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Old 10-12-2011, 03:20 PM   #16
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It goes both ways. If I'm with an established, well reviewed provider for the first time, I'll always take care of the donation upfront.

However, if it's with somebody I'm not as sure about, I'm not paying until services are delivered. I've been burned too much to pay a girl that's not a sure thing.

Of course, this is all academic, as it's been a long damn time since I've taken a chance on a newbie. Actually, I did a few months back, and wound up paying $280 for a 2 minute BJ and subsequent hassle. Broke my own rule and paid for it.

As for negotiating extra services in the middle of the session, if the guy is crass enough to do it, I wouldn't feel bad about bringing things back to business. Of course, I'd limit this to obvious things like Greek. For instance, I sometimes ask for CIM in the heat of the moment, and would much rather hear "no" than an upcharge. At that point, I'm more just asking what the girl is comfortable with, rather than shopping for extras.
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Old 10-12-2011, 06:35 PM   #17
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I could care less about the envelope.

As long as it is in plain site shortly after arrival...
do not try to place it in my hands...
and for the love of hobby do not ask me to count it in front of you!
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Old 10-12-2011, 06:37 PM   #18
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I quit doing envelopes some time ago. A first timer starting hugging, kissing, feeling immediately is not a compliment, it is rude.
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Old 10-12-2011, 07:07 PM   #19
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Never make the lady nervous, polite, chivalrous behaviour will usually ensure an enjoyable visit. Even tho money is involved remember how your Momma raised you to treat ladies. Always bring my BFE and grateful to be there.
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Old 10-12-2011, 07:48 PM   #20
Gonzo DFW
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Really not courteous not to drop the envelope in plain sight on arrival. I'm selfish. I'm paying for your time, so I want to get right to it. You live up to your end of the bargain, I'm happy to live up to mine.
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Old 10-13-2011, 01:01 PM   #21
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I have an envelope for Gonzo's avatar!
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Old 10-26-2011, 12:49 AM   #22
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When I first started this I was using an agency. It was clearly expressed, donations are to be in plain unsealed envelopes placed in plain view immediately upon arrival. Usually this was the dresser, desk, or table in the room. All charges for extras such as greek are arranged before hand.

Once the donation is placed I am to excuse myself to the restroom to take a quick shower and scrub the important areas. (Even if I just showered prior to the appt.) This allows time for the donation to be counted, any extras to be known of, and then the fun to begin.
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Old 10-26-2011, 07:08 AM   #23
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As long as it is in plain site shortly after arrival...
do not try to place it in my hands...
and for the love of hobby do not ask me to count it in front of you!

I saw a service girl in Arkansas one time, it was stated on their website that you were to count out the donation in front of them, before you greeted them. THey would pick it up, then you were to treat the girl like she were your date - which meant get down to business!
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Old 10-26-2011, 07:37 AM   #24
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I always prefer to get the bad stuff out of the way, so I always want to pay up front and get it over with.

As far as 'the menu' I keep seeing 'don't discuss details, over the phone, email, or in person' on provider pages and websites. So, how exactly can I say 'I want the full tour' and 'what's your safety word?' without getting in trouble. That way I can just show up with a gift, leave it somewhere, not say anything, and the business is done no details asked/given. And in the heat of the moment, things can be tried and if they don't work out they don't work out. I mean, honestly, the first couple of times is going to be about the experience itself, so anything I get sexually will be like toppings on ice-cream!
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Old 10-26-2011, 07:42 AM   #25
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Not a real easy answer to your question. Just a few random thoughts in no particular order. Every time a provider posts an alert about being ripped off, a hundred other providers tell her she should have gotten the money up front. Every time a hobbyist posts an alert about being ripped off, a hundred other hobbyists tell him what a fool he was for paying up front. To the guys, the money is the least important part of the deal, we are in it for the experience and if we feel that we got our money's worth we're happy. To providers it's all about the money, and we forget that sometimes, although the ones who can mask that fact have a greater chance of success. Perhaps one of the attorneys can weigh in, but the whole don't hand it to me, don't talk about it etc. seems silly. If LE makes an appointment with you, and you show up, you're going to jail, period, always. The fact that you expect to be paid in advance, and/or the fact that you upcharge for greek will take you off some guys to see list. Only you can decide if it is significant enough for you to change your business model. If you do some research and see someone that has been here, or P411 for a while, has reviews or OK's, nothing negative in provider-only areas, your comfort level should be as good as it's going to get in this thing we do. Several people have given you great advise to make sure everything is up front. Finally, I don't know if your post is the result of a recent expereience or not, but the thieves, on both sides of the deal, are really a small percentage of the players in the game.
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Old 10-26-2011, 10:01 AM   #26
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Okay... KK, it's been a month now since this thread was opened. You seemed to initially be talking about first time clients but what about regulars? Wonder how often you or the other ladies find dear John has had his moments and has left or is about to leave when you find it's 'some of' or 'almost' or not even close to the proper fee. How awkward is that?
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Old 10-26-2011, 07:16 PM   #27
Tiffani Jameson
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I think the 'donation' part of your question has been answered. Just take more control of your encounters. As far as the 'extras' question, after ONE encounter where I wanted it, and he ruined the moment by saying 'I didn't bring extra money', my rate is now all-inclusive. It's always a good idea to ask before the date if there is anything he's into so that you're prepared.
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Old 10-26-2011, 08:08 PM   #28
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Thanks for the tip tiff!
I'm learning to tell off the scums
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Old 10-26-2011, 08:44 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly View Post
Thanks for the tip tiff!
I'm learning to tell off the scums
I am not that interested in greek. Butt the providers that provide this have written no greek with out advanced notice. Almost all of the providers state "place the envelope" eg" on the bathroom sink" or "near the tv" etc. You have p411 write all of this on the info part of p411 and threaten that if your rules are not complied with you will get mean and most state for theguy to comply to avoid any uncomfortable situation.
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Old 10-27-2011, 05:45 AM   #30
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It Is Good if they fondle and rub you first thing for Peace of mind. You know they are not a bust sting....(in Texas anyway)
However before you get naked just say lets get business out of the way luv......and confirm what he is paying for by saying were you wanting to add-----30 minutes more for $ or would you like to add ---? to this session? etc. Then you get the money and place it some where in a drawer or what ever and come back naked.
And full fill your confirmed agreement.
NO HASSLE NO WORRIES..................
????? I do not do greek in my person life so I have a question????????
I thought a lady HAD TO BE PREPARED AN HOUR IN ADVANCE TO DO THAT ANYWAY. For sanitary reasons.??????????
I know that when clients of mine come in and decide they want to up grade to the 90 minute with the foot scrub it takes me a little longer to prepare just get the different scrub and foot soak tub etc... I could just imagine how much more prep time you would need for greek service..???just wondering
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