Did I ever say I should never be a mod. mmmm yes
Originally Posted by surfing
In more general terms, a white kinght does come to rescue a fair maiden.. I met with Hunter for the first time Saturday.... IF OSD gets tired of being her WK, I am standing in the front of the line !!!!!!! She is a sweetheart
that would be unhobby like. never go there fast. That is how many get burned. but your welcome to go there if you want.
as my game is very unhobby like. I am a misfit. Its still P4P. To me hobby is shopping(errr trying out). This board is like me going to the AC to just watch, window shopping. To play as I is great if you can find it. one size does not fit all. And if looking for that is very risky(how I play).
for 2012 I will try and lighten up. "try" I am a post ho.

darn that will not be easy. one forum I post in a lot look to be near its end. I will miss the coven if it does end.
crap I almost forgot topic:
I can see how it would be easy to seen me as a WK for Hunter. Maybe I am a bit.
So I will go with I'm a WK for hunter. Just not a very good one.