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Old 12-28-2011, 03:01 PM   #16
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Providers are in the sales business. I'm in the sales business (but I provide something else.... I have customers (global) who also call me at odd hours, make outrageous requests at the last minute, etc. Yeah, sometimes its annoying, but without customers I have no job and no money. I have "regulars" too, but i can't count on them to always provide me with regular business. Besides, unlike my business, this kind of business is sometimes as much about the moment as it is for planning. Very few of my customers can drop $50k or more on a whim. Now if I only got to keep all that...

But it also goes with the job. When I go to bed my phone goes in the other room. Nothing you do (nor I) is an emergency. But sleep is a necessity.

You should keep your provider business on a separate phone. Yeah, it can be annoying, but its the best way to do it. That allows you to have your on-call phone with you and your work phone you can turn off/silent as required.
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Old 12-28-2011, 03:33 PM   #17
Kaci Snow
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I have 3 different numbers . I have a provider number , a personal number and a business number all of which ring to the same phone in-order for me to not have to have 3 phones all the time.
With my business outside of this i dont have the ability to not feel like it or not turn off my phone !

Im going to check into some of the ideas here ! If anybody has any other ideas please let me know !

I will be changing a few things comming New Year so i may need a number change as well !
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Old 12-28-2011, 07:28 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar View Post
Let me break it down in simple terms although im sure kaci and anyone with half a brain undetstood what I meant , by turn off I meant activate the do not disturb option, that way her phone would be on but people calling her google voice number would hear a message that she was unavailable.
So you're saying she should change her business number to a google voice number that forwards her calls to her other number which everyone who hobbies and reads this board has access to in countless reviews...yeah, that'll work.

She needs to get a new civvy work number as she will be able to effectively eliminate the annoyance of getting hobby calls at all hours of the night. Unfortunately for her, drunk men usually don't give a shit about a provider's advertised hours and bitching on this board isn't going to change that. If she wants to truly fix this problem she's going to have to get a new civvy number that she NEVER gives out to hobbyists.

Half a brain heh?

Edit Follows as I didn't see her 3 phone set-up until after I hit post. It's even simpler than that, she needs to turn off the call forwarding to her 3rd phone from her hobby phone when she doesn't want calls from her hobby phone and she's going to have to turn off her ringer/vibration mode on her hobby phone as well. Sorry Kaci, no offense intended to you at all but drunk and/or horny guys aren't going to change their phone etiquette as a result of this thread. You're going to have to change your Communications Plan.
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Old 12-28-2011, 09:02 PM   #19
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no that's not what i was saying... (eye roll) I think she and everyone else got what I meant.
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Old 12-28-2011, 10:47 PM   #20
Kaci Snow
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The way i have been handling it so far is if somebody calls or text after a certian time i will NOT meet with them ever. I do this for a reason , I post my times for a reason all I ask is that you guys take a little time and stop always using the drunk and horney excuess. I am NOT new to this and have been around for along time its just recently that i have had this issue.

Also , Im not bitching im simply stating that i feel like us ladies that are NOT 24/7 and who DONT advertise 24/7 get a little more respect when it comes to paying attention to our posted TIMES.

I am a labor doula and also in school to be a midwife both of these things have me on call 24/7 365 days a year. When my phone rings at 2 or 3 am I am thinking 1 of 3 things. The 1st that one of my lovely ladies is in labor . The second that one of our providers is in trouble and needs help or a place to spend the night and last but not least that something had happened to somebody in my family.
I look at it like this how would YOU guys feel if somebody calls you 20 times in a row at 3am and you have to be up at 4:30am to be at an induced labor that could last hours on end ? NOT fun and Im sure you guys would be on here posting like crazy if a provider was the one to call you guys at the times we get calls.
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Old 12-28-2011, 11:24 PM   #21
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Maybe if they see you posting at 10:47pm they figure it's alright to call.

One thing to keep in mind, from an insight perspective. You ladies' info is all over the place, not just in ads and showcases and whatnot. Sometimes a guy may be calling you from a review, or maybe he just saved your number at some point waiting for a chance to get away. Keep in mind many guys don't have the luxury to sit around and plan ideal times to hobby; many get a small window and have to jump on the chance.

I'll be honest, I rarely look at a girl's hours (I also rarely hobby after dark, but I digress). I always figure if she's not taking calls, she'll either turn her phone off or simply not answer. Seems like a simple solution.
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Old 12-29-2011, 12:01 AM   #22
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Bizz I have tryed the not answering thing but its hard to ignore when guys are calling 20 and 30 times in a row . It also all goes back to doing your research on the ladies that you choose to visit with. I am not the girl who wants to see somebody who cant take out 5 or 10min.s to look over things find out what MY protocall is before contacting me.
Yes I do post in the eveings on Tuesdays BUT I always put on there my Days and times. It really doesent take much to scrole down a bit or to check a showcase.
I have so many guys that i wont see becuase they refuse to LOOK and READ what they need to inorder to contact me correctly when it could be done so easy and it doesent take that much extra time.
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:30 AM   #23
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Damn , i think that the guys are playing with me now.. NOT FUNNY.. I am going to be getting a new number at the 1st of the year and it will NOT be posted.

In the last hour (its 1:30am) I have had 10 calls. 5 from the same number I mean really how many times do you call before you figure out she wont answer ?
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:30 AM   #24
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Send me the numbers. I will track them down and castrate them. Then maybe they will leave you alone.
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:32 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Kaci Snow View Post
Hey guys there is something thats been bothering.

I know that there are ladies that work and accept calls 24/7.
I happen to NOT be one of them.
I always make sure that i place my hours and days that i will be available on my ad and ad the Days to my sig. line.

MY issue is that even after the notice of what times are ok to make contact by phone or by text i am still getting calls and text at Midnight and so on untill morning.
It drives me NUTS. I have a regular job that i have to be available for 24/7.

Does this bother anybody eles when it happens ? I do not respond to the calls or text I have a life outside of the hobby and i feel like that should be respected. If I say that i am available from 10am to whatever time say 9 then have respect and dont call or text untill 9am or 8pm and thats after you have sent your info .

Ladies , i know im not the only one .
Spill the beans ladies.
Google Voice can do just about everything you want and more... but I only learned this by reading the comments. Please use left-justified text for posts for than one or two lines long. Thx. L4L
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:36 AM   #26
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I had a guy call at 4 am, text multiple times, then call again at 5 am. PLEASE NOTE: Zoe is NOT a pleasant person when her sleep is interrupted!!

I am now turning off my ringer at night (even that many vibrations will wake me - please no comments!) I have important numbers set to ring regardless of my primary phone setting, and this seems to work quite well for me.
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:57 AM   #27
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PM is your friend!! Love that feature. :-)
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Old 12-29-2011, 07:38 AM   #28
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Regardless of what time of the day it is, calling repeatedly when a girl doesn't answer is bad form. I would think this would be a way bigger annoyance and issue then a one time after hours call.
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Old 12-29-2011, 10:25 AM   #29
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Let me add another vote for Google Voice. Since you mentioned you're going to change your number anyway, I'd recommend it. You can setup selective forwarding to the actual private phone you are carrying.

There's lots of great features GV has that could be a benefit:
Ring Schedule (only forward calls during certain times)
separate voicemail
click to call
call screening
do not disturb
custom greetings
you can even blacklist a number (prohibits them from ever ringing your phone again)
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Old 12-30-2011, 04:59 PM   #30
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I'll second the google voice number. you can put it on DND and leave your real number for your real life.

fyi, I'm an offender... and possible the cause of this thread. lol I texted at 11:49pm and got a response from you at 12:41am. I'm fairly certain it was because of an ad that was posted about the time I was looking. I've never seen your posted hours and if I did I'd respect them, however, most of the time I don't worry about that. Send the message, If you don't respond, I don't keep trying.

Sorry and Happy New Year! :-)
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