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Old 10-30-2011, 08:32 AM   #16
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Default Just a few observations... of my own

Dude, first thing you gotta remember in a public forum is that the bullseye is reset dead center of your ass and if you put out there, shots will be taken.

You do have some good points you were trying to make, but you made it hard for us to digest them. That fair enough?

I can agree on at least one or two things: I would gladly see at least some natural professional photos of a provider the way she really looks. Fair skin, dark skin, freckles, a mole, eye color, hair color... are never exactly the same on everyone anyway and I'd rather see what she looks like not some of the 'colorized' images in the ads and showcases too. Variety keeps things interesting though and on the flip side of it all, you might be more surprised and pleased once you actually meet the lady.

Ego boosting is a fine art that either comes off as genuine or robotic bullshit. Which do you prefer? 'Thank you for a nice evening. I like your cologne by the way' given as a genuine compliment is much better to me than 'Wow... I can't believe it! You made me cum 6 times! No guy has ever done that before'! Right....
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Old 10-30-2011, 09:59 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by bojulay View Post

1.Girls that have no referances,list no services they provide or in their discription of themselves use vague plattitudes like makeing my dreams come true or something,but usualy have realy hot pictuers and are great looking,even if they looked that good in person,what about the rest

2.Girls with glamour shot pictuers,it would be much better girls to just have some nice natural photos posted, nothing overdone or hollywooded up to much,most guys would like that better,and if your going to show your face go ahead and show it,have some nice face shots showing your smile,and do smile some girls look like their photo was taken at a funeral or something.IF you dont want to show your face you can still have photos that show part of your face where a guy can still tell that you have a pretty onebut not show enough that we could pick you out of a lineup.

3.have some natural photos but the right kind,i saw one girls that i swear
they looked like crime scene photos,one had her spralled out on a bed and you half expected to see a detective standing over her with a note pad,not very sexy,for that matter i would never have any of those looking backward shots, you can never realy tell what your looking at.with the glamour shot photos i always figuer that she probably only looks half as good in person and there may be nothing further from the truth,but you still feel that you cant trust them.

4.Lastly girls one thing i think you could do to greatly improve your chances of haveing a guy as a repeat customer,besides offering a great experience is to throw some complements his way,if you want him to repeat,find something you like about him,maybe two or three things,you dont have to be fake or over blown about it,most guys are at least a little insecure and a few compliments can be a real ego buster and make him want to enjoy your company again,its realy more important than all the noise you might have made when you were in bed,one girl i was with gave me no compliments about anything i did even though she seemed to enjoy herself very much and i did also but im not realy in any big hurry to see her again because of that reason,the bigest ego buster for any guy is to think that a girl is actualy excited about seeing you again,any dought about that and he wont be in any big hurry.One last thing girls yall should invest some time and read some books about men there are a lot of good ones out there,after all i guess we realy are the main part of your ocupation.It would help to know as much about the way we are as you can.Not being to critical but were a little more complex than a lot of you girls might think and knowing as much about us as you can learn would make it a lot easier to provide that near perfict service

Please any guys and girls out there feel free to comment on what ive written
i dont realy care for hollywooded but i nevr realy dought abot it.i figuer spralled plattitudes of pictuers are realy hollywooded.now whut i mean?
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Old 10-31-2011, 03:38 AM   #18
Schroedinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by bojulay View Post
So much for Bush's "No Child Left Behind" policy.
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Old 10-31-2011, 08:54 AM   #19
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Old 10-31-2011, 03:04 PM   #20
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there is a BIG difference between spelling, grammar, punctuation, and not leaving space(s) between sentences. lack of preciseness in some of them i can live with. but no spaces between words or thoughts makes it harder, just not impossible.

and continuing an activity without reflecting on what people have commented about it does nothing, imo, to address the comments.

if we all lived in thailand, we might have to point out something else. cos in their written language, there arent any spaces between the words until you get to the end of a sentence.

other pet peeve of mine - website names :

themostwonderfulsitethereis.co m versus

theMostWonderfulSiteThereIs.co m??

i go for the latter. [btw, it's not me putting a space between "co" and "m". for some reason, eccie is doing that]
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Old 10-31-2011, 04:38 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Schroedinger's Cat View Post
So much for Bush's "No Child Left Behind" policy.

I used to work at a pound.Had to put a lot of cats to slleep.
sorry nothing personal dude.

Signed: The Kid
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Old 10-31-2011, 04:47 PM   #22
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Partially quoting pmdelites: "... and continuing an activity without reflecting on what people have commented about it does nothing, imo, to address the comments."

and your own: "Please any guys and girls out there feel free to comment on what ive written"

Mr. B: There have been opportunities between the volleys of wisecracks and insults exchanged to try to salvage this thread, but looks like you've refused to even come halfway.

That being said, Peace to all. I'm done here.
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Old 10-31-2011, 05:03 PM   #23
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Just funning you guys mostly,proper spelling and grammar are important, and so is the Terraforming of Mars,but lets not mix metaphors.

Thought you guys would get a little rilled up.Thats a good thing,I have noticed that these boards can get a little too serious and boaring
sometimes.As Socrates said to Plato " COME ON DUDE LIGHTEN THE
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:43 AM   #24
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i'm w/ legman. there's only so much one can suggest to someone else if that person doesnt want to listen.
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:55 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by bojulay View Post
Just funning you guys mostly,proper spelling and grammar are important, and so is the Terraforming of Mars,but lets not mix metaphors.

Thought you guys would get a little rilled up.Thats a good thing,I have noticed that these boards can get a little too serious and boaring
sometimes.As Socrates said to Plato " COME ON DUDE LIGHTEN THE
This guy is out there, but i like him.
Working on some different kind of level or something.
Think he likes throwing some bait out in the water
to see what kind of fish will swim up.
Dont think he's gonna take to much instruction
from anyone, more power guy.
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Old 11-02-2011, 12:34 PM   #26
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Like many others, he's not that great at sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, or grammar. His message is there, you just have to struggle to receive it.

Personally, I'm not very good at math. 5 out of 4 people have the same problem.
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