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Old 12-28-2011, 04:13 AM   #1
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Default I am a little dissapointed..........

Things have changed in the Mobile area. I have only returned to the area a few weeks ago after a sustained absence for 10 months or so. I have been NCNS by 3 providers that seem to have good business ethics and good reputations. Whats up Mobile? Economy got the best of us? I am not going to call names as I am not into that but I am dissapointed....and will not call these ladies another time..........unless I am provided a viable reason for their actions and an offer to make good on the celebration. Its how I am. Seeking recommendations for any local ladies that need a little help getting by. I find that local ladies trying to get the family a little help are more dependable than the established providers in this area....thats a turn................Captain Blade
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Old 12-28-2011, 04:50 PM   #2
Hue Briss
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Call Ginger, you will not be disappointed!!
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Old 12-28-2011, 05:12 PM   #3
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VIC sorry you had 3 ncns,which we all hate,but you are asking for suggestion on providers,but not wanting to share information.It really sucks when you are counting on a good time and then you get ncns,maybe you should post the names in private or the locker room.I know several post in the coed section in new orleans about providers ncns,has made some ladies step up to the plate
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Old 12-28-2011, 08:12 PM   #4
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sorry that happened babe! keep trying and you will have fun!
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:25 AM   #5
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Sorry that you feel that I am not sharing info...however that is not the case. I share all info that I have. I do not call names and go into specificities as to things that I am not absolutley sure of and at this point....I shall give the involved providers time to rectify the deal.........It how I am. Captain Blade
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Old 12-29-2011, 11:10 AM   #6
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Victor / Capt Blade:

It's not the economy and I'm not sure what you are looking for

If it's a girl who's dependable and shows when you call, you need to read reviews and do your homework. This is where sharing information gets important. Then if several girls are dependable for everyone else and not you; you may ask yourself if it's something you are doing wrong.

If you are wanting recommendations of girls that want to supplement their income with some kind of regular/steady relationship, a "sugar daddy"; that's a different situation. That's something you will have to cultivate - it is a relationship. And you'll find that if you skip a date here and there; you'll still need to pony up the cash. You'll also be called each time there's an unforseen expense.

Good luck
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Old 12-30-2011, 05:15 AM   #7
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Good thoughts EZ.............I am not seeking a SD kind of deal. I am seeking quality providers that show up on time, ready to take care of the biz part of a celebration in a bisiness like manner. That simply means show up as planned, on time and if for some unforseen circumstance...a call to explain with an offer to "make right" the situation. I seem to have a preference for ladies that work occasionaly to suplement the family income, or to make rent when short. I find that as of late,
these providers,,,,although mostly not extremely well seasoned.....seem to be more dependable and try harder. I know that there are good, seasoned providers that have the "good" business sense to have a quality reprutation and I know, like and use some of them. Thanks for the info...I am appreciative of your input. Good luck with your quest. I am the Captain of a ghost ship bu I am still alive.....
I sailed a schooner round the horn of Mexico..........
I climbe the mainsail in a blow....
And when the yards broke off they say that I got killed
but I am living still.......

Captain Blade
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Old 12-30-2011, 08:04 AM   #8
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OK, weighing in. The best approach in a nc/ns situation is to contact the lady and ask for an explanation, as Victor did. If there is no answer or an insufficient one, it is entirely proper to post a nc/ns comment in the Coed Discussions area. That accomplishes two things - it provides information to other guys about someone who might not be as reliable as hoped, and it gives the lady, or someone who knows her situation, to respond to the post. The danger is that an exchange can get a bit testy, but my job is to stop that if it happens.


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Old 01-02-2012, 12:37 AM   #9
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Very interesting thread, some ladies say there is a lack of interest, and now we have a gent who says he was ncns three times. :-(

Is there a middle ground.

Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS View Post
OK, weighing in. The best approach in a nc/ns situation is to contact the lady and ask for an explanation, as Victor did. If there is no answer or an insufficient one, it is entirely proper to post a nc/ns comment in the Coed Discussions area. That accomplishes two things - it provides information to other guys about someone who might not be as reliable as hoped, and it gives the lady, or someone who knows her situation, to respond to the post. The danger is that an exchange can get a bit testy, but my job is to stop that if it happens.


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Old 01-02-2012, 08:36 AM   #10
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I doubt that my 2 cents matters much since I've been away for close to two years now but here it is. I can't recall ever having a reputable provider NCNS on me. I have had some call very close to our appt time saying they couldn't make it happen. Even went into great detail as to why. I've also had to call and cancel a few myself. I hated doing so but with my work schedule sometimes it happens. And they were gracious enough to forgive me. I have in the past had a few providers that after the session was over i wished they had called and cancelled or just not shown up. As far as a provider who just does it part time to pay a bill or two, I've found that they normally aren't the quality provider that I was used to seeing. But then again, I wasn't paying the same prices either. I don't get down to Mobile very often so I know nothing about the natives there. I do know that Dee comes that way often and although I haven't seen her yet, my understanding is that she's second to none. Hotassamelia also frequents Mobile and I know from experience that she brings her A game. Lexi and Nikki are not to be missed either when they visit Mobile. Sorry if I left out anyone. I'm getting old and its been awhile.
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