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Old 11-19-2011, 09:31 AM   #16
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Lol I like that
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Old 11-19-2011, 09:38 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk View Post
I'm not seeing the level of apologizing and eating crow this thread should have after certain gentlemen came to her defense just 2 weeks ago.

I believe that there were some providerz that came to her defense as well and told us to leave her alone.

After LazurusLong posted that link to a post by Destiny Little where she posted basically the exact same thing as Roxxy did as explanation for that crown tattoo, there were no doubts in my mind at that time that Roxxy was pimped. Why some people could not see that and rushed to her defense I have no idea….
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Old 11-19-2011, 09:39 AM   #18
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Angry I Have Had it with ALL these Prepaid Alerts !!!

Originally Posted by uparoundnoon View Post
she was desperate and was trying to leave her pimp and could I please help out. She sounded real "out of it" on the phone

I prepaid a session so she would have some cash and I prepaid a hotel suite for her and Kari Kakes who she came with.

she screwed me out of $600.
It is a Well Known Fact that 90% of providers that Ask for Prepayment for ANY reason, is looking to RIP YOU OFF. Why didn't you just give her enough for 1 night and some food? why 600? IMHO, that was foolish. I Have Had it with ALL these Prepaid Alerts. If another hobbyist posts an alert of prepayment, I AM GOING TO CALL HIM, ASKING FOR MONEY. lol

A Fool and his money are lucky enough to stay together in the first place. Do your homework, FoxxxyRoxxxy is found in every city in Texas and even in New Orleans, at 18, she moves around alot. Touring scammer.

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Old 11-19-2011, 10:09 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by trynagetlaid View Post
Don't hold your breath waiting on it bro...
Oh, I know. But it just keeps adding to the tally of certain guys who consistently take one side of any debate. They never seem to come around when it comes out they were full of shit.

The white knights are just as bad as the pricks who always side against the ladies. They also tend to keep negative threads going much longer and end up doing more damage than I think a lot of people realize.

On a different note, I kind of think alerts should be tied to handles (male or female) just like reviews.
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Old 11-19-2011, 10:19 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk View Post
I'm not seeing the level of apologizing and eating crow this thread should have after certain gentlemen came to her defense just 2 weeks ago.
Actually, the OP was a WK for her about a month ago...

"Foxxy is top notch. I've seen her 4 times and if she didn't move around so quickly from city to city like a cat on a hot tin roof it would be 10 times. She has an amazing body but even more amazing skills and charm. And a smile that outshines the moon. So I don't really care what her bra size is. As incredible as her bod is it's what you can't see but can only experience that is so un-f@#$king-believeable."

Like my Uncle Lee always said, while shaking his head slowly: "What a man won't do for a piece of pussy"...LOL
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Old 11-19-2011, 10:26 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by trynagetlaid View Post
Actually, the OP was a WK for her about a month ago...

"Foxxy is top notch. I've seen her 4 times and if she didn't move around so quickly from city to city like a cat on a hot tin roof it would be 10 times. She has an amazing body but even more amazing skills and charm. And a smile that outshines the moon. So I don't really care what her bra size is. As incredible as her bod is it's what you can't see but can only experience that is so un-f@#$king-believeable."

Like my Uncle Lee always said, while shaking his head slowly: "What a man won't do for a piece of pussy"...LOL
I differentiate fans from White Knights. White Knighting was "I know for a fact she is not pimped", which at least one gentleman said, and insulting anyone who had anything contradictory to say.

The OP seems more like a fan blinded by lust. I don't recall seeing him attacking anyone who dared question the lady's answers.
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Old 11-19-2011, 10:53 AM   #22
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Sorry to hear that. Sounds like something I would do. Always trying to help and get screwed over in the process. Live and learn is my new motto.
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Old 11-19-2011, 12:20 PM   #23
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Not really alert info. Moving to Co Ed
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Old 11-19-2011, 12:21 PM   #24
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Default What the pimped girls should say to their PIMPS.

Originally Posted by trynagetlaid View Post
"Man who doesn't work doesn't eat."

If their PIMP doesn't work.. like she does... THEN HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Won't EAT. Pimped girls... wise up.

Amber Rain
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Old 11-19-2011, 12:26 PM   #25
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Wow, I didn't know about tattoos, but me personally, I just prefer no tattoos. It is just my personal taste. Tattoos are unappealing to me.
I made a list of all the eccie providers with no tattoos, who I would love to see, but since I'm new and have butterfly's still, so to speak, I have not done anything or anyone yet...I just have the list.
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Old 11-19-2011, 12:49 PM   #26
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Better make sure... Even I have two small tat's ... on an inch long on my calf.. and a SMALL little cross on the back of my neck.. about an inch big as well. Most guys say they never even notice them... so, even some girls that have the same ittty bitty tat's like me.. just mark "NO tat" on profile... and the girls like me that are honest and say "yes tat" on profile.. are just assumed to have BIG huge INK all over our body's... so I really wouldn't make out the girls.. that say yes to tat's on their profile.. until you actually read and find out from her... how big the tat's are. You can't see any of mine during a session unless I intentiionally show you them to you.. so, whatever floats your boat..

Just saying, that you will be missing out on alot of GREAT, WELL Reviewed providers if you ONLY search out the ones that say "NO tat" on the profile. Keep in mind, that some may not put an answer and look like a circus freak when you show up... and some that are honest... you may not even be able to see the tat's or no that they are there during session.

Just be safe in whatever you do.
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Old 11-19-2011, 12:54 PM   #27
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Old 11-19-2011, 01:34 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Bubba3452 View Post
Not really alert info. Moving to Co Ed
Bubba,when a gal goes renegade like this and starts taking advantage of hobbyists, taking their cash, running cons, and not rendering services.... what the fuck is alert worth other than getting shot by a prover or her pimp?

The safety of our money, getting robbed in other ways, as well as getting possibly hurt, harassed, outed, or a health risk is a genuine alert, IMO.

Some people don't read this forum because it is usually just drama and the same old questions we have seen for years.

I wish you and you cohorts on staff would rethink what defines and alert, please.

back on topic

This a familiar scenario. Young provider with great reviews all of a sudden has a new friend and they decide to burn a few bridges and rip a few people off. Whatever the sob story, it is usually mostly BS or an old one rehashed because it works so well.

"Oh please help me get away from the pimp, waaahhh ". Heard it before. If you are a Captin-save-Ho, you will get burned a few times trying to "help a girl out". Trust me, I know.

Uparoundnoon, sorry you fell for this.

Lesson to be learned: When you stray from the business models so successfully preached about here, you increase your risk and exposure. Occasionally, we all have to re-learn a lesson the hard way. Thanks for the refresher course in how not to be stupid.

It will be interesting to see how long before she ditches her new running mates and realizes she has damaged her reputation here. Wouldn't be the first nor the last girl to come back with their tale between their legs.
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Old 11-19-2011, 01:50 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth View Post
It will be interesting to see how long before she ditches her new running mates and realizes she has damaged her reputation here. Wouldn't be the first nor the last girl to come back with their tale between their legs.
And a new cover-up tat?

I'm sure that when Foxxy wants to take some of her "earnings" and buy a car she will learn the hard way that NONE of the money being held for her will appear, it will have been spent on some new gold teeth, maybe a couple new cars for the pimp to drive around and who knows, maybe even on a trip for his bottom bitch and him to go to Vegas or Hawaii?
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Old 11-19-2011, 02:05 PM   #30
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Lazurus she cried about that's EXACTLY what happened. She was foolish enough to believe he was saving her money to buy her a car and a college education and then ripped her off for thousands. I know that girl who went back and I bet Roxxxy does too. But one of the reasons for the warning is that I feel she is angry at being ripped off and now she is going to take it out on rippng off as many of us as possible.

Lesson to be learned: When you stray from the business models so successfully preached about here, you increase your risk and exposure. Occasionally, we all have to re-learn a lesson the hard way. Thanks for the refresher course in how not to be stupid.

It will be interesting to see how long before she ditches her new running mates and realizes she has damaged her reputation here. Wouldn't be the first nor the last girl to come back with their TALE between their legs.
JGW I've been around awhile and should have known better but the whole story about being young and foolish in hooking up with a pimp and then needing to get away really brought out the WK in me. It's funny how you used the word spelled "tale" instead of "tail". I fully expect her to come on here with some "tale" about how it was a medical emergency or something. But I know she planned to rip me off because I tried to contact her Thurs. night to at least get my money for 3 nights worth of room (which I never even got to see her in) and she didn't answer 3 or 4 calls. Then she finally texted me late saying she was in a call and would call when she got done. Of course she never called and it just so happened her call commented on eccie how he thought it was weird she and Kari Kakes were leaving town at 2 A.M. I met Kari too and they both acted so grateful when I was buying them dinner and groceries for the room and giving them advance money.

I also realize one of the reasons that hobbyists want to stay away from pimps is that it is a well known fact that 2 people will commit crimes that neither would do separately. It could be a pimp and his girl or lesbian lovers.
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