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Old 03-15-2011, 03:30 PM   #16
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Had a client once call me scared to death because a regular of hers was going to issue her a 1099 misc. I calmed her down and we wrote a letter stating that if a 1099 misc was issued we would deny the income as he/she had no legimate business purposes for issuing a 1099 and that the IRS would probably like to know what other illegal deductions he/she was taking.

Turn the tables on him, he asked you to do something illegal you said no. you at this point have not borken any laws where as he has asked you to do something illegal.
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Old 11-24-2011, 04:42 PM   #17
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I think if you are a provider, sooner or later you may find yourself being threatened by someone such as this scenerio. Unfortunately, there are men who secretly hate women and are trying to "get back" (usually at mom) psychologically and will seek you out to manipulate this sick fantasy. I have been on the receiving end of this crap and will tell you the best way to fight is to fight back viciously. Nixon was concerned about a nuclear threat from another country and he employed this tactic: He told his advisors something to the tune of "I want them to think I am actually crazy enough to push the button". In other words, turn the tables and realize you are actually dealing with someone who is in reality scared themselves. Threaten the hell out of him. He is a bully and you can't walk away from a bully. Put him in his place. Make terrifying phone calls and texts, make him believe you have no problem going to the cops and threatening him with rape or attempted assault/rape. Ignore every threat by him to disclose your identity and pull a Clint Eastwood on him. Address him as if he were a child molester threatening to take away your baby forever. Sounds kinda dramatic, but it worked for me. I don't have any trouble from these squirmers.
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Old 11-24-2011, 07:52 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
Guys like him are scum. Period. Also, you gotta handle with care when dealing with alot of the middle aged fellows. They are going thru some kinda mid-life crisis thing. Their egos are fragile. They've been married for ages and when they taste new or young, tender, juicy meat they can't stand to go back to left overs. Some of these guys want MORE MORE MORE and become out of touch with reality. This is, after all, a hobby not a true relationship. But again, for the mid life crisis bunch it's hard, or for that matter, any man in crisis will become sensitive. OR ANY HUMAN but I'm talking about the guys here. I think, and maybe I'm off base here, but I see alot of hatred in men because I don't want to hang with them off the clock. I really think the hobby can bring out some extreme emotions in men. You owe that man nothing, but he is a pompous who feels like you do. I can't believe the hipocrasy that goes on in the hobby.....so many clients "try" to lean on me for emotional support, but if the tables were turned I would not be able to turn to them for support. My point is, don't let anyone push you around.
Perfectly said! Can I get a AMEN for this!!
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Old 12-04-2011, 08:20 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
With no face pics in your ads and a hobby/work phone, tell him to pound sand! Prove it is you in the ads and prove that you actually placed those ads, when the cops show up.

And further, its only illegal if you take or agree to take money in exchange for sex. LE has to witness that transaction occur, plus I really doubt an anonymous tip from a jilted hobbyist will get much attention or time devoted from LE.
Bingo! Tell that fk to call the cops and then send him to me!
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Old 12-04-2011, 11:23 PM   #20
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just give the cops HIS phone number
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Old 12-07-2011, 09:36 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by rharley View Post
just give the cops HIS phone number
And his wife's cell or work number lol. That should do it.
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Old 12-08-2011, 11:50 AM   #22
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you're onery london, i like that
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Old 12-08-2011, 07:39 PM   #23
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Yeah, I also like...))
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Old 12-17-2011, 01:13 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by alluringava View Post
....I refuse to see him or do something he requests that isn't on my DO list of things. I don't get that. One guy threatened to send LE copies of my ads and I think to myself, you know, isn't that blackmail to say " If you don't do this/see me I will turn you in?" And won't they ask him exactly what he was doing looking at my ads and 'soliciting me to begin with? Nonetheless on the very rare occasion when this happens, it's unsettling to me.
I wouldn't be bothered, because if I know anything it's the law. His or her (I don't judge ...LOL) attempt to turn you in would be considered black mail, which is illegal in and of itself. His attempt to turn you would be laughed at by any local police department. If anything, all he or she could do is raise suspicion as to potential prostitution, which might be used against you later if you arrested in a separate incident. But, no police department I have ever seen would waste time gather evidence against an escort. Now an agency or ring, of several providers using one hotel might be juicy to the cops but outside of that it isn't worth their time.

If you tell me what state you're in I'll even send you the black mail statute so you can give it a glimpse. Imagine the next time some loser tries to pull the "I'll taddle card" you tell him his very proposition in and of itself is illegal. I love the law, and stress what I'm telling you here is not legal advice, but simply my humble, well-educated opinion.
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Old 01-16-2012, 04:27 PM   #25
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Well even worse, what if it's a provider ( banned from this site) who outed you, and then threatens to call the police when you get to town? Talk about scum.
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Old 01-16-2012, 05:31 PM   #26
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following up on SJ's advice, not that I am advocating this approach, but I have a friend that knows someone that enlisted the help of a person who paid the PIA a visit while the PIA was leaving his place of employ... said PIA promptly went silent... Please note that this happened in the NYC area, where the firearm laws are not as liberal as they are here in Tejas.... just sayin....
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Old 01-16-2012, 05:55 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by iINDULGE View Post
I wouldn't be bothered, because if I know anything it's the law. His or her (I don't judge ...LOL) attempt to turn you in would be considered black mail, which is illegal in and of itself. His attempt to turn you would be laughed at by any local police department. If anything, all he or she could do is raise suspicion as to potential prostitution, which might be used against you later if you arrested in a separate incident. But, no police department I have ever seen would waste time gather evidence against an escort. Now an agency or ring, of several providers using one hotel might be juicy to the cops but outside of that it isn't worth their time.

If you tell me what state you're in I'll even send you the black mail statute so you can give it a glimpse. Imagine the next time some loser tries to pull the "I'll taddle card" you tell him his very proposition in and of itself is illegal. I love the law, and stress what I'm telling you here is not legal advice, but simply my humble, well-educated opinion.

Well this time its another provider threatening to 'destroy' my career. She was banned from this board but made hints that she would let 'Dallas PD' know I was coming and said she notified Reno ( Nevada is where I live) about me. The thing is, it happened way too fast. There's no way that she could have filed some kind of online report that quickly. From California.
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Old 01-16-2012, 06:26 PM   #28
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I obviously can't say for sure, since I'm not employed by the Dallas Police Department, but I would think if someone called and gave DPD an anonymous tip to the effect that "alluringeva the provider is coming to Dallas," or even "A provider named [INSERT NAME], who goes by alluringeva, is coming to Dallas," such a report would probably be met with a sizeable portion of indifference, perhaps even a yawn. I suspect your clients do not react in the same way when you journey to their city.
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Old 01-19-2012, 09:35 AM   #29
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Here is some reality, if providers think the local cops in your area do not already know what you do for a living and have not already viewed your website, then you are in complete denial. The cops know but do not care because no one is being harmed and no one is bitching. One anonymous letter does not initiate an investigation. The vice squads in my area are looking for trafficking of ladies, underaged trafficking mostly. Ava there is no doubt you are not trafficking underaged females for prostitution thus you are not on any LE radar. Police go for the big hits, they want and need media verification. they are also components of politicians needing votes. The fear you may feel is only created by you and you can chose not to fear any threats.

When stings are set up, it is bring down several ladies or johns, not any one individual, they need th enumbers to justify their work and their budget. Stings typically are set up as outcalls to hotel rooms to trap providers, one after another show up and get arrested. BP is where most are contacted in my experience beaus they can see 50 ladies that posted that morning all on one site, easy. Difficult to look at 50 different sites hoping 25% of them bite and commit and then only 10% show and get arrested, not gonna happen.

You are infe, let the person grumble all he wants, no issue there for you.

Can a provider create havoc o your income, yes she can, but in time all men will realize the truth and you will prolly come out just fine, can she have you arrested, no likely. See my response to his threats same applies for hers.
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