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Old 03-27-2010, 04:08 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by BIG C View Post

It's posts like this is why everyone is so upset with your presence here.....Even when proven wrong you can't just apologize and move on.....The comment about someone kissing your ass was just damn rude, against the posting standards for ECCIE, and just uncalled for.....Besides, when are you going to learn that absolutely no one here is interested in your ass, and in particular, NOT BIG C.....
Appologise for being an ass? Nobody else has to. Lets face it Retirement is Boring! No ads to post, no girls to help, ITS KILLIN ME!!!!
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Old 03-27-2010, 04:55 PM   #32
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hey MuffDVR I like you style
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Old 03-27-2010, 05:05 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by jhende3 View Post
hey MuffDVR I like you style

OHHHHH dont EVER say that here, you will get the BEATDOWN! Learn to be more PC... Say you hate me and that i am an ass, its a better way to be with the "IN" crowd... even if they are 38yr old ex-providers with hatred for all things. Its true im an ass, i dont pull no punches and i speak my mind, of course this board is much like the real world, everyone thinks you should accomodate them.

I have been in this area 5yrs now, and for 5yrs, if you listen to that "IN" crowd, .. Im going to jail, Elves are gonna get busted, Im a forceful pimp, and i handled underage girls.. There are at least 8 providers here on this board who have been busted in that time, yet, I havent had that problem, and those are the same cum dumpsters who have ran their mouths for 5 yrs. Funny thing, they have all been proven WRONG.. anyone seen a single appology? I havent, But Big C thinks i should appologise for a small mistake, when others havent been asked to appologise for their Lies. So again, they can kiss my ass, if it gets me banned, what do i care, hell all i do now is occasionally hit some poon, and go play at the casino and me and the lil lady do some traveling. This isnt my world anymore, and you sure as shit cant hurt any business of mine. The only sex biz i have, is when my ol lady gives me head then takes the credit card for shopping, OMG, i do put my hand on the back of her head,
does that make me a Forceful John in my own home?!?!?!
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Old 03-27-2010, 05:29 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by MuffDVR View Post
Appologise for being an ass? Nobody else has to. Lets face it Retirement is Boring! No ads to post, no girls to help, ITS KILLIN ME!!!!
Originally Posted by MuffDVR View Post
But Big C thinks i should appologise for a small mistake, when others havent been asked to appologise for their Lies. So again, they can kiss my ass, if it gets me banned, what do i care,
Well, I had a response for this and when I tried to submit it, damn internet connection got lost and so went my response.....Oh well, rather than try to recall everything that I had said, I'll just give the Reader's Digest version:

1: Your responses are quite skewed here since neither you nor anyone else can show where I told you or anyone else that they should apologize for being an ass......

2: Since you seem to have selective reading comprehension, I'll repeat what I said and this time I'll put emphasis on the relevant part so it doesn't escape you: I stated that you can't even "apologize when you are WRONG and just move on".....That's not even close to me stating that you should apologize for being an ass.....If you're going to be an ass and try to pick a fight, at least make your arguments have merit and don't try to make up things in your favor.....

Actually, I'm not even sure why the hell this thread is still open since it's not even on topic anymore.....Mayhap I'm just getting too damn nice in my old age.....
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Old 03-27-2010, 05:59 PM   #35
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And still not a single comment on alll those others who have been wrong and havent appologised? I agree when someones wrong they should appologise, but that rule has NEVER applied here as the past and present shows, so why are you on my ass to appologise now when you have never demanded it from others who have been wrong time and time again in regards to me or my previous business? Shit i have had to send you girls personal ID's starting 3 yrs ago, just to proove age, but did the accusers have to post an appology? fuck no, and thats just plain unfair horseshit.
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Old 03-27-2010, 07:50 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by MuffDVR View Post
And still not a single comment on alll those others who have been wrong and havent appologised? I agree when someones wrong they should appologise, but that rule has NEVER applied here as the past and present shows, so why are you on my ass to appologise now when you have never demanded it from others who have been wrong time and time again in regards to me or my previous business? Shit i have had to send you girls personal ID's starting 3 yrs ago, just to proove age, but did the accusers have to post an appology? fuck no, and thats just plain unfair horseshit.
Goddammit, once again I had a response to you and when I tried to submit it my damn access was lost.....So once again I'll have to just give the Reader's Digest version of my reply:

1: Once again you demonstrate your ability to have "selective reading comprehension" as you try to skew the facts in your favor and hope to gain sympathy for your causee (whatever that cause may be).....You can't show anywhere in this thread, nor any other thread, where I've demanded you or anyone else ever apologize for being wrong.....My comments to you were that even when you're proven wrong you can't just apologize and move on.....You have to be rude and tell people to kiss your ass, a comment that was totally uncalled for.....Saying you can't just apologize is a far different cry than me demanding that you apologize.....My guess is that in the entire kingdom of ECCIELAND, you're the only person who read what I had to say and came up with such a ridiculous interpretation.....It's actually quite pathetic when you think about it.....

2: You love to cry foul here and talk shit about you being treated unfair and yet you never have anything to back up your accusations in support of how you're being treated unfairly (other than your conjecture and unsupported allegations which don't amount to a hill of beans with anyone).....I just wish you would sing a different song since I'm tired of hearing the same old chorus line from this one.....

3: One of the benefits of being a moderator is that I get to have the last word when I want to and I'm going to have the last word here.....This thread is going to be closed since it has served its purpose, and it's gone way off topic anyway.....

Someone stop me if you've heard this before: "Sometimes, it's good to be the king".....Peace out.....
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