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Old 12-04-2011, 09:54 AM   #16
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I don't like being no showed. That is ridiculous. There should be more respect for a person's time.

With a new client I usually need at least 2 hours notice.

Sorry you wasted your time, gas and patience on flaky providers.
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Old 12-04-2011, 08:00 PM   #17
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Always have a plan A, B, and C. It also helps if they are all on the same side of town. But of course sometimes that doesn't work either.
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Old 12-04-2011, 11:03 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
Uhm the people on this site are volunteers, there is no way they are gonna spend amount of time you're suggesting to track down how true a ncns is.

Two things....

Name her and move on or....

Don't name her and give her another chance....

It's simple really.
This maybe true, but do you see those ads on the page? Introducing a feature to help hobbiests would cause them to get more clicks and views. How? Because I would use a site that helps me avoid wasting my time.

The site already handles reviews. How would this be any more complicated then a database entry that keeps track of the user and the provider. Then an integer column appended to the table of providers, so we can see a cumulative count.

But in the long run, I would agree. Its a large request. But I can sit here and bitch about it, or I can make a suggestion to help deter it. But the idea that it is "impossible" is a fallacy.
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Old 12-04-2011, 11:36 PM   #19
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There will never be a NCNS feature added. Shit happens. Girls NCNS clients. Guys NCNS providers. Everything in this lifestyle is give and take. Some girls are better at being a business owner than others. 90% of the women in this business have no clue how to run a business and they are the ones that don't last. I would suspect that both of the women you mentioned fall into that category, where as a few of the ladies that have responded to this thread do not!
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Old 12-05-2011, 01:45 PM   #20
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Ncns are aggrevating but I guess that's life. I agree with the moving on suggestions..

What jerks though! lol
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Old 12-05-2011, 01:52 PM   #21
London Rayne
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I honestly don't know how this can happen with the exception of a true medical emergency where one does not have their phone. In over 3 years I have NEVER pulled that crap, but can't say the same for the men in this business.

I don't see that many people even whilst touring, so I guess I don't have the oppurtunity to "forget" about one lol. I also, don't see back to back clients so I can't exactly replace one if I get stupid...many women look at providing just like that. If they are at a rate where they can pull in 20 guys a week, I doubt they care if they lose one or two. When you know you only have a few men to cater to, you better take damn good care of them if you want them to come back.

I don't give second chances period. One time, see ya. Not worth the hassle when there are so many others who know what common courtesy is. I had a guy plan a date with me 3 weeks in advance and it was a big one. I did not get a deposit because I knew I would normally not work that day anyway. I even offered this moron 100 off because he was going to be flying in and it was no sweat for me...that's what happens when you give before you get!

What happened? On the day of he has some bs excuse about work of course, and I am out 700 bucks. Could I simply call up someone else to replace that? Well no, because I don't operate that way. He had the nerve to say, "I still want to see you" lol.

Oh well that's too bad dumb azz because I won't put my time or money on the line for you again. I just don't see why guys with a busy schedule KNOWING they can get called out bother booking at ALL, or at least be upfront that you might have to cancel. Geez, how freaking hard is that? If I pulled half the crap guys pull, I would have been blacklisted long ago. It's not fair to either party.
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Old 12-05-2011, 07:37 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by London Rayne View Post
I honestly don't know how this can happen with the exception of a true medical emergency where one does not have their phone. In over 3 years I have NEVER pulled that crap, but can't say the same for the men in this business.


Oh well that's too bad dumb azz because I won't put my time or money on the line for you again. I just don't see why guys with a busy schedule KNOWING they can get called out bother booking at ALL, or at least be upfront that you might have to cancel. Geez, how freaking hard is that? If I pulled half the crap guys pull, I would have been blacklisted long ago. It's not fair to either party.
Sorry you ladies have to deal with this too. I'm sure hobbiests can be outright rude. I agree with your one chance policy. I wish I could say it would get better.

Unfortunately from Jack's response the scene doesn't want to put in the work to help fix it. There is no excuse to NC/NS on someone. I can only hope Jack is correct that there is some sort of Darwinism that will weed out these inconsiderate....

Previously I haven't had such crappy luck with my choices. I will give oilfields advice a try. A plan A/B/C it is!
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Old 12-05-2011, 08:38 PM   #23
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Yes, double bookings are effin classic ha ha. I was not about to try and fill that, but karma always seems to reward us if we simply wait. I have 1200 booked tomorrow and it's from one guy. I am coming out ahead by not doing anything to that loser.

People can talk smack about how big of a biaatch I am on these boards, but I treat my clients like freaking GOLD! I can't ever recall even being late but once, and it was because the maid was literally IN my room cleaning. Some hotels require the maid goes in every so often and even allow them to violate a "Do Not Disturb" sign. I was like, wtf...won't be staying there again!
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Old 12-05-2011, 11:07 PM   #24
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one time i stood myself up for a mastrabation session....i did wind up giving me a second chance though
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Old 12-05-2011, 11:39 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Paulie View Post
one time i stood myself up for a mastrabation session....i did wind up giving me a second chance though
I find myself standing myself up all the time.. sucks cause then on sunday afternoons I have to sit around all day making it up to myself.
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Old 12-08-2011, 11:26 AM   #26
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I've said this before, some make a date for $$ they get another call for the same time and up the cost another $. The second caller wins. There are way more hobbyist than providers. It ain't personal.
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Old 12-12-2011, 12:33 AM   #27
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I think only once i've done a ncns, but it was a little intentional. a friend of a client contacted me, and booked. said he was referred by my client. had found the reivew on CL(when they did them). he called my client after i told him to give me a couple hours, i was at my tax-paying job. in return, he called his friend, and "verified" my address because i wasn't answering the phone. i had seen the client once a week for a few months, and he was kinda suspicious because i didn't have a dedicated incall. but apparently he was duped also. the guy showed up at my (then-current) incall, apparently not believing i held a regular job. he wrote a review on CL saying that i wouldn't answer my phone, and an AA man came out of my house, and pointed a gun at him!!! thankfully, NONE of my clients believed that! especially since i had LITERALLY just started 2 months before, and i was in the days of using the No-tell.
3 days later he called again. i acted like i knew nothing of the review, made an appointment with him, said i'd give a discount, all kinds of stuff when he called and said he was outside, i told him i was sending out my AA pimp with a gun, and he better pay up or haul ass lmfao!!! i've always been independent, and that really struck me badly!! BUT, he didn't review that day!!!

now, on the other hand? i get client NCNS damned near every other day. sometimes every day. thankfully, i only give out my address and not my apartment number until they tell me they are in my parking lot. and it sucks, because i refuse to do the "possible" appointments, because i don't want to be a clock watcher, and i like to refresh and take care of a couple things between appointments. but also, when he NCNS's, the other client has already found someone else, or something comes up and they can't come :/
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