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Old 11-05-2011, 11:32 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Abraham View Post
Randy4, "Ponzi-like schemes..." What in the world do you think Social Security is???????

I dunno, I guess maybe because Social Security hasn't tanked the economy and put millions out of work for starters. You talk like SS is presently insolvent, it's not. And, it would be more viable for longer than it currently is if we could keep Congress out of the kitty. Though many make fun of Al Gore, his idea of setting SS aside and not having it be used as some sort of emergency fund for other things seems to be rather practical. For starters, perhaps all of the money "borrowed" from SS should be repaid. Hell, I'd even settle for the repayment to be without interest.

Since you seem to want to quarrel with my characterization of the way the financial institutions bundled toxic assets, perhaps you will help us all out and tell us what you would call them and how you would characterize those who did it.
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Old 11-06-2011, 07:09 AM   #47
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Randy, not denying TARP was wrong, but it goes back to the Carter administration and the Community reinvestment act. Fast forward a few years to the Clinton administration and Janet Reno threatening to put folks in jail if they do NOT make bad loans. The financial institutions just tried to make lemonade when handed lemons. Regardless TARP (Trouble Asset Relief Program) was wrong and should not have been passed by Congress an signed by Bush. TARP was not a Ponzi scheme, it was as bad or worse. BTW, it was not passed to bail out GM or Chrysler, BO diod that with TARP funds on his own. Let the market place work.
As another BTW, Lust, you like to characterize Michelle Bachman as stupid. Regardless of party affiliation, one does not get through law school and pass the bar if one is stupid. Did you mention BO and his "57 states" or the "Intercontinental Railroad?" None of this changes the fact that the OWS protesters are looking for a handout.
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Old 11-06-2011, 10:49 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Abraham View Post

As another BTW, Lust, you like to characterize Michelle Bachman as stupid. Regardless of party affiliation, one does not get through law school and pass the bar if one is stupid. Did you mention BO and his "57 states" or the "Intercontinental Railroad?" None of this changes the fact that the OWS protesters are looking for a handout.
I have NO IDEA what the OWS protesters want. I don't even think they know. I think they're just pissed and want to vent. I say call the fire department and hose them down. Get them out of there if they can't propose something constructive to debate. We don't need lazy-assed hippie deadbeats polluting our cities.

I think a better descriptor than 'stupid' for my opinion on Michelle Bachmann would be 'ignorant', for the reasons that you've identified. Same for Sarah Palin. Both are obviously 'cunningly smart' women and capable of learning, yet astoundingly ignorant on matters that are critical to the roles they seek.

You cannot be seriously considered for the leadership role of this nation when you have no clue when it comes to world politics, global economics, or even basic fucking geography. GWB showed us what a disaster that can lead to. I'm sure both of these bimbos have the ability to learn the election topics, but the fact that neither has already by the time they are adults in positions of responsibility tells me they are not fit. Hillary is 100 times smarter than both of these dumb cows (although each is many times hotter than Hillary).

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Old 11-07-2011, 12:27 AM   #49
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Roger Waters talks about ows:

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Old 11-07-2011, 12:47 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
I have NO IDEA what the OWS protesters want. I don't even think they know. I think they're just pissed and want to vent. I say call the fire department and hose them down. Get them out of there if they can't propose something constructive to debate. We don't need lazy-assed hippie deadbeats polluting our cities.

I think a better descriptor than 'stupid' for my opinion on Michelle Bachmann would be 'ignorant', for the reasons that you've identified. Same for Sarah Palin. Both are obviously 'cunningly smart' women and capable of learning, yet astoundingly ignorant on matters that are critical to the roles they seek.

You cannot be seriously considered for the leadership role of this nation when you have no clue when it comes to world politics, global economics, or even basic fucking geography. GWB showed us what a disaster that can lead to. I'm sure both of these bimbos have the ability to learn the election topics, but the fact that neither has already by the time they are adults in positions of responsibility tells me they are not fit. Hillary is 100 times smarter than both of these dumb cows (although each is many times hotter than Hillary).

The ows movement is the modern democrat party. That is the same crowd of people who helped usher in "change."

L4L, by your statement above you should have the same animosity towards BO as you do bachman. Since you voted for BO, not only does it show your bias, it also shows your inability to vote using reason. Your nothing but a walking sound bite and your liberal diatribe is as monotonous as the rinos like cantor and boehner or even hannity with his lust for gingrich.
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Old 11-07-2011, 10:30 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler View Post
The ows movement is the modern democrat party. That is the same crowd of people who helped usher in "change."

L4L, by your statement above you should have the same animosity towards BO as you do bachman. Since you voted for BO, not only does it show your bias, it also shows your inability to vote using reason. Your nothing but a walking sound bite and your liberal diatribe is as monotonous as the rinos like cantor and boehner or even hannity with his lust for gingrich.
We have two main parties today: the party of no ideas and the party of dumb ideas. If you can't tell which is which, then you've just started to understand the root of the problem.

Your supposition that I'm automatically a liberal and a supporter of BO because I call out ignorance when I see it is flawed. I'm not a member of the "anything but Republicans" or "anything but Democrats" clubs. I'll leave that kind of thinking to the dummies.
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Old 11-07-2011, 02:44 PM   #52
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Old 11-07-2011, 05:41 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
We have two main parties today: the party of no ideas and the party of dumb ideas. If you can't tell which is which, then you've just started to understand the root of the problem.

Your supposition that I'm automatically a liberal and a supporter of BO because I call out ignorance when I see it is flawed. I'm not a member of the "anything but Republicans" or "anything but Democrats" clubs. I'll leave that kind of thinking to the dummies.
What I hear you saying is that you chose a side and you can't think for yourself. I suppose that says a lot about who you are. I myself, don't subscribe to either party. You may think I lean right, but I've never seen a left or right side of the US Constitution, I read it straight down the middle. Even after an amendment is passed, it is still black and white document or parchament yellow if you prefer.
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Old 11-07-2011, 06:56 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler View Post
What I hear you saying is that you chose a side and you can't think for yourself. I suppose that says a lot about who you are. I myself, don't subscribe to either party. You may think I lean right, but I've never seen a left or right side of the US Constitution, I read it straight down the middle. Even after an amendment is passed, it is still black and white document or parchament yellow if you prefer.
You hear me saying I chose a side? Where do you hear that? I can't think for myself? Please elaborate... I'm curious to know how you reached this conclusion.
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Old 11-07-2011, 09:17 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
You hear me saying I chose a side? Where do you hear that? I can't think for myself? Please elaborate... I'm curious to know how you reached this conclusion.
Are you going to sit there and state that you don't attack the right, that you don't defend the left consistantly? You sound like any pro-left news outlet. In this thread, alone, you said BO was a centrist. He's far from centrist. He's so far left, he makes Clinton look far right.

I will acknowledge that you called out TexRich for generalizing, but you don't sound like someone who is ready to take off the training wheels from the two-party paradigm. They, the politicians, have pushed us all into a corner and tell us either your with us, or your with them, to force you into a system that one of the 2 parties in power while dividing the country. While they have us fighting, or magicians misdirection, they are incrementally taking this country down a path that was never intended.

I stand on my own 2 feet and will not be told by partisan hacks that I have to vote any way that compromises my integrity. I will not vote for the lessor of 2 evils to satisfy "the establishment agenda." Voting for the lessor of the two is still voting for evil (in a general sense, not a religious one)
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Old 11-08-2011, 01:05 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler View Post
Are you going to sit there and state that you don't attack the right, that you don't defend the left consistantly? You sound like any pro-left news outlet. In this thread, alone, you said BO was a centrist. He's far from centrist. He's so far left, he makes Clinton look far right.

I will acknowledge that you called out TexRich for generalizing, but you don't sound like someone who is ready to take off the training wheels from the two-party paradigm. They, the politicians, have pushed us all into a corner and tell us either your with us, or your with them, to force you into a system that one of the 2 parties in power while dividing the country. While they have us fighting, or magicians misdirection, they are incrementally taking this country down a path that was never intended.

I stand on my own 2 feet and will not be told by partisan hacks that I have to vote any way that compromises my integrity. I will not vote for the lessor of 2 evils to satisfy "the establishment agenda." Voting for the lessor of the two is still voting for evil (in a general sense, not a religious one)
DFW5 - you've misread me. Totally. If you look more closely, you'll see that I attack the ignorant and the dummies, no matter what their politics are. I behave like an ass towards members of both parties equally and I side with the intellectually enlightened, rare as they are. It may seem like I attack the Republicans more than the Democrats because right now the Republicans are in the midst of a leadership campaign that's making a lot of their weaknesses more visible. The Democrats, on the other hand, are sitting quietly DOING NOTHING while the country falls apart.

So, like you, I will not tow any party line. I think the Tea Party is comprised of a bunch of dummies with good intentions and I'm not shy about saying it. I think the OWS group is a bunch of troublemakers who don't give a shit about anything except causing a disturbance (met lots of those in University). Next month they'll be protesting about the amount of gluten in our bread. They love being protesters because if it weren't for that they'd have to realize that they are just your everyday losers looking for a hand-out instead of earning one.

Regarding Obama, ignore his words and look at his actions (they speak louder). He's pushing warmed-over Republican proposals. He's a bad-ass terrorist-killer. Pretty centrist *actions*, or maybe even right-leaning. If only he were stronger.

I think of myself as pretty far right, but don't equate that with support for the shit-for-brains Republicans. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, John BONER, etc., etc.. have all made it embarrassing to admit that one is a right-leaning American. It's almost like admitting that you're stupid. I'm the old-fashioned right that supports minimal government and fiscal conservatism, but that's where it ends. That should be the focus. Forget about the special interests like jesus, guns, and oil.

your new buddy,

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Old 11-08-2011, 09:34 AM   #57
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THE OWS movement needs a good lobbyist like Jack Abramoff so something will be done for them rather than just bitching with no end in sight.
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Old 11-08-2011, 12:27 PM   #58
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Video from Yahoo News' "What's New" today.

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Old 11-09-2011, 07:27 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by CanDo01 View Post
THE OWS movement needs a good lobbyist like Jack Abramoff so something will be done for them rather than just bitching with no end in sight.
Now, here's a man with true insight. One sentence goes to the crux of our political system - hmmmm, even our society and expecially our popular culture. Give them kitties an extra kibble!
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Old 11-09-2011, 11:32 AM   #60
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Jack Abramoff on 60 minutes.

Watch it.

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