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Old 12-29-2011, 01:48 AM   #16
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TNT, you made me wet my fruit of the loom's.
Think I saw those potty mouth toothpicks at a club once.
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:43 AM   #17
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I'm so glad this was posted. This morning, starting at 7 o'clock am. Yes 7AM, I got several text msgs from 682-200-675 (i'll leave the last number out for privacy) telling me I needed to drop my rates since I was too pretty to be sitting around all day. We all know whats happens when we assume... I was almost offended until I realized how sad it was on his part. Perhaps if he were working instead of stalk-texting me, he might have more means to partake in my services. Im new to eccie, and theres plenty on my agenda list. Im here to satisfy and provide and of course the obvious. Being insulted and given useless opinions (at 7am no less) didn't make that list. What if providers decided to start contacting you to give thier opioion on how you should tip or what you can do to be more desirable to a provider. It would be mayhem and cleary out of line. Were all adults here, if you don't agree with rates or refuse to indulge in a providers service due to her rates then dont. Simple as that. No one's twisting your arm and what you want do I can guarantee someone else will.This isn't taxes, its a choice. So choose words as wisely as you choose your providers, and leave the financial advice to Merrill Lynch.
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Old 12-29-2011, 04:08 AM   #18
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I kinda hate to post on this thread due to the hostile nature it has taken but here goes. I recently had a session with a provider that I have noticed for quite some time. Her 1 hour rate was more than I am now or have ever been willing to pay so I've never contacted her. She posted an ad with an undisclosed special so I then contacted her. SHE told me her 1 hour special rate and we went from there.
My point is that special rates CAN work. We both were happy and both got something we wanted and it was directly the result of a 1 hour special rate.

I won't get into the 1001 tangent items related to this....I think the transaction I described was the desired result from this provider and it worked well for me. She got new business and a positive review (when I get to it) and I got to see a provider I might not have ever contacted.

Haggling, telling a provider what they should or should not do or any of the underhanded shady review for discounts are pretty pathetic attempts to save some money. BUT for me...money is real. money is NOT infinite so a special rate does get my attention (which is why specials are run I assume).
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Old 12-29-2011, 04:09 AM   #19
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You get what you pay for in the hobby. There's no such thing as freebies.
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Old 12-29-2011, 07:04 AM   #20
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Unteagle your on your own with this land mine. I own my own business. I hear it all day long my prices are too high and as I tell my customers. You have other options but I am That Dude and no one can match my customer service skills and you will be back. Guess what the majority does come back or stay loyal to me.

Unteagle I wish you well
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:11 AM   #21
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You do get what you pay for. The ladies are charging what I consider to be a VERY fair rate. There are plenty to choose from. I believe the economics have worked themselves out pretty well for this area.

I prefer to spend money on providers. I don't mind their prices. In the long run, it is so much less expensive to do it this way than other options available.

I don't like the name calling and the drama. In my opinion, it is the only thing which cheapen the providers. Insults and humiliation can be done in a much much classier manner than basic street jabber, anatomical references or hygenic materials. It only adds providers to my DNS list.

TNT Angie: That was the funniest ( wierdest / saddest ) pic I have seen in, like, forevah !
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Old 12-29-2011, 10:54 AM   #22
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I'm still waiting on him to tell me why my name was mentioned...
I think he may have some bitter feelings towards me and the fact that I won't negotiate my rates for him.
He e-mailed me December 14th and 15th inquiring about my rates again, and if those were in fact my normal rates, and after I responded to his e-mail, he contacted me again on the 22nd and asked me if I was back in town.. Now he's putting my name in his thread and saying I blast people on posts for wanting providers to lower their rates.
I don't blast anyone, but I do think your feelings may have been hurt, or you're just upset about not getting your way, unteagle.
You have been relentlessly trying to schedule with me for months and even talked bad about providers in your private messages to me to try to get me to see you. That's one of the reasons I refused to let you make an appointment with me, remember? SMH
I think my rates are fair. I run specials throughout the week and my service and hospitality to my clients is awesome. I wasn't hostile to you whenever I PM'd you, nor was I rude, so with all this being said and with you being a known haggler, I wish you the best of luck in this hobby.
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Old 12-29-2011, 11:27 AM   #23
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I don't like the rate the gas station on the corner charges, I don't like the rate ShysterJon charges to get my criminal case dismissed, I don't like the price of kitty in DFW...

As a small business owner, I have people come in to hire me all of the time. Some agree to my price, some try to haggle. General rule of thumb I go by is that if they haggle me on my rates, I probably ain't gonna be able to satisfy their needs. I politely tell them there are other engineers they can go see (most are big firms and charge twice my rate or more) and escort them to the door.

There are all levels of service and price points. Haggling never gets you anywhere.

For the ladies, figure out what you are comfortable performing your services for, and go forth. If you want to offer a special some time to get some guys attention, do it. It might be a special for a small group of guys, or for this whole horny, perverted website. Your call. It might be a special you offer to that one guy you always wanted to see, or to that guy who was really nice that day you had a headache and could only go one round.

Guys, figure out what your price point is and then find ladies in that price point that provide the services needed. I will give you a hint, haggling will only result in pissing off a party and more than likely the level of service will be reduce propoertionally, or perhaps even greater than the savings enjoyed. Sure, if you hit it off well with a lady and want to make her a frequent stop on your travels, you might negotiate a special deal.

Drawing attention to yourself in a big way, on either end of this transaction, by posting BS about rates does not help your position. Private, respectable communication without coercion will get you much better results.
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Old 12-29-2011, 11:45 AM   #24
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Let me try to make some sense of the rate thing...

If my rates are low..and you want to see me - then see me. DON'T ASK ME TO LOWER IT. FUCK OFF.

If my rates go up, and you don't like it - don't cry to me that you liked it when they were lower...you should have seen me when they were lower. You snooze, you lose. FUCK OFF.

When my rates are way too fucking high for you, and you really start crying how bad you wish you had seen me blah blah blah - you love me this and that...you really sound like a pussy and maybe you should save up your money and stop seeing $50 whores on the corner every week. FUCK OFF.

To the guys who have been seeing me at my low rate, my standard rate and as my rates go up. Thank you. I love you. I appreciate you.

Even my guy I saw last night. We didn't even schedule how much time it would be. We went and met up. I told him hey - I'm just glad to get away for a bit and I love spending time with you. Told him the hour rate was fine. He gave me my CURRENT hour rate. Not the one it was the first time he saw me...and we both left HAPPY after much longer than an hour.

Haggling gets you nowhere fast and when you use me for a reference - believe me - we share.
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Old 12-29-2011, 12:00 PM   #25
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I always get tickled when some fucktard starts in on the hobby economics and hobby marketing. Its always good to know I am not the dumbest person on the short bus.
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Old 12-29-2011, 12:34 PM   #26
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I don't think the OP is getting the responses he had hoped for in starting this thread.
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:29 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by TonyStark View Post
I don't think the OP is getting the responses he had hoped for in starting this thread.
right...it's blood in the water at this point...this goes much further than a dumb shit fucktard.

to top it off...not every girl here does this as their main source of income BUT MANY DO.

You guys don't HAVE to hobby. You choose to do it.

So blah blah..we know the story, you think because you have the money you think you have THE power.

Guess what - you don't. We have the pussy - your dick wants it. The amount of control we chose to give up - that's where the power lies. We give it up in an exchange for money. There in lies the power.

There's a WHOLE bunch of you that want to see us. If we set our standards and keep them that way - we don't need piss ants like the OP haggling us. It's not worth it. What we do isn't just the effort put in from the time you walk in the door till the time you walk out.

Guys like you ARE THE SCUM in the hobby. I'd almost rather deal with the occasional ass hat who tries to bare back - cuz I KNOW what's coming and I KNOW how to deal with them....YOU are just the fucking fly that sits on shit all day and then keeps buzzing around our heads and won't fucking die when we kill you with a fly swatter. BOOM! back again!


We are the pussy....
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:39 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by sweet.treat69 View Post
I'm still waiting on him to tell me why my name was mentioned...
I think he may have some bitter feelings towards me and the fact that I won't negotiate my rates for him.
He e-mailed me December 14th and 15th inquiring about my rates again, and if those were in fact my normal rates, and after I responded to his e-mail, he contacted me again on the 22nd and asked me if I was back in town.. Now he's putting my name in his thread and saying I blast people on posts for wanting providers to lower their rates.
I don't blast anyone, but I do think your feelings may have been hurt, or you're just upset about not getting your way, unteagle.
You have been relentlessly trying to schedule with me for months and even talked bad about providers in your private messages to me to try to get me to see you. That's one of the reasons I refused to let you make an appointment with me, remember? SMH
I think my rates are fair. I run specials throughout the week and my service and hospitality to my clients is awesome. I wasn't hostile to you whenever I PM'd you, nor was I rude, so with all this being said and with you being a known haggler, I wish you the best of luck in this hobby.

Ahh I feel you on this one girl. He did something very similar to me when I refused to see him due to haggling when I lived in Dallas. Even went as far as posting multiple threads in co-ed, accusing me of being on drugs and calling his phone when I never even had his phone number. He started quite the uproar, but fortunately everyone saw him for exactly what he was.

I'm sure he'll respond, he always does...
just ignore it :-)
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:49 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by tntangie View Post
right...it's blood in the water at this point...this goes much further than a dumb shit fucktard.

to top it off...not every girl here does this as their main source of income BUT MANY DO.

You guys don't HAVE to hobby. You choose to do it.

So blah blah..we know the story, you think because you have the money you think you have THE power.

Guess what - you don't. We have the pussy - your dick wants it. The amount of control we chose to give up - that's where the power lies. We give it up in an exchange for money. There in lies the power.

There's a WHOLE bunch of you that want to see us. If we set our standards and keep them that way - we don't need piss ants like the OP haggling us. It's not worth it. What we do isn't just the effort put in from the time you walk in the door till the time you walk out.

Guys like you ARE THE SCUM in the hobby. I'd almost rather deal with the occasional ass hat who tries to bare back - cuz I KNOW what's coming and I KNOW how to deal with them....YOU are just the fucking fly that sits on shit all day and then keeps buzzing around our heads and won't fucking die when we kill you with a fly swatter. BOOM! back again!


We are the pussy....
//waving white flag

Since you quoted me I hope you're not lumping me in with the OP
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:53 PM   #30
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Seriously, it would be in very bad taste to haggle with a girl.
I could only see negotiating some special price for some special
services, but that would be in a different category and could
be for less or more donation. Not haggling over her regular service.

Maybe some guy's get a thrill all in it's self by getting a girl
to lower her price, gives them a little feeling of power or something
like their more in control, very insulting, and just plain stupid.

If you don't think a girl is worth a certain amount find someone
else. trying to haggle with her is just rude, and do you think
you'll get the best service if your successful.
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