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Old 01-12-2012, 12:27 PM   #16
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Kal bro take a breathe I get it!

We fall victim of these ladies saying they want to come here or posting an ad saying they are coming. Some have scheduled appointments and because others did not schedule the provider doesn't come. As in SexyShilo! Yes I think it was crappy that she did not post anything saying she was not coming instead of posting an ad in Dallas for business. I would say Shilo will not be getting any of our guys business for what she has done. But she is not the first to do something like this, and there is no punishement for posting an ad and then not showing. I believe all these NCNS both sexes should have a punishment. That is the issue is this area!

I do believe we should split these three cities because they do cause GREAT confussion! I do agree with Kal on how to read a map, just a bit softer.

Since Kal started his roaring which he can do very well other providers in the DFW area are now posting willing to do outcall here. In other words pay more because they are soon going to find out the extra 50 they usually charge for an outcall is not worth there time or money on gas going back and forth. I suggest you actuall come when you say you are coming.

Jaci I know you feel like you are getting the blunt of this, but I hope you understand what some providers have done in the past. I personally will not schedule with a lady that is visiting because of the issue of them cancelling the trip because of lack of interest. It is not lack we don't trust that provider is coming. I will talk to Kal personally I am good friends with him. He is a great guy, but takes no $hit.

I to think that we are allowed to express our feelings on here about providers and some of there ways and our opinions. Ranch you said lightly but I do think the term shut up was kinda there. I saw no insult on any of these post.

Just my thoughts and the way I think. Jaci have you have a great trip, if you come.
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Old 01-12-2012, 12:50 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by kalel030 View Post
Or better yet instead of Mods busting our butts for expressing our feeling they final get off there a$$ and split the three cities. Or do we like the confusion?
I will address this for you, sir, and all others who may have asked the same question.

Originally, ECCIE ownership had no plan on having a Killeen/Waco/BCS forum. That decision was made for a variety of reasons, first and formost being the general lack of posting that had existed on the "P".

I had left the "P" just prior to its demise. I had been a long time member/poster there. When I joined ECCIE, I was asked to be a "dreaded" moderator and served as an Austin Mod and as the first ECCIE Chat Mod.

I petitioned the ownership to establish a forum for Killeen/Waco/BCS and volunteered to serve as Moderator here, too. I agreed to serve it without the need of another Moderator (as Ranch does so well now, since I took off the Mod hat). You may notice that our forum is not exactly the identical format to Austin, DFW or other larger areas. We only have ONE area for reviews, as an example and not one for Indys' vs Agency vs SW etc. We post ALL reviews in one spot. That was my doing and I suggested that the structure proposed would help improve participation.

I will say that the structure has served us well, and that this forum is frankly, IMO, BETTER that it ever was in the days of the "P".

The particpation is up, more members (providers and hobbyists alike) are posting, the number of posts have increased, the quality of posts have increased, and, perhaps the biggest areas of improvement are the ALERTs and the REVIEWS. These areas were almost non-existant on the "old" site.

I am pleased to see the level and quality of particpation here. My hat is off to Ranch, a fellow veteran, for stepping up to the challenge of the mission when I stepped down. Trust me when I say this, the Mods do what they do, not because everybody loves them, but because they want to contribute to our community. It is not an easy job, to be sure. Long hours, no pay and a lot of people unhappy.

So, as to splitting the forum up....that decision is not with the Mods to make, and IMO, would only result in a near total vacuum, as we had before.

There is a sticky at the head of the provider ads for the area that explains the size and geography of the forum http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=26688

I will tell you that, overall, the ladies do a great job of telling us what city they are visiting, much more the rule now, rather than the exception.

I hope this helps to answer your question.

To Jaci. Thank you for posting and for promising to come and visit us. Thanks too, for your response to the post and for showing us a face pic. Very pretty. I hope your stay is enjoyable.

Respectfully submitted,

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Old 01-12-2012, 12:52 PM   #18
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Kalel, you can say anything you want, I will not dispute that. You just cant say it on this board. If you have a problem with me, take it to pm, leave it off the board. If you dont care about mods, thats your problem. I am here to keep this board as civil as I can, which I will do. Insults to anyone will NOT be tolerated. Ranch
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Old 01-12-2012, 01:00 PM   #19
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Is this friendly fire... or ???
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Old 01-12-2012, 01:06 PM   #20
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Despite the college student comment there are also real men in Waco that down rely on mommy and daddy for spending money. Jaci consider yourself welcomed to our fair city and I look forward to crossing paths when you when you arrive.
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Old 01-12-2012, 01:08 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by kalel030 View Post
......For me I like white meat, not tan, not dark, white meat.

I will say this if you are half good in Dallas or Austin you would be a super star here with the sub par providers we have. So sorry if your feelings are hurt.
Originally Posted by Ranch
......Kalel, you can say anything you want, I will not dispute that. You just cant say it on this board. ....... Insults to anyone will NOT be tolerated. Ranch

Such as posting in the thread of a person of Native American heritage and saying you don't like the fact that she is not "WHITE MEAT"?

IMO, that is not only insulting, but racist.

Kal, you dropped a few points in my book today. Probably in the books of others, to include providers, who do read our posts, especially when we try and book with them.

Just sayin.
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Old 01-12-2012, 01:53 PM   #22
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So I am racist now that is awesome! That would be the funniest I have ever heard..okay..because I don't care where I stand in someones book that does not sign my check. But hey you got your 2 cents (pat on the back).

Kurt we talked and I see your point, but we need to hold these providers to there post.

And yes Red this is friendly fire, and I have said once and I will say it again. We do not have any quality providers here. Sarge you sent me three names and then we found the downfalls.

I am at the point where I am done! I am not here to make friends, but I am here to help others not get ripped off, or go to a sting!

I do love how no one commented about Shilo not showing! Let me fall a couple more points in someones else book that will never be published!
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Old 01-12-2012, 07:26 PM   #23
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I really dont feel I need to explain my self to anyone !! I travel to Lubbock,Midland,and then Abilene at least every 5 to 6 weeks ! I have more than a handful of clients in each town!! And I dont let them down.Im a great communicator and I dont NC/NS..I respect the fact that you Gentlemen work hard for your$$$ and I feel fortunate enough that you chose to see me.So their for I do my best to hold up to my end of the deal with that being said everyone have a wonderful weekend and I will see you soon....

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Old 01-12-2012, 07:45 PM   #24
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Jaci, I hope you have a very nice time in Waco. I'm sure the hobbiests that see you will have an exceptional time. You look like an awesome, sexy woman. If I am fortunate enough to be in town when your are here, I want to see you. Very warm regards, dBuddy
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Old 01-13-2012, 11:16 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by dbuddy View Post
Jaci, I hope you have a very nice time in Waco. I'm sure the hobbiests that see you will have an exceptional time. You look like an awesome, sexy woman. If I am fortunate enough to be in town when your are here, I want to see you. Very warm regards, dBuddy
I had to post because I "just wanted to be under dbuddy" again and again oh did I say "again"??? This part of Texas is starting to sound better to me all the time.... *smiles* Annie
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Old 01-13-2012, 02:45 PM   #26
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Default Dont let a small minded man detour you from visiting.

Hello Jaci,

I just wanted to say, there are PLENTY of lovely gentlemen who would love to see you in the College Station area. I can attest its not a bad place to visit.

I welcome you and hope you do come here.

I would simply ignore the small minded comments.

Best of Luck and if you do come to College Station,
Id love to have a drink with you, your Beautiful.

Originally Posted by Jaci View Post
I really dont feel I need to explain my self to anyone !! I travel to Lubbock,Midland,and then Abilene at least every 5 to 6 weeks ! I have more than a handful of clients in each town!! And I dont let them down.Im a great communicator and I dont NC/NS..I respect the fact that you Gentlemen work hard for your$$$ and I feel fortunate enough that you chose to see me.So their for I do my best to hold up to my end of the deal with that being said everyone have a wonderful weekend and I will see you soon....

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Old 01-13-2012, 06:32 PM   #27
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Under, on top of ... read some amazing chapters out of your book, dear Annie.
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Old 01-13-2012, 11:22 PM   #28
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1. I disagree that most providers list the city they are visiting. Perhaps it is over 50%, so 'most' might be technically correct, but there is much confusion and city listings are far far from 100% of provider postings. This causes confusion and lack of appointments.

2. Distances are confusing as well. See the posts above in this very thread.

3. So splitting these three cities would result in a wasteland... Really? Perhaps this prediction should be tested. Empirical evidence is usually helpful.

4. If combining cities and having larger numbers is helpful why not combine Austin and San Antonio? After all, those cities are closer together than BCS, Waco, and Killeen!

Just saying.
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Old 01-25-2012, 07:16 PM   #29
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Just wanted to say "Thank you" to Jaci for putting up with some less than polite comments on the board here and for making the trip to see us. I am sorry our schedules did not match up, but I applaud you for following through and coming to see us.

As to the gents that NC/NSd you. That is not acceptable and there is no excuse for that. It is one thing not to call on a lady (not my type, not the right timing, etc) it is quite another to waste her time (and money) my booking and not showing. Shameful.

Just sayin.
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