Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
and what is wrong with thongs????
Actually nothing wrong with a thong when worn on the right body, it's just that the right body for a thong can be rare.
When I was a pro photographer, a lot of heavyset women (sizes 18 and up) wanted photos of them wearing lingerie more suited for a spinner. It was delicate and diplomatic work to convence them to pose in lingerie more complimentary to their shape. Unfortunately, there were too many BBW whose stomach rolls swallowed up their thongs...
Lingerie looks fantastic when matched to the shape of the woman. The VERY BEST photos I've ever see for pure elegance are the ones of Lily. She is a curvy woman, and the corset was PERFECT match for her, both on the physical and the personality: Lily is highly intelligent, seductive, sophisticated, confident and feminine. Her choice of wardrobe certainly complimented her personality.
And to our dear thread-starter, Ginger also has excellent choices in lingerie. Looking at her showcase, I LOVE her flirty, girl-next-door grin! Adding the blue babydoll, or a simple t-shirt and panties emphasizes the personality: a mix of sweet and flirt. With the compbination of her wardrode and grin, Ginger projects fun, teasing and many shared laughs.
(P.S. to Ginger: Dillards in LR has a see-through lacy chemise with rhinestones in the shape of a Razorback...)