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Old 12-03-2011, 01:03 AM   #16
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Default I can answer the questions. I thought my ideas were well enough stated but here goes.

"I Love you. I'm just not IN love with you anymore."

Is there a difference to you?

Yes. There most definitely is a difference. I have love for my grandchildren, children nieces, nephews, sister, brother in law, mother, stepfather and even my soon to be exwife.

It is that same kind of love that I have felt for a few ladies over the years and Yes, even the young lady that lives with me now.

But I am not IN love with any of them. I have no romantic feelings or desires based in love that need to manifest themselves in any physica encounters.

Is it a taboo word for you in relation to members of the opposite sex you meet within the community?

I try to be myself but HAVE learned that those females that engage in pay for play often have misconceptions as to what love means as many of those I have met are "damaged" in some way due to abusive experiences, misguided relationships, a lack of a stable upbringing etc,..

So for the most part I try very hard to be selective of how and when I use the word.... Personally I prefer the word "lust

Ladies... What comes to mind when you hear a guy say "You know I love you right?" Do you immediately assume that romantic forever yours kind of love? This was a question for the ladies. I can't really answer for them.

How often is it misunderstood or misused? I can however say that MY use f the word in a couple of situation was misunderstood.... It was taken to mean that I had romantic interests and a desire for a more intensive or exclsive relationship when I had no such interest.....

Guys have you used the word and seen yourself taken advantage of as a result? I know I've heard "If you loved me you would do it for me" a few dozen times over the years.

I have certainty had a few gals try to do exactly that. If the feelings of caring and interest in my life was of equal in sincerity as mine was in theirs I may have been willing to do more however for them it sounded more to me like "If you love the sex we have and the things I do for your body that you would get me this or that"

Have you ever had an embarrassing situation result from a misuse or misunderstanding of the word use?

Yeah..... My telling a young lady that I loved her once in the context of caring for her was mistaken as I was IN love with her..... She crawled into my lap, smothered me with kisses, told me she loved me too and had been waiting fr me to say it...... We were no where NEAR being in the same page and it was painful to extract myself from as well as embarrassing due to the somewhat public location it occurred in.....
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Old 12-03-2011, 04:51 PM   #17
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Thanks Whispers. I understand your position, and see where we agree and where we differ.

I wonder if I'm the only one who doesn't think of the state of being in love as a romantic/sexual thing. I believe my first post makes it clear, I'm in love with the people I love (e.g., children, nieces, nephews, sister, father, mother, etc.).

"How often is it misunderstood or misused? I can however say that MY use of the word in a couple of situation was misunderstood.... It was taken to mean that I had romantic interests and a desire for a more intensive or exclusive relationship when I had no such interest....." - Whispers

Hmmm, I can see where saying "I'm in love with you." instead of simply "I love you." could help avoid that misunderstanding. Then again, should the actions taken to express love help make the distinction clear?

BTW, I appreciate you raising this topic. Misunderstandings are common when it comes to love. This thread is helping me understand some things.
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