Originally Posted by London Rayne
I'm not being polite to anyone who acts like a moron via email. Keep that crap for the office job, because I make my own rules here.
exactly. same goes for stalkers. I can`t believe that there are providers out there who have stalkers for YEARS, know who they are, because they gave them their private adress as well, and don`t do ANYTHING about it , plus endanger other providers and their own family with their carelessness!! If someone is rude to me, i am acting accordingly. Not like putting my head in the sand. Accordingly means like "solving problems" and showing "pride". I have no problem filing harrassment papers and making my point heard when someone insulted my pride and put me down unwarranted. I have a network of helpful people in all areas of legal fields around me and any high class provider should have that, no matter how much she charges. You need to be prepared for all eventualities. You need to think in advance of what could happen in worst case scenario. There is a reason i never had problems with clients and some providers constantly have. The only f-ing time i had a problem with someone harassing me in my real life (after doing so in my escort life) is because of being on facebook with some other providers who tosses out her real name to jerks within first meeting just because they say "I am a high roler and work on wall street and being with me will make you famous (or so)". My real name sometimes not even my own boyfriends know, since i don`t use my real name even in private life :-)).
This interpretation of class as "turning away from problems with a smile" like some of you have, sounds to me like being treated like shit is ok and then still smiling. Well, i`d call that submissive. Ava Gardner is a woman of class and even sweared. So - who cares? Coco Chanel came from working class and acted that way at some point. She probably could have cared less what a few hookers like us think is classy :-)))) (lol). People of class are not someones that "try to fit in and suck it up for all it has". Class is defined for something that sticks out of the crowd. But i see that as my personal definition. For some people class is to be like all others. I tolerate that opinion but disagree with it. That reminds me of the discussion we once had about having racists as clients and not knowing what to do. I wonder if politics were made that way if it would lead to anything. You can`t solve issues with just pretending they are not there. Class in my eyes means to "take appropriate legal measures" if necessary and " being able to act according to certain boundaries".
I am very clear here: I am tolerant, also to people of other opinions, but i have simple no go`s: Arrogance, racism, trying to bargain (i am very nice to clients who see me regularly, i even have some as very good friends who i mail and skype every day with and who know a lot about me and i know about them), but i hate being asked for favours from people who don`t even know me or are not even close to being friends or regulars. And there are plenty out there. I love to give gifts but i can`t be asked. Its a no do. I rather loose a client than bend over backwards and do things i would not do out of free will. And my clients usually are that way too. I like certain people. And i want to cater to them, and they cater to me. Its a chemistry thing. If i need to "act classy as in turning away after an insult" - we are not birds of a feather.
Plus, chitchat about me , my private life, things i said and confessed in privacy, and what i do sexually and how good that was (or whatever) is an absolute no go. I have no interest to find sexual details or things i said written by other providers who date the same men i dated once, on internet boards or blog pretending to be their opinions (yeah right). Some providers can`t grasp that they will never even come close to having the meaning i had to certain people so they are jealous and think they have to copy my attitude (and it happened to me, to my shock!!!! so i know what i am talking about!!!! Just recently i discovered shocked some whole line of BS like that from the provider thanks to whom i have stalker!!! ) . I think people have to be capable of making own opinions and not pretend other people`s opinions (they never shared) are their own ones to make them more interesting.
Class for me is being able to think for yourself.
Plus, guys who discuss intimate sexual details are a no go,too. Those people are more than dead to me. Had that happening too, and its specially interesting that these people are so worried about their own private sphere. I mean in my life my friends and family knows what i do, but i STILL don`t want my sister to be harrassed by some client! And i still don`t discuss intimate issues with other people. I can`t remember myself talking about what other people confided in me sexually to anyone else. Or putting people in danger by talking about things that simply are not made for other people`s ears. I would not do that to clients and my friends either, even if i am VERY open about myself! I talk in a minute about things that relate to me, but i still don`t discuss my sisters sex life and what she does in bed, or talk about some illegal things some people did to others. That is hilarious. :-). There needs to be a distinction about what can and what can`t be talked about with others. Sex is one of these things IMHO. Endangering people by telling compromising things about others that can have legal consequences at worst is just a simple "no do". I also don`t understand women selling their stories to newspapers, or escorts posting on their homepages or boards (that are closed now - what a pity ;-))....) about people, their respective clients "buying sex from NYC agencies for 400 dollar and how that stupid ageny provider did not deliver the service (sex), and the client stayed instead of leaving anyways, even though the provider was not in the mood and was lacking inspiration and how she as HDH is so much better because she goes for chemistry and therefor charges more and she does not take more than one dick a day :-)) .... " . Really :-)) ???? :-))) I bet the agency , the client and the girl in question are very thankful for that recommendations :-)). (lol)".... :-)). And, it does not matter how many dicks a day you take, if you are a real super-dick to other women AND to the people you claim to be friends with :-))... The poor agency girl is for sure not being such a dick like this HDH in question. Wow!!! Some people fail to understand that there will always be someone that is not satisfied with you , even if you charge 2000 an hour. I can`t believe that someone is not ashamed to put that on their own homepages as marketing strategy. Plus, if the jerk in question does not like the 400 dollar agency girl, and he saw that she was not in the mood and chemistry was not there he could have left instead of complaining about her lack of falling in love with him at first sight :-)). What idiots run around in that world! My god!! And some so called HDH providers who claim to be so smart and have so many degrees (i wonder in what?) don`t stop short of posting felonies on their homepages (its illegal to sell sex in the USA, right? So - the agency in question is certainly not happy if someone posts about them selling sex, the client is probably not happy if he sees that someone posts how he was complaining about not getting "sex" for his money (heck, he paid for company only, didn`t he? so he has no rights to demand any other services?) and the poor girl in the agency is also certainly not happy to have someone posting she engages in illegal activities AND does not even enjoy doing them :-)). (lol)
That is also why i don`t like reviews. Its not because i offer something unsafe or out of option for every normal person (Heck, I am completely boring and all my clients fall asleep anyway after 5 minutes, so i wonder why anyone would hire my company at all, probably because i am less addictive than sleeping pills :-))) .... auauaua :-)....) but because
i don`t support the capitalistic notions in private lifes and social structures. I support individualism (even if its limited) and i see it as a cross contradiction to be measured like in such structures. A social interaction is consisting of two or more people`s input, so MY acts are not the sole judgements. Its simply ridiculous , that is all. Plus, very frankly and honestly speaking: I sell my company to people who demand secrecy. That secrecy can`t be demanded in real life. That is all! They pay me for being discreet and not talking about them and so they are not entitled to "demand" to give out rates to my "services" i never offered. Such people can go in disco and take some drunk girlie back home. And then be posted on boards about :-). Or have journalists pay them money for their stories :-))). (lol). I am not entering a -BJ and anal intercourse - competition, so reviews have no place in my life. Period. And those other reviews some women post on their homepages where they have some clients tell the whole world how great and so much better than anyone else they are , are the same tasteless agendas just from a different angle. It disgusts me. I don`t want clients who think like that. Period.
Labeling people into 1- 10s and sizing them down to acts of services is capitalism and competitive measurement of things that can`t possibly be measured. I do not want that, ever. For me its an attitude thing rather than a "oh i am so freaking special" thing. CLients who rely on such things when choosing providers are not some i want to have as regulars. I am in no way dependent on that business, even if it provides me with luxury i would not have otherwise, but i am not doing things that go against my will. I also will never do statistics as a research method for social sciences, since i am against that capitalistic labeling of people into categories as well. I chose to go for qualitative measurements. Its politics, nothing more.
So, additional London is right. Here i am the boss and i decide the rules. Take it or leave it. If i go in Burberry i also can`t complain about their marketing methods, i can just choose to NOT buy it.
I come from a family of working class (mother) and part time academics (middle class father), so i can act in all social situations properly. "Don`t use swear words" is also something in europe no one would bother about. It`s an american thing.
And, sorry to say: I rather am upfront with people so they don`t waste their precious money on me than acting like some providers who are sweet in the face and then behind backs complain that they have to screw this guy. No one that is independent financially has to do anything. And IF you are and do have to do things you don`t like, then at least shut up and don`t complain like a spoiled little girlie! Life is hard- fittest is survivial! Go figure. No student complains about doing student work either and sobs because he can`t be boss! I also don`t pretend to be in love when i am not. In this business i have the special ability to make my own rules. We live outside of society, are outcasts and i don`t let myself be bossed around by middle class burgeouise requirements. I am a bohemian through and through.
I am a capitalist as well, i sell my company for people who need "secrecy" some way down the road, because i see it as more respectful than being denied legitimacy without getting paid and being put in second class citizenships without any rights. And it has the advantage of making me afford education or things i could not have afforded with a regular job. But i don`t sell my soul. I did not leave my parents with 15, loose all financial securities for a life of dignity to have some jerks tell me how to act :-))) and what to do... .....And if i don`t make any money through that line of work - so be it, then i have time to focus on my other endeavours. I am old enough to choose, i have worked already hard enough in all other areas. I can even afford being without a regular job now and look in what kind of country i want to live next :-)
The times where i was a little student and had to eat shit and smile and pretend i like it are definetely over in all parts of my world :-)).
So class is defined for me to be able to "Not" crawl in someone elses butt and be a pleaser beyond requested boundaries.
And usually that is what people worship about me and i worship about them.
Class for me is being authentic without being offensive and being honest enough to not cater to people who would not want you if you did not copy another providers opinion (or sex style :-)) .....) (rotlfmao) hehehe. And being able to speak your mind. I am a particularly "lazy" escort. I don`t "pretend". I either fit with people or i don`t. And if i see people drifting apart, i let it fall apart instead of trying to be someone i am not. I could have made much more money if i was able to "act" and pretend, but unfortunately i am not. I am probably too busy in my real life really working for the career i want to have , and pursuing additional education, rather than bragging about degrees i don`t have and in reality my whole life is circumscribed by escorting and clients in my private life as well :-)) (lol). I don`t have enough time to invent so much stories or make others believe i have opinions i don`t really have :-). I also would not want to work in my real life in a clients office and have sex with him bareback, yikes. Heard about such shit too. Brrrr. That is selling your soul totally. I rather write ordinary resumes and have a little less braggadacious pretentious sounding jobs but some i got because i am who i am :-)