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Old 01-10-2012, 07:20 AM   #16
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Most folks know that I am easily confused ...

Alabama Welcome section = http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=358668
Alabama COED section = http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=358667

If there was no interest from ladies, as noted in the Alabama forums, then why all the comments in this NOLA COED forum?
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Old 01-10-2012, 07:31 AM   #17
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Because there wasn't any interest when I posted in Alabama...I PM these ladies monday morning directly. I was throwing feelers in Alabama because no one had responded in NOLA on sunday.
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Old 01-10-2012, 07:57 AM   #18
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Okay, so if I understand correctly, you posted in NOLA late Saturday night, then 24 hours later you posted in Alabama late Sunday night, then with no responses on any of the three forums by game-day Monday morning, you PM'd multiple ladies directly the day of the game for a last minute arrangement, and a few rearranged their schedules to accommodate you (and your one extra ticket), and then you bail, don't leave the tickets for the ladies to enjoy the game sans sausage (pun intended), and they are left with nothing.

Next time, may be better to just take a buddy and a few beers than to make last minute efforts on a SHMB... ijs
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Old 01-10-2012, 08:05 AM   #19
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I have worked for the worlds largest oil co since 1986,in engineering and cm position,they have called me all hours of the night and day,and if i had to leave in a hurry it always took time to get to the heliport or boatdock,so cajun that is bs that you could not pick up the phone and call these ladies,thunderhorse is a big platform and i'm sure you are not the only one to man it.again BS
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Old 01-10-2012, 08:26 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by cajunsausage View Post
First off, greetings from 110miles off the coast of louisiana from BP Thunderhorse Platform. Yes, She did get cancelled on at the last minute once she got to the hotel as I was on the phone with my boss informing me that their was a problem on my rig and that my crew and myself had to leave asap to get out there and fix the problem as they were not able to communicate with some of the systems. . . . .
Sounds like quite a communications problem!! * I hope BP paid for more than just the spill.... looks like the clean-up is gonna cost you, too!
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Old 01-10-2012, 08:30 AM   #21
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Both were communicated to that I had to leave. I didn't just not tell them...And yes it sucks that I had to leave in a hurry, and yes Thunderhorse is a big platform and there are many people on it, but none of which knew how to fix the problem. That does happen from time to time as I'm sure you know since you've been working in the oilfield so long.
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Old 01-10-2012, 08:34 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by ufriend2912 View Post
then you bail, don't leave the tickets for the ladies to enjoy the game sans sausage (pun intended), and they are left with nothing.

Next time, may be better to just take a buddy and a few beers than to make last minute efforts on a SHMB... ijs
If I could have left the tickets I would have...they were already at willcall in my name, they were for the company suite...If they could have just picked them up then I would have told them to go enjoy the game...
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Old 01-10-2012, 09:21 AM   #23
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I get called to the rigs without any notice. I have no idea if this happened in this case.......but, it does happen.
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Old 01-10-2012, 09:49 AM   #24
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Too busy tailgating at lucys and walkons :-)
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Old 01-10-2012, 11:45 AM   #25
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I can only state what the way I am reading the situation. On the 7th Saturday a post is made requesting the ladies to get into a bidding war. - "the best offer wins." Which to me indicates a free session by the lady to go to the game. A swap if you will of services. You got no takers on this bidding war scenario. You got no takers in both NOLA and Alabama forums for even a date, without a session. Once that occurred the decision was made to pay a lady at least $2000 (I wrote the number for you dave) to two different ladies. Thus, from Saturday you were looking for a date and Monday you were so desperate as to pay $4000, a minimum of $2k per lady that we know of here, who knows how many more that did not post. So, you went from $0 to $4K that quick?

It seems to me sometimes men think their perqs or special suite or limo or whatever is so tantilizing to these ladies they will forgo payment of their fee? These ladies are offered free plane rides on private jets, perqs out the ass. They do not do this so they can get the plush perqs they do it for the cash.

I do not know the truth only the players involved know that. i do know I have no reason to distrust heidi and the story presented here seems a little off. I find ti hard to believe you set up two dates and cancelled at last minute on both due to work. The OP states ONE ticket not two, how were two women going to attend game with you? At the very least you had one huge misunderstanding with Heidi, she seems to beleive it was hard set.

Sometimes I screw up and do things out of anger or spite I later regret. If I got no takers on my free offer I might get upset and decide to spread my misery around. If I do that, the quickest way for me to put my mistake behind me is to tell those I offended and hurt I was sorry and make it up to them in some way. We all screw up from time to time, it is okay. A real man owns up to it, makes it right, and learns from his mistake in order to try hard not to repeat it. Just me.
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Old 01-10-2012, 02:44 PM   #26
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All I know in this whole thing is that Madison called me the day of the BCS bowl I do believe yes bc that was yesterday and asked me if I could clear cajun I said yes bc I have seen him and I know him through another provider then like 2 hours at the most Madison text me and told me cajun was bs I ended up calling her because I was lost...To my understanding from what Madison told me she went to the hotel that cajun told her he was at she went through vallet(idk how to spell it lol) and when they asked her the name on the room she have it to them and they told her there was no one at that hotel by that name so she waited like a hour total I think she said and called cajun multiple times and he kept sending her to voicemail and not answering her text so she said screw it and left... I feel like an ass because I cleared it not knowing it would end up like this bc the cajun I know is a stand up man who wouldnt do things like this...I really hope it was work I truely wanna believe it...PS: Madison also stated that Heidi was about to be on her way to the hotel too when all this was going on...I am lost on this because I thought there was only one extra ticket..Again to Madison I am sorry for clearing him if it was a NCNS..I really am sorry.
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Old 01-10-2012, 02:46 PM   #27
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ps: everyone could of flew to Michigan and watched the game with me at my house We could of had a cuddle party...lol.
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Old 01-10-2012, 09:07 PM   #28
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Well I had a an eccie member *CAJUNSAUSAGE* contact me monday morning the day of the b.c.s bowl inquiring about a twelve hour day date. We pm back in forth and settle on a donation. Date is set for three p.m . so I ask him please call me to confirm. He calls five min later, we talk and i let him know that I need to get ready and run an errand before I can imake it there. I told him i would be fiffteen min late he said fine , then i ket him know i would call him on the way acroos the river to downtown. So i did and let him know i was fifteen min out he said cool just valet my car and he would take care of it. I had first and last name that he gave me and that his provider refrences conquered with. I go to valet and asked me name on room i tolded them and they told me because of b.c.s i would have to pay 50$ if i wasnt a guest i said no my friend is. I call him no answer, the continues for 15 min.in that fifteen min i called the hotels fronT desk and have then connect me to the room number he gave me and they asked for his last name i gave it to them they said I'M SORRY WE DO NOT HAVE A GUEST BY THAT NAME! I get a text hold on my boss is calling me. I wait another 20 min no answer. I text no answer. i wait another thirty min then i get a text sorry my boss said i have to go to work!!!! this is all while im sitting downstairs of his hotel, after that text he would not respond via text nor answer his phone!!! So after i am pissed off have to pay 50 dollars for parking and stuck in traffic for two hours, i found out thru some providers friends he booked with Heidi as well she just couldnt come Till five p.m . Me and her talked and she said he cancelled on her at the same time that he texted me and cancelled. SO what i was suppose to show up three and her at five???? double book??? SO Maybe he triple booked??? OR WAS HE GETTING HIS KICKS OUT OF BOOKING APPTS, HAVING THE GIRL SHOW UP SOMEWHERE THAT HES NOT EVEN AT???

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Old 01-10-2012, 09:43 PM   #29
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That Thunderhorse control system communications problem is looking easier and easier to fix, as the story unfolds....

I too, have been called offshore at odd, unexpected times.... I've always been able to make cell phone calls on the way to the heliport... or, in the olde-olde days... boat dock!!

Whatever the case.... all the stories ain't lining up... just sayin...
Sounds like the repairs are going to be a bit expensive... but probably worth it...
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Old 01-10-2012, 11:12 PM   #30
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I too have been a company man for some of the largest oil & gas companies in the world and been a independent consultant the last 10 yrs and have had to leave at a drop of an hat but; I dont think i ever had to leave without making a phone call to let people know i was called away at last minute and had to bow out of certain events including christmas, thanksgiving ,birth of a child and various other functions .
with the technology today - cell phones, i pads , email, texting, theres really no excuse for not letting someone know.
all i can say to cajun sausage is...if you ever see one of these gals again you better watch out for your sausage because one of them might cut it off.
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