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Old 12-22-2011, 08:38 AM   #16
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Default You are a liar.

The idea of extending the cuts in the Social Security payroll tax found support from both parties, but they split over its size and how to pay for it.
In November, Senate Democrats proposed reducing it to 3.1 percent for 2012, and cutting employers’ taxes on the first $5 million in taxable payroll to the same level. To pay for the cut, the bill calls for a 3.25 percent tax on gross income over $1 million for single filers and married couples filing jointly.
Senate Republican leaders responded with a bill that would keep the payroll tax rate at its current level for another year and would offset most of the cost by freezing the pay of federal employees through 2015 and gradually reducing the federal work force by 10 percent. In addition, Senate Republican leaders would go after “millionaires and billionaires,” not by raising their taxes but by making them ineligible for unemployment compensation and food stamps and increasing their Medicare premiums.
The vote on the Democratic bill was 51 to 49, not enough to get past the 60 votes required to break a filibuster. The Republican bill failed 78 to 20, as half the chambers’ Republicans voted against it.
Reducing the employee’s share of payroll taxes to 3.1 percent and extending it to employers would spur enough new consumer spending to add about 750,000 jobs, according to Moody’s Analytics. That assumes the tax cut is offset by the proposed surtax on millionaires, beginning in 2013.
The one-year payroll tax cut and a separate tax credit that Democrats proposed for small businesses that add workers would cost $265 billion, according to Congressional analysts. The surtax would raise $267.5 billion over 10 years.
Republicans said the surtax would hurt many “job creators” among small businesses. The Treasury Department has said that only 1 percent of small business owners have an adjusted gross income of over $1 million.
On Dec. 8, House Republican leaders unveiled their plan to extend a payroll tax holiday and expiring unemployment benefits and pay for them through changes in social spending programs while adding contentious new provisions opposed by Democrats.
The bill would pay for the extension through a mix of changes to entitlement programs and a pay freeze for federal workers.
It would also include a provision to speed construction of the Keystone XL pipeline from oil sands in Alberta, Canada, to the Gulf Coast, something President Obama said that he would reject.
It also included a measure passed this year in the House that would roll back the Environmental Protection Agency’s rules limiting toxic air pollutants from commercial and industrial boilers, and ban the agency from proposing a new standard in the near future. While both ideas enjoy some support from Democrats, they would have a hard time gaining broad Senate support.
Facing a stalemate, Mr. Reid, the Democratic leader, and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate minority leader, negotiated a two-month extension that would avoid a Jan. 1 tax increase for 160 million Americans, while giving both sides more time to work through the related issues. It passed in a rare Saturday session by a vote of 89 to 10. (The bill also staved off the cuts in Medicare payments to doctors.)
The next day Mr. Boehner came out against the deal, saying a two-month extension made no sense. Democrats on the one hand said they were flummoxed — they asserted that Mr. Boehner had asked Mr. Reid and Mr. McConnell to work out just such an agreement. On the other hand, they were gleeful that their conservative opponents in the House had put themselves in the position of potentially being blamed for a holiday season tax him for middle-class Americans.
A number of Republican senators who voted for the Senate bill urged Mr. Boehner to get his lawmakers to do the same, saying the ugly fight was damaging both Republicans and the already badly battered Congress.
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Old 12-22-2011, 08:45 AM   #17
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Default Ignorant too

Just because you are to ignorant to know better , doesn't mean you are not a liar.

There are issues still to work out.

The Senate said basically, "Lets work on them after we get back.''

The House said, "No pass our version now or else.''

The American public can decide what was the most prudent thing to do.

You can continue to try and misrepresent the facts and I will continue to point out the liar you are until you see fit to stop lying.
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Old 12-22-2011, 09:00 AM   #18
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Default the farce of it all

as if social security wasnt already known for the fraud it is..the liberals force social security on us...they skew it to load benefits to the lower tiers in excess of their contribution....its supposedly a funded pension plan with benefits based on how much you pay in..secured by al gore's lock box...

now along comes obama, who cant give a tax reduction to people who dont pay tax so he comes up with his payroll tax reduction..which is semi-brilliant when you really dont care about job creation but you do care about changing the united states into an ever increasing socialistic state ..which surprise surprise..has no effect on the retirement benefits of social security....how? because they have changed it into just another government lie and welfare program.....

and the republicans have to go along..because they are fearful of the political consequences...which shows their lack of backbone..but at least they tried to call obama's bluff with the pipeline thing...but its a proven fact voters will drag down the country in quest of a few more dollars..what do the dems call it? oh yeah..voting for your interest...

but the biggest laugh is...well maybe not the biggest laugh but the most recent laugh.....how the hell does reducing payroll tax for workers a tad create jobs? thats not obama's intent...he's such a fraud
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Old 12-22-2011, 10:14 AM   #19
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When you put more money in lower wage earners pockets....they actually spend it.

That is a way to create more demand and more jobs...

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Old 12-22-2011, 10:14 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post

but the biggest laugh is...well maybe not the biggest laugh but the most recent laugh.....how the hell does reducing payroll tax for workers a tad create jobs? thats not obama's intent...he's such a fraud
Stupid fool, those extra dollars in peoples tax savings go right back into the economy, and I think I read somewhere that every dollar that goes right back into the economy creates 2 dollars in economic activity.
Don't know where I read that, just google it if you don't believe me.
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Old 12-22-2011, 10:19 AM   #21
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Default one thing i would never do

i'd never call you a fool..i'd just let you keep posting

yeah..like nancy pelosi says..unemployment benefits create an economy...

all the payroll tax reduction does is take $40 bucks each week from your kid...

long term jobs and a vibrant economy are created by much more substantial things

social security ..well whatever happened to the pension plan aspects of it
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Old 12-22-2011, 10:42 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Initially Obama demanded that Congress pass the 12 month payroll reduction, threating to veto any legislation that didn't have a 12-month time.....then, when the Republican House delivered a legislative package that included the 12-month reduction; he says "No"..........

A 2-month extension is a joke; businesses can't operate on two month horizons.

The Democrats won't pass a budget and American businesses and taxpayers, and economy are paying the price for Obama's incompetance.

We should have been out of this recession months ago; but Obama is such an ideologue he is using the bad times to drive his socialist agenda - remember the Emanuel rule; "don't let a crisis go to waste" !!!!

He doesn't want jobs for working Americans; if he did he would have approved the Keystone pipeline.
You just keep on saying it, along with the rest of the GOP-bots. Even the WSJ and Karl Rove know that this one is a shit sandwich for the Republicans. Mark my words, the house whackos who precipitated this little crisis will cave by New Year's Eve. The adults in the GOP are just rolling their eyes.

And we all know which side of the aisle wants the economy to continue to tank....and it ain't the Democrats. A shitty economy is the only prayer the conservabots have of getting one of their clownish presidential candidates elected. If the economy starts bouncing back in the next 11 months, you can kiss off the white house for another four years.

See, only Republican idiots like Whirly think this way: that a political figure would actually do something that is detrimental to the whole country solely for perceived political gain. It's really sad. The Republicans don't care about America or Americans anymore....the only thing that matters is getting back the White House, cutting taxes for rich people, outlawing abortion, getting rid of the social safety net, making certain that the insurance companies can continue to rape us on health care and on and on and on.

Fuck 'em.
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Old 12-22-2011, 10:42 AM   #23
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I reccomend this book for everyone. Although the content is accurate it is about 149 pages too long.

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Old 12-22-2011, 12:07 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Good so you admit, the House passed a bi-partisan 12 month extension?

Wrong again.

On Tuesday, the House voted 229-193 on a virtual party-line basis

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Old 12-22-2011, 12:11 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by TurboFan View Post
I reccomend this book for everyone. Although the content is accurate it is about 149 pages too long.

Pay $10 for nothing? Plus $4 for shipping and handling?

Shows what you know about things in general.
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Old 12-22-2011, 05:32 PM   #26
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I don't think you quite understand how the Senate works WTF. The 60 votes is not to prevent a filibuster, it is to reach cloture. A filibuster is not automatic. The cloture rule is to have the votes to get a vote and not necessarily a victory. Many times an opponent of a bill has supported cloture just to get it out of the way.

I would like to hear where the US is going to get the $100 billion that has been removed from the Social Security Trust Fund. Of course the trust fund disappeared in 1967 when LBJ and the democrats in both houses merged the trust fund and general funds to offset the apparent cost of the Vietnam war.
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Old 12-22-2011, 06:11 PM   #27
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Republicans retreat with their tails between their legs. Fucking morons.

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Old 12-22-2011, 06:25 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
You just keep on saying it, along with the rest of the GOP-bots. Even the WSJ and Karl Rove know that this one is a shit sandwich for the Republicans. Mark my words, the house whackos who precipitated this little crisis will cave by New Year's Eve. The adults in the GOP are just rolling their eyes.

And we all know which side of the aisle wants the economy to continue to tank....and it ain't the Democrats. A shitty economy is the only prayer the conservabots have of getting one of their clownish presidential candidates elected. If the economy starts bouncing back in the next 11 months, you can kiss off the white house for another four years.

See, only Republican idiots like Whirly think this way: that a political figure would actually do something that is detrimental to the whole country solely for perceived political gain. It's really sad. The Republicans don't care about America or Americans anymore....the only thing that matters is getting back the White House, cutting taxes for rich people, outlawing abortion, getting rid of the social safety net, making certain that the insurance companies can continue to rape us on health care and on and on and on.

Fuck 'em.
Dimocraps are like an irresponsible teenager with daddy’s credit card. They don’t realize that when they’ve spent all of daddy’s money they will have NO social programs. Zilch!

Fuck 'em!!!
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Old 12-22-2011, 06:30 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I would like to hear where the US is going to get the $100 billion that has been removed from the Social Security Trust Fund. Of course the trust fund disappeared in 1967 when LBJ and the democrats in both houses merged the trust fund and general funds to offset the apparent cost of the Vietnam war.
Finially some TRUTH!

They have been covering up the costs of wars ever since.

Without the SS overrun , there would have been far fewer wars.

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Old 12-22-2011, 07:40 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Dimocraps are like an irresponsible teenager with daddy’s credit card. They don’t realize that when they’ve spent all of daddy’s money they will have NO social programs. Zilch!

Fuck 'em!!!
Yeah, a couple of hours after I post your fucksticks in congress will cave....they do. Speaking of irresponsible teenage idiots. Suck on it moron.
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