Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
What are things that you think are an absolute no-no pertaining to post romp chit chat. Things you refuse to talk about on a date or would make you uncomfortable if it was brought up?

Very good topic Skylar, btw. Unfortunately, the ones that really need to learn from this probably aren't reading this thread.
(for the ADHD mofos, skip to the end for the cliffnotes version)
Are you married? Do you have any kids? WTF does this have to do with the price of tea in China???
Why even ask? Unless it's volunteered OR unless you (the provider) have the skills to bring those points into focus during a very good conversation without it being awkward or prying, DON'T ASK? I have had numerous encounters in the past where a provider stalked, attempted to extort, wanted to marry me, etc. For all different reasons (not boasting, just answering the OPs Q). So, when I hear prying, personal Qs afterwards, the bells go off ("Amateur"/insecure women attempt to use sex to gain influence/control over the man. I'm a hobbyist, I fuck because it's my hobby, my passion NOT because I'm desperate nor looking for validation. My dick doesn't validate me. My mind does).
Once these tactics are used after sex, I put her on the DNS list (especially if asking personal Qs for no other reason but to gain an edge, validate themselves, or use it against you (when that time comes)...my motto based on prior experiences,
What you say, can and WILL be used against you!).
Don't take me the wrong way, I can and will converse at length to get to know the lady and vice versa, both on a worldly, decadent (I have no shame about my freakiness, none), as well as on personal matters. But, the means must justify the end=level of mutual comfort in knowing a person's like/dislikes, turn-ons, as well as what really get's them going-their passion in life, et cetera. To me the sexiest part of a woman is her mind (no bullshit). So, a good
conversation is the perfect
foreplay for me! After that, sex is thee BEST!

Without it, sex is just like masterbation (and, I can do good enough all by myself, PASS, NEXT).
Cliffnotes Version:
Don't ask any stupid, invasive questions afterwards that have little or nothing to do with the romp session we just had! I will look at you like,

"Why?", politely dress, wish you well, and NEVER see your ass again

(That's for the average lady. There are some, a very few, who by personality, chemistry, etc. can ask just about anything without it coming off as invasive or pointless.)
(see how
annoying this is, same thing...just don't ASK!)