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Old 11-17-2011, 02:20 AM   #76
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Since you posted the PRWire note... maybe this might interest you... the dismissal was not a clearing of links or a demonstration they did not exist, but simply a declaration that putting them on the list had harmed their reputation and that inclusion on the list without a prosecution or conviction, violated their 5th amendment rights.



Jason Trahan/Reporter

jtrahan@dallasnews.com | Bio
5:00 PM on Fri., Nov. 19, 2010 | Permalink

Earlier this month, we told you about a judge's ruling condemning the government's decision to make the unindicted coconspirator list in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing case public.
Today, acting on a 5th Circuit appeals court decision, Dallas U.S. District Judge Jorge Solis ordered his 2009 order on the government's unindicted coconspirator list unsealed.
In it, he sides with three prominent Muslim advocacy groups -- the Council on American Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America and the North American Islamic Trust -- that their reputations were harmed by being publicly identified on the government's list.
On the other hand, Solis goes into great detail -- pages 14 through 19 -- about how these groups were closely linked to the defunct Holy Land, which has been convicted of being Hamas chief fundraising arm. [The HLF and its organizers are appealing the convictions.]
Guilt my association? Perhaps, but the links and ties to Hamas are well documented. Links are not specific wrong doings, but when the Justice Department decided not to prosecute the founder of CAIR, it was not because of the lack of evidence but a lack of desire to do so in DOJ. The Dallas office wanted it, the DC folks punted. But there are ongoing concerns in several areas with regards to CAIR still. Innocent until proven guilty BUT CAIR is far from a harmless and benign organization and in time will step on their crankshaft and end up exposed for who they really are and what their true motivation is... much like what happened with ACORN.

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Old 11-18-2011, 07:40 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by slims099 View Post
davo1 you are right on track.
Thank you, sir.

Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
You hit the nail on the head, davo1!!
Thank you, sir.

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Old 11-18-2011, 08:00 PM   #78
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There are a number of videos on youtube showing police violence against the protestors:

Here are a few that made even my jaw drop....




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Old 11-18-2011, 08:40 PM   #79
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I just find it funny back in 08 and 09 the Tea Party was against the big banks who screwed up everything. I never heard them blaming Carter or anyone that far back. They were pissed. Now the OWS is saying "F*** the Banks and Corporations who treat us all like numbers and are not helping the US at all" and the Tea Party is against it. Hypocritical I think... I guess it's cause they know Obama will win in 2012 and they're kinda mad. LOL. Good luck with Romney running, he's your only shot.
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Old 11-18-2011, 09:23 PM   #80
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Romney is the new Bob Dole (boring), except that Bob Dole wasn't a flag that adjusted what he believed in based on wind direction.
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Old 11-18-2011, 10:42 PM   #81
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Old 11-18-2011, 10:59 PM   #82
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"It's also mind-boggling to me how much of the American public have their heads buried in the sand....or up their ass" Because they are neurologically program through mind control and useless shows such as dancing with morons, and the stupid factor. Oh and let's not forget the presstitute media or stenographers pick each one makes no difference we don't have a free press anymore either.

There is absolutely no representation the people have been betrayed by Congress, the supremes, and the executive, we have all been betrayed. 911 is an inside job, the american people didn't benefit nor the rest of the world except the banks and the Corporations with their enablers in the US gov, and the enforcers in the street backing the crime bosses call pigs(cops).
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Old 11-19-2011, 12:40 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by ilikeit09 View Post

... 911 is an inside job, ....

GOOD ONE! For a second I thought you were serious, then I realized that nobody would really be that stupid.

Thanks for the much needed laugh!

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Old 11-19-2011, 10:16 AM   #84
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ilikeit09, you are the first person privileged enough to be on my "ignore list" on this board.
For those of you who don't know what that means, it means that I will no longer have the honor of reading his posts...since I won't be able to see them, thanks to that wonderful feature on this forum software. I'll actually be "burying my head in the sand", so to speak I mean, how ironic is that? You should be proud, ilikeit09. As a matter of fact, considering the true patriot that you are, you should really consider joining the "great american blog".

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Old 11-19-2011, 03:47 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by davo1 View Post
Many Thanks Davo1...your pic posting should be eye-openers but some people refuse to wake up.

Hard not to admit who they REALLY "protect and serve", isn't it?!
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Old 11-20-2011, 11:30 PM   #86
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Old 11-21-2011, 07:42 AM   #87
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Get over it. Squatting on private property has nothing, zip, natta, to do with freedom of speech, or any other right. After being told repeatedly to leave, they didn't budge.

Considering the other options like fire hoses, tear gas, dogs, nightsticks, rubber bullets, or perhaps the things used by some of the OWS crowd during the last couple of months; like rocks, bricks, and Molotov cocktails, the pepper spray was the safest way to get the job done.
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Old 11-21-2011, 08:55 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by ilikeit09 View Post

"It's also mind-boggling to me how much of the American public have their heads buried in the sand....or up their ass" Because they are neurologically program through mind control and useless shows such as dancing with morons, and the stupid factor. Oh and let's not forget the presstitute media or stenographers pick each one makes no difference we don't have a free press anymore either.

There is absolutely no representation the people have been betrayed by Congress, the supremes, and the executive, we have all been betrayed. 911 is an inside job, the american people didn't benefit nor the rest of the world except the banks and the Corporations with their enablers in the US gov, and the enforcers in the street backing the crime bosses call pigs(cops).
Ok then why is the Tea Party and Fox News against the OWS movement? I think OWS crapping and squatting is RETARDED and not getting a point across, but I understand what they're doing with their whole movement. I appreciate them, I just wish they'd send a stronger message.

You're right... the Govt and Banks F'd everybody... not just 1 type of person. Repubs say "Oh just get a job to save your home" hahahahahaha. If it was that simple!!
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Old 11-21-2011, 10:57 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
Get over it. Squatting on private property has nothing, zip, natta, to do with freedom of speech, or any other right. After being told repeatedly to leave, they didn't budge.

Considering the other options like fire hoses, tear gas, dogs, nightsticks, rubber bullets, or perhaps the things used by some of the OWS crowd during the last couple of months; like rocks, bricks, and Molotov cocktails, the pepper spray was the safest way to get the job done.
Not budging is kinda the idea behind a protest.
safest? Does it look like the cops' safety was in jeopardy here?


I've been utterly amazed at how good the OWS protesters have been about avoiding violence, throughout the U. S. (with the very rare exception of a few thugs infiltrating the movement....which is to be expected) -- especially considering the extent of the police brutality that they have had to deal with......and I've paid close attention to video footage of the protests. Btw, I think that most cops are probably quite decent people, but just like in all walks of life, they have some bad apples too. Unfortunately those bad apples are relishing in the opportunity to kick ass and take names with these peaceful (even if pissed off) protestors...with the odds in their favor of them getting away with it.
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Old 11-21-2011, 08:44 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
Get over it. Squatting on private property has nothing, zip, natta, to do with freedom of speech, or any other right. After being told repeatedly to leave, they didn't budge.

Considering the other options like fire hoses, tear gas, dogs, nightsticks, rubber bullets, or perhaps the things used by some of the OWS crowd during the last couple of months; like rocks, bricks, and Molotov cocktails, the pepper spray was the safest way to get the job done.
I agree. These protests are just adventures for arts students enrolled in useless degree programs with too much time on their hands. We all want Wall Street to be strung up and we all want fixes, but what are these people suggesting? I don't hear anything except whining. The Tea Party proposals are dumb, but at least they have a platform.

Next time, I want to see the cops bring out the water cannons. Please.
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