'll admit that my statement was racist. Until then, it's simply a stereotype. Can you point that out to me?

Again OFS, you're illustrating my point exactly. You don't know what the word racist means, yet you paint me with that brush because you've been programmed to. Because everyone around you makes the same mistake. Because the media, parents, friends, teachers, all condition you to be hypersensitive to race issues and you all have no idea how to apply the term racist, or what it means to be so.

The whole point of this experiment is to 1) point out what racism is and what it isn't, and 2) to explain how people misuse that term without even realizing they're doing it, so maybe they'll reflect on this before using it in the future...
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Old 01-17-2012, 01:43 PM   #43
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Wakeup, ofs doesn't care that he is ignorant of the definition of a "racist". He will choose to cling to it like a warm snuggle blanket. Because, thincking that you are a racist helps him live with his ignorance......ijs.
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Old 01-17-2012, 01:47 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
Wakeup, ofs doesn't care that he is ignorant of the definition of a "racist". He will choose to cling to it like a warm snuggle blanket. Because, thincking that you are a racist helps him live with his ignorance......ijs.
To his credit, a lot of people cling to horrible notions about me because it makes me easier to catagorize in their worlds. I don't blame him, he's just following the crowd, and I'm not angry at him, and maybe it's pointless, but I'll still try and drop a little knowledge on people every once in a while...I'm a giver...

P.S.-Jackie, I'm 6'-0", don't believe in God, and played baseball.
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Old 01-17-2012, 01:53 PM   #45
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I like dearhunter's experiments better...not near as much thincking involved...just fucking with idiots.
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