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Old 10-31-2011, 05:57 PM   #61
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It was a slow weekend as a street walker?
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Old 10-31-2011, 08:33 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
It was a slow weekend as a street walker?
I don't care what anybody says, that was funny!
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Old 10-31-2011, 09:03 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by fredloveshead View Post
58 posts and not a reply from the person in question.

i think everyone knows what the truth is. anyone interested in defending his honor and integrity needs to pony up the money and repay the guy who lost his cash. then they can take it up with the deadbeat.
That'd be a good idea, I think the money has to be paid backed one way or the other, would any of his so called friends who have invested so much time and thought, and consideration on this thread and his defense put up the trivial amount to help put this grievance past. I doubt it...
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Old 10-31-2011, 09:12 PM   #64
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Why should Sixx's white knights be responsible for his debts? This recalls the scene in Animal House when Bluto said "You fucked up. You trusted us." The OP fucked up - he trusted Sixx.
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Old 10-31-2011, 09:31 PM   #65
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Ya the American way guilty until proven guilty.
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Old 11-01-2011, 10:08 AM   #66
Reya Sunshine
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1) Have I ever told a lie? Yes, Of course I have, I think everyone on this board has. One example would be when I first got on this board and I knew a lot of providers lie about their actual age so I thought "hey, if I want to stay competitive with the girls that actually ARE my age I need to lie about mine too"...but later when I thought about it I decided that even though lots(most?) other providers lie about their age that I didn't feel comfy with it so I started telling the truth(I'm 28).

2) "Be honest Reya...your only interest in this matter is to pour gasoline on a fire....blah blah blah ...kick sixx when he is down and yadda yadda yadda can't poke back"
Honestly, no "pouring gasoline on a fire" or making a dramatic situation worse for sixx is NOT my ONLY or even my MAIN interest in this matter though I'll be the first to admit I did get a small feeling of vindication out of it. My MAIN interest is that Sixx has repeatedly said things about me (I'm elitist, racist, not worth my rate, I'm the only girl on this board he'd never see even if I offered it to him for free) that could influence a potential client into not seeing me so I have a vested interest in pointing out when he is caught with his pants down so to speak. It might help that potential client "consider the source" the next time Sixx says something negative about me.

3) If I were to have a friend that did something wrong- like steal from a person I wouldn't necessarily cut them completely out of my life if it was just a one time slip up and not a habit or sign of bigger issues with them...but the truth is the truth and I damn sure wouldn't have the same amount of trust in them as I did before because duh, at one point they stole so they've proven they are capable of it.

Of course one mistake shouldn't mark anyone for life, just like 10 years from now I hope that the fact that I was a whore for a period of time doesn't mean that I will never be able to live a "normal" life again...but at the same time if 10 years from now a woman found out I used to be a whore and based on that fact she felt the need to never leave her husband in a room alone with me then I would understand where she is coming from even though in my heart I would know she has nothing to worry about. I would "take my lumps" as it were.

Spacemountain: Thanks for clarifying, whether you meant that post as a vouch for sixx or not...I truly didn't mean for it to come off as aggressive and apologize if you took it like I was coming at you or anything. I was simply asking for clarity which you gave.

Austinkboy: Sorry, since whispers mentioned you before I did in this thread in connection with the event I was only trying to help the cause by pointing out that you are involved since a lot of people that might question giving their $ to whispers would feel more comfy knowing a guy like you is involved. Didn't mean to offend you or "drag you into this" by telling people I think you have integrity.

On a lighter note- I just had an epiphany about how escort boards operate and I'm FINALLY going to stop posting anything other than ads or alerts. I may be a slow learner but I think I've finally got the hang of this.

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Be honest Reya... You value honesty as stated above right? Your only interest in this matter is to pour gasoline on a fire. Your mind is made up on whether or not you will ever have any dealings with Sixxbach in the future. You and he have history in regards to board related opinions and you both love to poke each other.....

The guy screwed up and is down and your taking the opportunity to poke and prod because he can't come back at you.

OK... Fair Enough.. Totally understandable..... It's the nature of the board........

As to what anyone will think of this in the future?

Guys see girls with problems of a wide variety and gals see guys that lie and cheat every day.

When it come to the hobby there will still be plenty of gals that will see Sixx based on referrals and P411.

I doubt he will be running any ECCIE based Fantasy Football leagues in the near future.... but this really will not affect his ability to hobby.

Very few here really care about anything more than services delivered and cash paid.

NOW.... If the OP had blown Sixx in exchange for a position on his Top Ten List or $100 and Sixx wouldn't pay or put him on the List...... Well.. Then it would have a lot more relevance.... Girls would think twice before seeing him.....

Please note: Last comment made TOTALLY in jest richcran!

To Clarify... I still expect Sixx to reply.... I'm sure he has been going back and forth trying to figure some way to spin this or toss dirt back towards the OP but if the OP is accurate in his statement, which rings true to me, I think all Sixx can really do is apologize and say he fucked up and try to resolve it and put it behind him. I think any attempt on his part to spin this back towards the OP would be petty....

Now... When I say "rings true to me"..... I do not know the details.... but it does seem apparent that the OP is owed some money..... I don't know what has gone on all this time or what happened that he did not get paid as planned....... but I don't believe any person's character can be judged by a single act.... No matter what happens here regarding this incident I consider it a single act and would not brand Sixx a Liar or a thief as the result of that single act..... Anymore then Reya would want to be known as a "whore" 10 years from now because of what she used to do.

People make mistakes.... learn from them.... and grow into better people.....

Not always..... But for now... With Sixx... I want to believe he has learned something from this and will be better from it when it is over....

You seem to be taking the position here that this is some life defining event where Sixx is concerned. How about you Reya? When one of your friends screws up and does something out of character, are you able to forgive them and move past it based on a friendship built over time? Or do you turn your back and walk away from them because you consider it an event that changes their character totally? For example.... Say a friend writes a bad check and you find out about it. She obviously lied as well as stole money by the action. Would you brand her as a Liar and a Thief?
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Old 11-01-2011, 04:13 PM   #67
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There are two sides to every story. However, in the end, only I am accountable for my actions. The ONLY person I owe an apology to is richcran. This will be taken care of. I hope rich will accept my sincere apology.

I understand the verbal jabs taken by others at me. When you have made your reputation as being controversial one can expect that back at some point if its called for. I don't take any of it on a personal level.

Once again, my apologies to richcran.....

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Old 11-01-2011, 05:24 PM   #68
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It took a long time, no? You shoud be sorry to everybody.
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Old 11-01-2011, 05:37 PM   #69
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As is our custom in an "Alert" thread, once both parties have had their say we usually close them.

Everyone called for sixx to man up and he did! Better late than never.

With that, this one is over!!!!

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Old 11-01-2011, 05:40 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by littlejohn20 View Post
That'd be a good idea, I think the money has to be paid backed one way or the other, would any of his so called friends who have invested so much time and thought, and consideration on this thread and his defense put up the trivial amount to help put this grievance past. I doubt it...
So are we going to hold every WK responsible for providers they WK?

You're a bit zealous in trying to hold others responsible for not jumping to condemn Sixx as many have done.

As you say, the amount is trivial, the issue is more the principle than the amount, isn't it? That is up to Sixx alone to remedy.
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Old 11-01-2011, 05:41 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by LaredoZeta View Post
It took a long time, no? You shoud be sorry to everybody.
He should be sorry to you for not apologizing fast enough for your satisfaction? On what planet does that make sense?
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Old 11-01-2011, 06:42 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
As is our custom in an "Alert" thread, once both parties have had their say we usually close them.

Everyone called for sixx to man up and he did! Better late than never.

With that, this one is over!!!!


But it's not an alert thread as it was moved to sandbox. Maybe richcran can be a gentleman about it and request the thread be closed.
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Old 11-01-2011, 08:01 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
I hope rich will accept my sincere apology.

Once again, my apologies to richcran.....

I think he'd rather have cash
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Old 11-01-2011, 08:11 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by budman33 View Post
I think he'd rather have cash
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Old 11-01-2011, 08:53 PM   #75
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.............and they all lived, happily ever after.
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