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Old 12-24-2011, 08:03 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Margaret Sanger did not specifically target blacks. As I said, she targeted undesirables which included in 1922 blacks, jews, irish, catholics, polish, asians, etc. Her plan was to coopt the clergy to encourage abortions as a right and a way to improve the lives of the women who practiced that choice. Go find a copy of "The Pivot of Civilization" printed in 1922. It is a bitch to read but those are her words.

It was the attitude that some people were morons because they didn't agree with you was the basis of the eugenics campaign waged in this country in the 1920s and 30s. What later became IQ tests were given to men being admitted into the army for World War I. Based on this the researchers decided that nearly 30% of Americans should be sterilized to improve the race. This was to be done over 25 years and then a new round of testing would begin. Read about the case of Buck v Bell in Virginia. It is acknowledged that 55,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized in this country. My own mother had a distant cousin who was sterilized at the age of 14 at the Missouri State Mental hospital # 2 in St. Joseph.

Anyone who would like to see mass sterlizations must be following the German model of the 1930s.
Maybe that is how it started out but now it is just a choice and you want to ban the choice. You do not want any woman to have the right to choose. Do you?

So quit wrapping up your BS in shit from 70 years ago.

Not only do you not want to fund it, you want to ban it completely. Admit it and be done with it.
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Old 12-24-2011, 08:10 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by waverunner234 View Post
Whats all the worry and the endless time-consuming posts about?
Perry has NO CHANCE to become president and NO CHANCE he will be re-elected in Texas.
May he die in peace, the sooner the better.
Wishing Rick Perry an early death just demonstrates your moral bankruptcy.
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Old 12-24-2011, 08:32 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
And jacking off is half of life with your logic....so wacking off is killing half a woman

You fuc'ers are aganist choice.

Half you want to outlaw the pill.

We did not abort near enough is my position....just from reading all the dumb shit in this forum that is written!
No one is suggesting that masturbating is the equivalent of abortion or half of the equivalent. You are setting up a strawman argument and then knocking it down because you aren't capable of dealing directly with the opposing argument and pointing out it's shortcomings.

Pro-lifers believe that life begins at conception; the fertilization of the egg. It's clearly a subjective question and reasonable people can disagree on what laws we should have on abortion.

The fundamental goal of the prolife movement is overturning Roe vs Wade. If this occurs, laws controlling abortion will be returned to the states. The federal government has no constitutional authority to control abortion. The constitution is silent on the issue.

The Roe vs Wade ruling was based on an invented generalized "right to privacy" The tenth amendment states that powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states.

Roe vs Wade should be overturned. Each state should be able to have laws that they consider to be appropriate. The red states will choose to protect innocent life and the blue states will likely choose to slaughter the unborn.
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Old 12-24-2011, 09:32 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Roe vs Wade should be overturned. Each state should be able to have laws that they consider to be appropriate. The red states will choose to protect innocent life and the blue states will likely choose to slaughter the unborn.
Under your scenario, what will the purple states do?
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Old 12-24-2011, 09:37 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
It sounds like exactly wtf they did.

Look, I really think private money should fund abortion. I understand how some of you do not want to fund with tax dollars something you are morally opposed to. But then some folks should not have to fund wars...something they are morally opposed to. My guess is way more money comes out of the pockets of people opposed to wars , for wars than comes outta the pockets of people opposed to abortions that go to abortions.

Why don't we help people that can not afford to have children and who do not want children....not have children. So what if some ladies decide to abort? That is called choice. If you and your SO decide not to fine. Nobody is making anybody have an abortion, though I would give serious thought to it. Fucking nation is full of idiots that should have been aborted long ago!
You make the argument that some people don't want to fund wars as a way of refuting the legitamcy of the prolifer's complaint against federal funding of abortion.

The critical point you miss is that the federal government has constitutional authority to provide for national defence. It does not have constitutional authority to pay for abortions.
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Old 12-24-2011, 09:46 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Roe vs Wade should be overturned. Each state should be able to have laws that they consider to be appropriate. The red states will choose to protect innocent life and the blue states will likely choose to slaughter the unborn.

Yea the pill is slaughtering the unborn....that is how you red state nitwits think.

I no more want the State government telling me what to do than I want the Federal Government.

If I want to get an abortion, I do not want any government interfering with my right to choose.

Now if you want to talk about what is a viable fetus and when that should be made not to happen then , I will discuss it.

I think people should have a right to choice in the first couple of months. That said, I do not think the state should make you have a child just because you had gotten pregnant. So agin fuc you and Merry Christmas!

Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Wishing Rick Perry an early death just demonstrates your moral bankruptcy.
No different than wishing Saddam Hussein an early death....you sanctimonious blow hard.

You pick and choose who you want dead and let us do the same.
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Old 12-24-2011, 09:54 AM   #22
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Default I did not miss shit

Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
You make the argument that some people don't want to fund wars as a way of refuting the legitamcy of the prolifer's complaint against federal funding of abortion.

The critical point you miss is that the federal government has constitutional authority to provide for national defence. It does not have constitutional authority to pay for abortions.
aborting unwanted children does provide for the defense of this country just like unprovoked wars do, you ignorant hillbilly. We don't need to be wasting resources on unwanted kids when we could be building walls around this country and save us from the Mexicans.

I love how you fuc'ers think. It is quite all right to drop bombs on innocent folks in Vietnam or Iraq but nooooooooooooo.....aborting a 3 week old fetus is so morally wrong!

Like I said, Merry Christmas but a big fuc you to you and your interpertation of the law
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Old 12-24-2011, 10:00 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Under your scenario, what will the purple states do?
I realize you're probably kidding; but the truth is that moderate states would probably choose to allow some abortion procedures such as for rape and incest. They would probably not allow third term abortions except in cases where the mother's health was at risk. I think moderate states would outlaw partial birth abortions completely.

This is the way it used to be before Roe vs Wade. Each state got to choose the way they wanted to deal with the issue.

Liberals always pretend that overturning Roe vs Wade would mean the end of all abortions. This is just a typical liberal propaganda tactic.
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Old 12-24-2011, 10:05 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Yea the pill is slaughtering the unborn....that is how you red state nitwits think.

I no more want the State government telling me what to do than I want the Federal Government.

If I want to get an abortion, I do not want any government interfering with my right to choose.

Now if you want to talk about what is a viable fetus and when that should be made not to happen then , I will discuss it.

I think people should have a right to choice in the first couple of months. That said, I do not think the state should make you have a child just because you had gotten pregnant. So agin fuc you and Merry Christmas!

No different than wishing Saddam Hussein an early death....you sanctimonious blow hard.

You pick and choose who you want dead and let us do the same.

Equating the death of Saddam Hussein and Rick Perry is ridiculous even by your feable standards. Come on at least make an effort!
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Old 12-24-2011, 10:07 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
aborting unwanted children does provide for the defense of this country just like unprovoked wars do, you ignorant hillbilly. We don't need to be wasting resources on unwanted kids when we could be building walls around this country and save us from the Mexicans.

I love how you fuc'ers think. It is quite all right to drop bombs on innocent folks in Vietnam or Iraq but nooooooooooooo.....aborting a 3 week old fetus is so morally wrong!

Like I said, Merry Christmas but a big fuc you to you and your interpertation of the law
Abortion is patriotic! Man, I love this place!
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Old 12-24-2011, 10:09 AM   #26
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Default He took $ meant for poor people away from them to balance the states books. So Fuc Rick Perry

Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Equating the death of Saddam Hussein and Rick Perry is ridiculous even by your feable standards. Come on at least make an effort!
Saddam never did shit to me....Perry on the other hand has fuc'd up the state I live in. Sorry, had to get that last one in. Peace to all, even that cocksucker Rick Perry
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Old 12-24-2011, 10:13 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Each state should be able to have laws that they consider to be appropriate.
From a personal perspective, I do not believe in abortion. I understand how and why others might feel differently and respect their right to have a different opinion. Who am I to say they are right or wrong for believing the way they do? At the end of the day, nobody died and appointed me God!

Let's break it down: You obviously feel it is not acceptable for the federal government to decide what an individual should do with an unborn fetus.

By the same token you feel "each state should be able to have laws that they consider to be appropriate."

Why is it acceptable for the state to decide but not the federal government?
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Old 12-24-2011, 10:15 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
aborting unwanted children does provide for the defense of this country just like unprovoked wars do, you ignorant hillbilly. We don't need to be wasting resources on unwanted kids when we could be building walls around this country and save us from the Mexicans.

I love how you fuc'ers think. It is quite all right to drop bombs on innocent folks in Vietnam or Iraq but nooooooooooooo.....aborting a 3 week old fetus is so morally wrong!

Like I said, Merry Christmas but a big fuc you to you and your interpertation of the law
Your responses are getting more and more absurd. Are you actually saying that federal funding of abortion can be justified as a form of national defense.

I'm a well read hillbilly.

Have you gone off your meds?
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Old 12-24-2011, 10:25 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Saddam never did shit to me....Perry on the other hand has fuc'd up the state I live in. Sorry, had to get that last one in. Peace to all, even that cocksucker Rick Perry
That's what the isolationists said about Hitler as he murdered the Jews. Saddam Hussein and his monster sons murdered and raped the people of Iraq for decades.

You can argue the wisdom of America going to war against Iraq, but to say that they never did anything to us, as an argument against the war, once again shows your moral bankruptcy.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
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Old 12-24-2011, 10:48 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
From a personal perspective, I do not believe in abortion. I understand how and why others might feel differently! Who am I to say they are right or wrong? Nobody died and appointed me God!

Let's break it down: You obviously feel it is not acceptable for the federal government to decide what an individual should do with an unborn fetus.

By the same token you feel "each state should be able to have laws that they consider to be appropriate."

If you truly believe the government should have limited involvement in our personal lives, why not let the individual make the final decision, not the federal and/or state government?

You say that I feel it is "not acceptable" for the federal government to decide what an individual should do with an unborn fetus.

The reason I find it "not acceptable" is that it's not constitutional. The states have the legal authority over this issue not the federal government.

The constitution was written to provide freedom to the individual and to limit the actions of the federal government that restrict our freedom. If the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the states, we will have the freedom to vote for representives that will act on our behalf to put abortion laws in place that are acceptable to us. This would include the possibilty that some states would allow abortion under any circumstance which is apparently your preference.

In the current system, under Roe vs Wade, part of our freedom has been taken away by an out of control federal government.

Even though liberals wish it weren't, the tenth amendment is still part of the constitution and is just as binding as any other part of it. Much of what the federal government does is prohibited by the tenth amendment. Roe vs Wade is not a legitimate ruling because it violates the tenth amendment.
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