Originally Posted by Sampson
That's funny. Don't you want the lights off during your sessions? I don't know any confident woman who needs that to keep them from feeling, "nervous and unsure." Geez, what the hell did you do when you were younger and not "seasoned"? Did you make the guys wear a fucking blindfold?
To the OP, it's your money. See who you want and don't over think things. There is no wrong answer in whatever choice you make.
To each their own.. it's very well known how I am in any of my 38 YES reviews. It's not about me not being seasoned.. or not confident. Its a personal choice that I have... and if you don't like it.. then you're free NOT to come see me. Im not knocking anyone... so don't feel why you should pin point me out. I'm giving him the dangers in seeing someone new without reviews.
If you personally don't wanna come see me because of my perference... then DONT. That's fine with me. But, I have 38 reviews, that say regardless of the "light's out"... I'm still fun and skilled.
All I'm saying to the OP is... whether its me.. or another seasoned (like the light's on provider)... you can read reviews.. and see if there is danger lurking with her name or other drama following her and you can see what she has to offer before you shell out donation rates for what may or may not be what you're wanting or seeking.
With someone without reviews... that is new... be careful. Because what's on the outside of the picture package that enticed you... may or may not be what you're expecting.
Since I dont feed into drama or "cussing someone out"... I wont. Because there is no need for being rude.
Do what you wanna do, OP. Just be safe at whatever you decide.
All I'm saying.
Amber Rain