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Old 11-15-2011, 08:12 PM   #1
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Default Pre-Screening?

Hi all just some Clueless Newbie questions.

My questions are about Pre-Screening.
These are more for the local ladies then the touring ladies.

1.How far in advanced is too much to pre-screen?
2.How far in advanced is too much for scheduling?
3.If you get pre-screened is there an expiration date and if so how long?
4.Do you ladies think that I guy that asks to be pre-screened but does not set up an appointment right after is a time waster?
5.How many ladies DNS guys as time wasters account they pre-screened and scheduled a date weeks in advance but had to cancel weeks in advance?

I could keep the list of question going and going but that will do for now.

The reason I'm asking is because I like to plan my hobby time out, sometimes as much as three to four weeks in advance.
I love the anticipation of the meeting, Gives me something to look forward too.
Plus hate the idea of ordering a date like a pizza.
(Your order will be ready in 15 or 20 minutes.)
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Old 11-16-2011, 06:58 AM   #2
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Great questions and answers are all over the map.my schedule demands advance planning and finding dependable providers who can plan ahead can be a challenge. I made an appointment with a well known provider 10 days in advance with 3-4 emails and she cancelled 1 hour prior because she was painting her apartment. I'm embarrassed to admit this was the fourth cancellation from her and I felt like a fool even trying again. I think trial and error will lead you to those ladies that respect your time and theirs.
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Old 11-16-2011, 07:03 AM   #3
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Fastcar does bring up a good point. A lot of guys are gunshy about seeing a lady who makes notes about her clients. However, it can be disconcerning to find that the lady you're wanting to pay $200+ per hour of her time has scheduled something else in your time slot ... moreso, if this is a mundane activity which could have been scheduled around your appointment.
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Old 11-16-2011, 09:21 AM   #4
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Just as you like to plan and other fella's like to call an hour ahead of time, ladies are the same way. I like to and have to plan ahead because I have a lot "real world" responsibilities as well. Some ladies are not great with planning weeks or even days in advance, other's are.
If you have good references that return emails/calls quickly, it does not take a great deal of time to screen a person. Some fella's do send screening information and never set up appointments: That's part of the biz and isn't wasting time, in my opinion.
As far as the time frame, I suppose we all have our own personal rules on that.

Just my 2 cents....
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Old 11-16-2011, 04:13 PM   #5
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Okay, I'll bite...

1. Yes, I have a maximum. It's important to me to have the most recent information for screening. For an extreme example, screening someone a year ago and then having them contact me to finally set up something is fine, but I will rescreen them.

2. I don't think there is a too far in advance. I had a gent contact me about a date 8 months in the future once. I said great, and blocked off the day in my calender. I obviously reconfirmed several times and screened him much closer to our actual meeting, but it ended up being a fantastic time. Turns out he has a regular engagement in Kansas City each year and we were unable to schedule something the last time he was in town. He just wanted to get a jump on his next trip.

3. For me, screening can have an expiration date for someone who I haven't seen in a while, or I only pre-screened. If I haven't seen someone in a long while, or a significant amount of time has passed since I pre-screened them, I will rescreen with more recent references. It's the same as if someone tried to give me references or use me as a reference that are very old. I prefer something as recent as possible, as it probably is a better indicator of behavior then something from two years ago.

4. No, I don't consider them to be time wasters. Pre-screening to me means they intend to book in the near future, but not necessarily immediately.

5. I don't know how the other ladies feel, but if a gent cancels a date weeks in advance it's not a big deal. However, I've had a few occasions where it's a habitual thing. I've had one experience where a date is set up a month in advance and then cancelled 2 weeks out. But with this particular person, he repeated it about 10 more times in a row, without ever going through with a scheduled date. Now, I find that irritating. But under normal circumstances, I will take a cancellation weeks in advance over a last minute one any day.

I very rarely have last minute availability. I am very low volume, but if I do have free time, I tend to fill it with errands. So while I always tell my gents to feel free to attempt to schedule with me with an hours notice, that a better bet would be giving me as much time as possible. I know some ladies prefer same day bookings, but for me personally I prefer advanced notice.
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Old 11-16-2011, 05:18 PM   #6
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How far in advanced is too much to pre-screen?
More than 3 months
How far in advanced is too much for scheduling?
More than 4 weeks
If you get pre-screened is there an expiration date and if so how long?
3 months. I clear everything out after that and you have to start from scratch.
Do you ladies think that I guy that asks to be pre-screened but does not set up an appointment right after is a time waster?
My experience has been either schedules within a week or two or I never hear from him again so....
How many ladies DNS guys as time wasters account they pre-screened and scheduled a date weeks in advance but had to cancel weeks in advance?
Depends. Reasonable reason for cancellation? They get one more chance. Obvious lie? DNS.
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Old 11-16-2011, 08:40 PM   #7
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Hey Lilianna how about those time wasters that you never had an appt with but as a client they reached out to you because they thought highly of you!
Then as time slowly ticked by and the client waits by the computer and that provider finally gets back to you... only to find out the client had already booked with someone else!!
The client feels bad and says hey Im so sorry I already booked with someone!!
Unfortunately now the provider says she wont see you because of that....what about those instances...weird huh??
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Old 11-16-2011, 08:47 PM   #8
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So what the hell does pre-screen mean? To screen before you screen? Isn't that what the prefix pre- means? Shouldn't we just call it screening? Same thing for pre-booking.

I'm not usually a gramar nazi, but I always thought the ads that encouraed pre-booking looked stupid.
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Old 11-17-2011, 06:46 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by bigdeal View Post
Hey Lilianna how about those time wasters that you never had an appt with but as a client they reached out to you because they thought highly of you!
Then as time slowly ticked by and the client waits by the computer and that provider finally gets back to you... only to find out the client had already booked with someone else!!
The client feels bad and says hey Im so sorry I already booked with someone!!
Unfortunately now the provider says she wont see you because of that....what about those instances...weird huh??
At best, I'm your eighth choice. 5 reviews since you were "out of town" for 30 days (your words btw) and then whoever was scheduled and cancelled and then whoever you saw last night. I'm interested in building long term relationships with my clients and I obviously don't interest you enough to actually book me. So, why bring it up on the board? At the rate you are going you probably won't run out of women to see for a good long time and I don't need to be one of them. Im quite content to stay at the bottom of the list, because it is pretty obvious that it isn't me that you wish to see, just another notch.

So a good rule of thumb.....don't contact someone and tell them an easily found out untruth, and if you do contact them again, with two messages of course (and very little notice), and they accept don't be surprised when they decline to become involved you when you make it apparent that you would rather see any number of other people instead.
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Old 11-17-2011, 06:50 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by swarmyone View Post
So what the hell does pre-screen mean? To screen before you screen? Isn't that what the prefix pre- means? Shouldn't we just call it screening? Same thing for pre-booking.

I'm not usually a gramar nazi, but I always thought the ads that encouraed pre-booking looked stupid.
Prescreening - screening just in case, so there is a possibility of short notice meetings with no hoops.

Prebooking - mostly used for traveling women so that they get their dance card filled, but I can see a local woman doing it to, if you want to fill a particular time period in advance and not deal with last minute stuff, or if you are going to run a scheduled special and want to book it all ahead of time
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Old 11-17-2011, 08:39 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by swarmyone View Post
So what the hell does pre-screen mean? To screen before you screen? Isn't that what the prefix pre- means? Shouldn't we just call it screening? Same thing for pre-booking.

I'm not usually a gramar nazi, but I always thought the ads that encouraed pre-booking looked stupid.

You're right it does not make sense. It's no wonder English is a very hard language to learn. Pregame make's sense, preapproved does not & on & on. I have always been amused by this stuff..eg: when you "preheat" an oven it would actually be turned off..right?
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Old 11-17-2011, 08:45 AM   #12
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Default another point of view

If you are a well known playa it could be like being comped at a Casino or having a line of credit.

That is how I roll.

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Old 11-17-2011, 10:53 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by SillyGirl View Post
Prescreening - screening just in case, so there is a possibility of short notice meetings with no hoops.

Prebooking - mostly used for traveling women so that they get their dance card filled, but I can see a local woman doing it to, if you want to fill a particular time period in advance and not deal with last minute stuff, or if you are going to run a scheduled special and want to book it all ahead of time
Originally Posted by SillyGirl View Post
At best, I'm your eighth choice. 5 reviews since you were "out of town" for 30 days (your words btw) and then whoever was scheduled and cancelled and then whoever you saw last night. I'm interested in building long term relationships with my clients and I obviously don't interest you enough to actually book me. So, why bring it up on the board? At the rate you are going you probably won't run out of women to see for a good long time and I don't need to be one of them. Im quite content to stay at the bottom of the list, because it is pretty obvious that it isn't me that you wish to see, just another notch.

So a good rule of thumb.....don't contact someone and tell them an easily found out untruth, and if you do contact them again, with two messages of course (and very little notice), and they accept don't be surprised when they decline to become involved you when you make it apparent that you would rather see any number of other people instead.
So you assumed that when I went out of town and returned that I should have immediately recontacted only YOU? You should have been my first priority....Hell with all the negative shit you throw around on this board who would want to see you...obviously I did BRIEFLY.
And to the point of long term clients.... I am client of 3 providers who I see on multiple occasions...some I dont see every month I have 9 reviews since FEB...wow Im really rolling thru the girls!! Nothing about me says I wont be long term...
(Ill be long term if you and I click upon meeting) Your telling me all the guys you see become long term. Or that you never lose a client because you didnt click with him or he wasnt overwhelmed with your sincere kindness. You are making a calculation on someone you dont know and never will...you dont know as much as you think you do!!
Your vagina isnt golden!! alot of guys wont say that but I will...

AT 705 you emailed and said YOUR WORDS BTW "Id love to see you" to (once you found out I had already booked because I wasnt sure when or if you'd get back to me) 715 "No Thanks" I never will see you!
Too many great providers on this board who are positive and happy people to spend any more time on this...
Im done with ya so put that in your notes!!
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Old 11-17-2011, 11:04 AM   #14
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I declined because you lied to me. A stupid, pointless, easily provable lie. It indicates a complete lack of respect. And your behavior on this board regarding this situation is appalling. You are having a temper tantrum because you just discovered that your money doesn't mean you don't have to be honorable. Every provider chooses the clients that they wish to see. And I choose to see people that don't treat me like a set of interchangeable holes.

Enjoy your "top providers" (as you are so fond of telling people) and I will see people that treat me like a fellow human being.
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Old 11-17-2011, 11:06 AM   #15
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Ummmm is it safe to come in to my own thread - damn I didn't know that it was going to go like this...

The only reason why I posted it was because I've been feeling the cold shoulder from a lady that I tried to pre-screen with and set something up with*...
But alas it didn't work out...
I have found that the problem with planning so far ahead is that it gives it more times for things to go wrong.

* It was just a percieved feeling on my part which was wrong. and I am sorry.
We as clients forget sometimes that the providers world does NOT revolve around us.
It's just that sometimes when we as clients send out PM's it would be nice to get something back..
Just a little OK - hell even a K would be nice.
When we do not, it makes us ASSUME the worst..

and one thing im begaining to learn is that there is a whole lot of assumption going on in this hobby already.

(And just for the ones that don't know it - YES I am tring to kiss some ASS - if not now hopefully later )
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