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Old 11-23-2011, 09:19 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
But then there is the Warren Commission, and the forensics provided by ABC News and the Discovery in the video links provided above. Even the tapes discovered last week further undermine some of the previously posited "conspiracy theories". Again, in the 50 years since the assassination, new forensic technologies and the discovery of new evidence, such as that revealed last week, serve to further support the findings of the Warren Commission and discount those of the conspiracy theorists. Occam's Razor.
As long as the opinions are based upon conjecture and conspiracy theories, I will always believe that Oswald acted alone. In order to convince me otherwise, bring your A game. While you're at it, you might want to consider bringing clear and convincing proof along with it!
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Old 11-24-2011, 12:49 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by MrGiz View Post
Jim Marrs wrote the most interesting book (Crossfire) so far, on the assassination.

Jim Marrs also thinks there is a vast Alien Conspiracy.

Personally.... after seeing clear footage of the Zapruder film.... there is NO WAY IN HELL, that Oswald was the single shooter!!*Absolutely , physically , spacially , ergomomically , and visually impossible!

Magic bullet , my ass!
Posner's work along with "Unsolved History: JFK - Beyond the Magic Bullet" Discovery Channel have convinced me Oswald was the ONLY shooter.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
E Howard Hunt admitted his involvement on his deathbed.

When are you going to stop posting this discredited info?
One fact that has been documented, sadly is that JFK's back problems contributed to the fatal headshot. The shot that went through JFK and also into Connally probably wouldn't have been fatal. JFK was wearing a back brace due to his past back injuries and it prevented him from leaning forward after he was struck, making it easier for Oswald to deliver the fatal headshot.

That is clearly shown in the Zapruder film, that he wasn't able to lean forward.
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Old 11-24-2011, 03:10 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
As long as the opinions are based upon conjecture and conspiracy theories, I will always believe that Oswald acted alone. In order to convince me otherwise, bring your A game. While you're at it, you might want to consider bringing clear and convincing proof along with it!
This sounds like you've thrown down the gauntlet for me to prove to you that Oswald did not act alone. However, a careful re-reading of my posts in this thread, as well as those of Waco and Dali who agree with me, will show you we are arguing that Oswald did act alone; hence, I don't have to convince you otherwise since you too believe Oswald acted alone. My apologies if that is not what you meant.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:45 AM   #49
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Jim Marrs only presented details of most of the popular theories surrounding the shooting and the suspicions of Mafia, FBI, CIA, Anti-Castro Cubans, etc.... He didn't support or take-on any of them as his own. He presented inconsistencies and unexplained events from the Warren Commission's findings... and included several on-site witness testimonies ignored by others. Anyone who hasn't read the book, has no place criticizing it, any further than supporting Posner's "Case Closed" as being any kind of definitive fact.

Posner is no different from anyone else, who has investigated the shooting... he makes many of his own assumptions and several factual errors along his way to finally support the Warren Commission's report.
It's as easy to criticize Posner for "theory driven by conjecture and speculation", as it is any of the other theories. Posner's book didn't impress me as being any more credible than several other sources.

There is an obvious reason why much influence is behind efforts to take the Warren Commission as the final word. There was not one member of the Warren Commission who heard all of the hearings... in fact, there were few who even heard "half" of them!Anyone who blindly accepts the word of a Government based Congressional Commission is already making several foolish assumptions before even beginning to actually investigate!

Am I a Conspiracy Fanatic? No, I don't think so... but I try to include as many angles and as much information into my own opinions, before coming to any conclusion, as I can. Am I even slightly suspicious of a Government based Warren Commission's own bias? Yeah... probably so... at least a little bit.*

One thing is certainly true... Kennedy put himself into position for the killing to take place.
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Old 11-24-2011, 07:29 AM   #50
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Lol, JFK just had bad luck, if it had rained that day, he would be 94 years old at the moment and maybe the world would look different.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:38 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by MrGiz View Post
Jim Marrs only presented details of most of the popular theories surrounding the shooting and the suspicions of Mafia, FBI, CIA, Anti-Castro Cubans, etc.... He didn't support or take-on any of them as his own.

Fair enough. I was poking fun at Marrs for the most part. And i had an opportunity to use that funny animated gif. However in his writings on Alien Conspiracies he does seem to take a more definitive stand, which i don't agree with.

Posner is no different from anyone else, who has investigated the shooting...

Poser did have the benefit of newer technologies that simply weren't available at the time.

There is an obvious reason why much influence is behind efforts to take the Warren Commission as the final word. There was not one member of the Warren Commission who heard all of the hearings... in fact, there were few who even heard "half" of them!Anyone who blindly accepts the word of a Government based Congressional Commission is already making several foolish assumptions before even beginning to actually investigate!

The Warren commission report is the Government's take on it, for what it's worth. It doesn't mean it's worthless nor does it mean it's the best work. It also doesn't mean it's inherently biased. I find it unlikely that every single member could be involved in a deliberate "cover-up".

Am I a Conspiracy Fanatic? No, I don't think so... but I try to include as many angles and as much information into my own opinions, before coming to any conclusion, as I can. Am I even slightly suspicious of a Government based Warren Commission's own bias? Yeah... probably so... at least a little bit.*

We all should view our Government with a certain degree of skepticism. It's our right as citizens. It also doesn't mean everything the Government does is a vast conspiracy. Outright greed and incompetence are more likely.

One thing is certainly true... Kennedy put himself into position for the killing to take place.
That is an inherent risk of the Office. Unless a President lives like a hermit in the White House (and even that wouldn't preclude an assassination attempt) there's always a risk. It's been said JFK declined the Secret Service's advice to use the Limo's clear top. It's also been said Hoover did not warn JFK of an attempt but i can't find anything clear on that nor anything claiming Hoover did warn JFK on the trip as has been speculated. If any of you googlers can find something go ahead, i gave up because it's time for the Texas v A&M game.

Originally Posted by waverunner234 View Post
Lol, JFK just had bad luck, if it had rained that day, he would be 94 years old at the moment and maybe the world would look different.
I know this is big reach for ya but could you attempt something slightly more enlightening to add?
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Old 11-24-2011, 07:44 PM   #52
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Default Another Opinion

I Saw Lee Harvey Oswald Gunned Down

"What I do know is that over the past 48 years, no memoir, no diary, no deathbed confession has materialized that indicates a conspiracy. This absence in America, which is a chatterbox nation that can't keep secrets, seems substantial evidence that Oswald acted alone."

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Old 11-24-2011, 08:26 PM   #53
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Does anyone know what the percentages are of those who still cling to the various Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories who also believe that Obama is not a natural born US citizen?
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Old 11-24-2011, 08:27 PM   #54
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I don't buy it. And I don't care where Obama was born.
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Old 11-24-2011, 08:57 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Does anyone know what the percentages are of those who still cling to the various Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories who also believe that Obama is not a natural born US citizen?
I've done my own polling on these Hobby sites and 66% believe that aliens from another world have actually landed their spaceships on this planet a nd walk on our ground. 16% of that group claim to have been probed.
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Old 11-24-2011, 09:02 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I don't buy it. And I don't care where Obama was born.
You need to read......

The Men Who Shot Liberty Valance.
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Old 11-24-2011, 09:09 PM   #57
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Poll taken 9 years ago... but I doubt much has changed since then. If anything, I would think public opinion of Government provided info has lessened considerably in that time.

Yeah.... I know... you 30 percenters are always the "Smart/Informed Ones"

EDIT: a bit more recent...

Bottom Line. . . everyone believes in one JFK Assassination "theory"... or another!
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Old 11-24-2011, 09:25 PM   #58
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According to the poll, 20% of Americans learned their "history" from Oliver Stone's "JFK". The poll didn't mention followers of Jessie Ventura.
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Old 11-24-2011, 09:53 PM   #59
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You're not catching me, Dalai, it was John Wayne, even though everyone thought it was Jimmy Stewart.
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Old 11-24-2011, 10:13 PM   #60
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In my past life, I was very good friends with Henry Wade's daughter and during the bad times of the early 80's they lived with Henry and I had several dinners with him. He swore it was a single gunman

On the other hand, another friends father was an expert rifleman who fought with Patton says there is no way he could get those shots off with that gun

I tend to buy in that Jack Ruby's connection with the mafia(?) had something to do with it

btw, my birthday was the next day, I was in the 8th grade and my girl friend had a party for me where I got my first titty feel to the tune of Blue Velvet, does this count for a review?
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