This is not the typical "come see me soon cause I am retiring" theAD.. But I am leaving the San Antonio area. I have known for while but put off annoucing the move until I had a better time frame. Me and My family are re-locating to the Tulsa Area. House is already on the market, and moving plans are already in motion. I am not entirely sure on the exact date, but if I can manage to have our house packed and ready by thanksgiving, that will be when I am gone. But the absolute latest it will be is the end of this month.
I want to say thank you to all the wonderful gentlemen that I have met and enjoyed over the last 3 years. I have learned so much about yall and about myself. I have enjoyed the majority of my dates; for every single one of them have been unique. Thank you for being so generous and giving me a chance to give you something you needed in your life, because you fulfilled something in mine

San Antonio Gents are among the best group of guys in this hobby! I am sure I will visit some for I am from this area and I will keep in touch
To all the ladies that I have met... some more personal than others

Every one of you are beautiful. You are priceless, and deserve the absolute best. There are way to many to name individually. But I hope the SA gents realize the jewels they have here in their backyard ! Thank you for all the smiles, laughs, kisses, hugs, private moments

, double partners, drinks, and advice. Above all else support through the rowdy times ! You know who you are ! Support each other, and try to help one another. Our safety is in our hands.
PS Ladies... You ain't ever gonna find a bitch that licks

like me !!! LMAO Those who know me... know ! Those who don't... inside joke sorry lol
You girls let me know if you ever want to do a tour to Tulsa, DOUBLES !! HELL YEAH !
Overall, I love San Antonio and will miss yall and this town so much !!