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Old 01-07-2012, 05:02 PM   #1
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Question Having a personal assistant vs management?

I was having a discussion with a friend of mine and I know I have seen ads offering to assist ladies with scheduling,screening,emails etc...and in my opinion it seems to take away from the personal touch as well as letting someone access to gentleman's information and you are paying them for this? Isn't this the same as working for an agency or having a manager just worded differently? I am wondering what the ladies think, and would love to hear from ladies who use these services and for the guys what to you think do you like the idea of contacting and Indy lady and yet in reality someone else is handling your request and info? Just for my personal I like handling my own dates and while yes it gets hectic at times I feel the personal touch and privacy of the gentlemen I see is the most inportant...Input???
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Old 01-07-2012, 05:14 PM   #2
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Personally I prefer the indy. They are just more personal. I've had a situations where I was having a conversation about sometime we exchanged via PM and the provider didn't know what I was talking about, turns out I was flirting with her assistant.
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Old 01-07-2012, 05:24 PM   #3
Pink Floyd
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Agencies are quite common in certain parts of the country. As a man I assume I am dealing with a pimp when I contact a girl. I know everyone declares they are independent, but I have seen too much to blindly accept that as the truth. If all cummunication is handled by text it is easy to picture a guy with a baseball hat turned sideways texting away.
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Old 01-07-2012, 05:30 PM   #4
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I loved working with my assistant, she (a former provider) took care of all the admin/behind the scenes things that get in the way of fun. I know its not a situation for everyone but, with how much touring I was doing at the time, she took allot of the stress off of me & I was able to better serve my clients. If you are in the market for an assistant my advice would be; only hire a former provider as she will know what is at stake, NEVER pay by appointment this increases your risk due to sloppy screening for a higher pay out, never have your assistant lie & say shes you.
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Old 01-07-2012, 05:33 PM   #5
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I use to think that I would like to deal direct, but based on my experiences here in Las Vegas, I'm rethinking that! Some of these girls have serious TCB skills issues!

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Old 01-07-2012, 06:16 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Irish Vixen View Post
... for the guys what to you think do you like the idea of contacting and Indy lady and yet in reality someone else is handling your request and info?...
I think it's a deal-killer for more reasons than I have room--or interest--to list.
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Old 01-07-2012, 06:25 PM   #7
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I think the basic difference--and I understand people don’t always use words the same way:

An assistant does the scheduling, makes room reservations at the request of the lady, and handles a lot of the administrative work. The key is SHE (or he) works for the provider. A manager, at least to me, has the connotation of someone who calls more of the shots. The manager picks out cities to visit, dates, sets the business plan, etc. Not a lot of difference from an Agency.

I have dealt with a few assistants, all retired providers. They generally worked for ladies who—for various reasons—could not always respond to phone calls and felt an assistant would allow more prompt replies. I have also seen it work well when a lady is good at what she does but has some challenges staying organized. One scheduler in particular was almost like a mother hen to some of the new ladies and did a lot to get them started on a good foot. I know some guys didn’t like her because she was a stickler for making sure guys didn’t sweet talk their way around screening. I certainly can’t speak for all admin assistants.
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Old 01-07-2012, 06:28 PM   #8
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There is a big difference in a manager and a personal assistant. When I first became a provider I had a manager. It was a 70/30 split, I had no access to my accounts and was not informed about several special request or what was told to my clients. It was difficult at times. This also covered the incall when I was in town but also I paid the same 70/30 split when I traveled and I paid my own travel expenses. When I did get into my accounts I found that some clients had been given ok’s that I had requested not to. After breaking away I have had several ladies approach me to assist them with their scheduling and screening. There are various reasons that a provider would have an assistant ie ; family, ex spouses/bf’s etc. I have an hourly amount that is charged for only the appointments I set for them as they have clients that they regularly speak with. I also do a very thorough screening which stems from being prior military. We discuss the days, hours, and location of where they want to work. They have full access to all their accounts. All emails & pm’s are discussed in length with each provider as I am taking dictation from them in the event I respond instead of them. After appointments, we then discuss if there were any issues in the event that I have to give a reference. In several instances I provide the client ( after screening ) the provider’s number and they text back and forth prior to the date. If in Dallas they have the option of using my incall or a hotel. I help them locate the best deals on airfare, hotels, photographers, etc. and even set up the reservations for them. I also research other places for them to visit, the best times, other boards to join etc.
Basically it comes down to how organized a person is and how much time they can afford to devote to their business. I work for them not the other way around.
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Old 01-07-2012, 07:57 PM   #9
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Irish, you say 'Personal Manager' to most Hobbyist, and this is what they amagine, real or not.

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Old 01-07-2012, 08:06 PM   #10
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I see everyone's point and view and appreciate the input ad I agree handling my own scheduling esp when when traveling it does get hectic but I personally like the person touch only I can give to the gentleman..also when I travel to a new city I make contact with ladies there..and now when I travel I basically see the same gentlemen and I love that..makes it so much easier and makes our time even more special especially since I maintain contact via email. I guess I just like the personal touch...that is just me...
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Old 01-07-2012, 08:07 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Irish, you say 'Personal Manager' to most Hobbyist, and this is what they amagine, real or not.

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Old 01-08-2012, 05:42 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Irish Vixen View Post
I see everyone's point and view and appreciate the input ad I agree handling my own scheduling esp when when traveling it does get hectic but I personally like the person touch only I can give to the gentleman..also when I travel to a new city I make contact with ladies there..and now when I travel I basically see the same gentlemen and I love that..makes it so much easier and makes our time even more special especially since I maintain contact via email. I guess I just like the personal touch...that is just me...
This is why I hobby! I like personal touching!
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Old 01-08-2012, 06:29 AM   #13
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Kristen DiAngelo. . . Kinki Little Nikki. . . Two of my finest eXXXperiences!

I see nothing wrong with personal assistants.
I've seen a few girls who worked with "referral agents" too... It doesn't take too much brilliance to figure out the difference between "assistance" and "management".
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Old 01-08-2012, 08:17 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
I use to think that I would like to deal direct, but based on my experiences here in Las Vegas, I'm rethinking that! Some of these girls have serious TCB skills issues!
Whatever anybodies belief, we are dealing with an activity that is currently illegal so pimps and shady agencies are going to be the rule. Hell look at car dealers, they are legal and they steal every day. How can we not expect the same from (to simplify conversation I will call them all pimps) pimps. Some of the girls have goals, and are independent, and these women will make a killing and be set for life. Many others are intimidated into the pimp mindset, and they are basically hopeless. I was at a SC the other night and one of the girls I hadn't seen in a while sat down and she has 2 semesters before she becomes a pharmacist. I have known this for some time and it is why she is there so seldom. She said I would be shocked if I knew how many of the girls danced, and just gave their money to a pimp. I have heard too many girls defend their pimp with a killers pride to know that I cannot get through to them with logic. It is the same mindset as a woman who returns time and again to an abuser. One girl was telling me how she got tangled up in things because she had a string of abusers. I told her not all guys are like that, and her response was that she just uses those guys. In other words if you treat her good she will shit on you, and if you steal from her she will be loyal.
We want what we want. We are damaged goods trying to exist in a society that is not in unison with our evolution. We must pay the price of dealing with pimps to be able to dip our beaks.
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Old 01-08-2012, 09:30 AM   #15
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Pimps should be dealt with just like vampires!
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