Admiral Theatre Offers Lap Dances For Holiday Toy Donations
December 12, 2011 1:13 PM

(Credit: Admiral Theatre)
CHICAGO (CBS) — If you’re a stingy, Scroogey type at Christmas, the Admiral Theatre has an incentive for you to change your ways.
Yes, that Admiral Theatre.
Beginning Monday and continuing through Saturday, the Admiral is offering a free lap dance to anyone who donates an unused, unwrapped toy.
But you won’t get extra attention if you clear off the shelves at the toy store and come to the Admiral with a big sack on your back. The limit is one lap dance per customer.
The campaign was launched last year.
The Onion A.V. Club reports the Admiral had customer participation in its service events drop, and wanted to provide an incentive for people to get involved again.
Last year, the event was accompanied by a seasonal “12 Days of XXX-Mas” celebration, which also featured what the A.V. Club called featured “a stripper-fied rendition of ‘The Nutcracker.’”
The blog Chicagoist reported the campaign last year raised five carloads of toys, and they were donated to churches around Albany Park.
By the way, the Admiral, at 3940 W. Lawrence Ave., is open 364 days a year. It is only closed on Christmas Eve.
CBS Chicago Web Producer Adam Harrinton contributed to this report.