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Old 11-11-2011, 06:48 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Deregulation, market based reforms, and tort reform.

Tort reform does not work. It just means those wronged are capped.
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Old 11-11-2011, 09:28 PM   #32
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It means lawyers may have to get a real job.
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Old 11-11-2011, 09:49 PM   #33
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What do you expect? Bachman is one of the 7 Drawfs!
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Old 11-11-2011, 11:07 PM   #34
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If a doctor makes a mistake for whatever
reason of what merit is a lawsuit so large
it closes the hospital.

Nothing in sheik hussein health care plan
will work in the long run period that is a
fact. No social health programs exist for nations
larger than 150 million. India still has people
dying in the streets not sure if you want
to point to them as a success.

No significant medical advances out of
socialized medical nations.
Compared to the USA?
And you want to be like them; looking to the
largest free market- china- for your next cure.

The alternative?
Get govt out of health care completely.
The only reason dental is still doable
out of pocket is because the govt isn't
Same goes for pets and their medical.

Want to jack the price of something skyward
while tanking the quality?
Get govt involved.
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Old 11-12-2011, 05:06 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Deregulation, market based reforms, and tort reform.
Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Tort reform does not work. It just means those wronged are capped.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
It means lawyers may have to get a real job.
No, what it means is free market capitalists begging for government intervention.
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Old 11-12-2011, 06:01 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by anaximander View Post
You recall incorrectly. The passage you refer to
has to do with somebody suing you. You are
implored not to sue each other needlessly
for spite. His charity was intended for the
destitute, infirmed, orphans, widows.
Not for lazy do nothings.
Wrong again (big surprise)...the jist is to do MORE, not less through love and humility since by doing so you will gain greater blessings. The context is taken by the "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" crowd and perverted. Obviously a bit too subtle for you and your ilk. And, Sweet Michelle's rant was about cutting off the destitute, infirmed (sic), widows and orphans who either canot find a job or cannot work. Try your best to stay on topic though the usual righty-tighty approach is the manly, shotgun, scorched earth approach.

Hmmm, what does "destitute" mean?

What does "infirm" (I guess one can be "infirmed") mean?

And, how good were the widows and orphans of the time equipped for economic viabililty?

Besides, organized religion in the west (read Catholic Church) had 2000 years to adequately take care of those needing it. It mainly succeeded in amassing billions in wealth for its own perversions such as starting countless wars, enslaving all types of people, murdering those who would disagree with THEIR doctrine, and, this is a good one, turning a blind eye to Hitler persecuting the Jews. Of course, that's the way Fascism go, ain't it, Pius XII?
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Old 11-12-2011, 06:40 AM   #37
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No, what it means is free market capitalists begging for government intervention.

Doofus, you commie motherfucker!..........you are an enemy of the state that should be marked for extermination.........

Medicare denies more coverage than private insurance.......governmentinvo lvement leads to lower quality and availability......grandma is gonna get the pain killers rather than the operation.......the death panels will determine that some people just aren't 'cost effective"........sorry grandma, but you're 82 years old and that procedure only has a 60% chance of providing you a significant benefit, so fuck you, go die...........that's liberal compassion.............

BTW: Doofus refuses to admit or deny he's a communist......he's ashamed of what he is and doesn't want to be identified as a wacky leftist.....leftists like Doofus have to lie about who they are and what they believe.....they want anarchy and revenge on those who have more than they do..........time to cull the heard and get back to founding principles........
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Old 11-12-2011, 06:47 AM   #38
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Sweet Michelle's rant was about cutting off the destitute, infirmed (sic), widows and orphans who either canot find a job or cannot work.

Comrade Candy, when your kind has to lie to make your point, you already lost the argument and people ignore you.......what part of "CAN" don't you understand?

BTW: your lack of knowledge of Catholic charities is frightful.....
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Old 11-12-2011, 09:17 AM   #39
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Marshall why do you always name call people? Do all your posts have to be so insulting to others? Sometimes it doesn't hurt to hear what others have to say, regardless if you disagree with them and at least be civil toward other folks.
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Old 11-12-2011, 09:32 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
Comrade Candy, when your kind has to lie to make your point, you already lost the argument and people ignore you.......what part of "CAN" don't you understand?

BTW: your lack of knowledge of Catholic charities is frightful.....
Ahh, Marshie, you and yours put the "special" in Special Ed. Well, we'd love to see your plan...the one where you can put 14-18 million people to work tomorrow. My guess is, like all good fascists, you'll come up with something akin to forced labor camps. Maybe even throw in some medical experimentation, you know, for everyone's good and the advancement of knowledge. Or, unlike when you were losing your shorts over the fires down here, you COULD actually do something instead of burdening us with your alleged "ideas," humorous though they may be.
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Old 11-12-2011, 10:19 AM   #41
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Ahh, Marshie, you and yours put the "special" in Special Ed. Well, we'd love to see your plan...the one where you can put 14-18 million people to work tomorrow. My guess is, like all good fascists, you'll come up with something akin to forced labor camps. Maybe even throw in some medical experimentation, you know, for everyone's good and the advancement of knowledge. Or, unlike when you were losing your shorts over the fires down here, you COULD actually do something instead of burdening us with your alleged "ideas," humorous though they may be.
the whole purpose of conservatism is to free people from the tyranny of government........
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Old 11-12-2011, 10:22 AM   #42
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Marshall why do you always name call people? Do all your posts have to be so insulting to others?

yes, Granny Pleasures.....don't you get the irony of what I do on this board?......let me spell it out: I use liberals' mode of argument against them!!!!!! A conservative arguing like a liberal, with the exception that I have facts and truth on my side and I sprinkle in some logic!!!!!!!!!!!! You people can dish it out, but you can't take it........

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Old 11-12-2011, 11:04 AM   #43
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Yea, I watched that. She is a moron. You are right she lives in a bubble and has no empathy or compassion for those who are in dire situations. So does this mean the elderly who cannot work, and the disabled starve too?

If we followed her example we will have droves of starving children in the streets, as well as a huge flux of starving homeless on the streets. We can go back to seeing dead people on the streets if we followed her example.

Why do I name call and insult? Because liberals do it and whine and bitch when a conservative does it..........you Granny Pleasures are guilty of the greatest liberal sin: HYPOCRISY!
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Old 11-12-2011, 11:09 AM   #44
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So Michele Bachmann has no empathy or compassion for those who are in dire situations? If we followed her example we will have droves of starving children in the streets?

She has 23 foster children! She talks the talk and walks the walk.....is this the woman who you want to label as having no empathy or compassion? Liberals cannot care or love nearly as well as Mrs. Bachmann.....
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Old 11-12-2011, 12:12 PM   #45
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Bachwoman will probably find a way to make it illegal to be gay or black. I'm sure she'll find a passage in the bible for that. Maybe even make it illegal to be non-republican.
That woman is the worst from the whole bunch of clowns.
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