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Old 03-10-2010, 10:28 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Bull149 View Post
It is another of the social progressive programs trying to make every one like the program directors (government) wants them to be. With a little rehab or counseling anyone can be convienced to walk the "straight and narrow" as they define. These government reformers are worse than the worst of the religious zelots. JMHO

Progressive = Evil just my .02

Ok back on topic, I think the government (the police included) should mind their own business.
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Old 03-11-2010, 06:25 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by GneissGuy View Post
21 success stories out of 375 people.

Wow! What a success rate! One of the most successful government programs out there!

Of course, 21 is their number. How do we know it isn't 5 successes and 16 who claim success and haven't gotten caught again?

OFFERING rehab for drug problems, drinking, escape from pimps, etc. is a good thing, busted or not. Shoving rehab down their throats vs. jail says rehab is punishment for a crime, something for losers. It means that the people doing rehab see their "clients" as their prisoners, rather as their customers. It means that the other people in rehab are there to avoid jail, not to get better. That's got to make and "group therapy" discussions have real good buyin by the participants.
Very well put. There's nothing wrong with going through rehab at all but that should be for people who are really ready to take charge and change some bad habits. I also wonder if some people say, "Oh yeah, I have a drug problem" to go into rehab and stay out of jail? I don't know, though. I've heard around the water cooler that the government rehab programs are pretty rough. They're not nice and anything like Betty Ford or some of the nice country club - type of rehabs that are out there. It's street.

But yeah. There is nothing worse then a bunch of folks trying to save us from ourselves. This is such a great topic. I'm really surprised more people haven't chimed in.

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Old 03-11-2010, 08:14 AM   #18
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It's funny. I posted about this a few weeks ago or so and didn't get anything but positive comments. But I didn't have such a catchy headline. Check this thread for a longer article on the subject and some different takes: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=16673

I've been to a city meeting related to this and yes, there are people in Austin with a goal of establishing such a program locally. I count myself among them. It is the same thing as the community court model which helps people who are mentally ill or drug addicted get treatment so they don't just go through the revolving door of jail.

This program is aimed at street walkers. Does anyone really believe most street walkers don't need help? Right now prostitution is illegal. If arrested, they go to jail. End of story. At least this way they have an option to get cleaned up and have a chance at another life. Many are too far gone. Most addicted people relapse at some point, but at least this way they have options. I don't see how anyone would oppose offering treatment to people who need it.

Again, the police are ALREADY making these arrests. The only difference is people can choose another option. Just like Austin's Community Court, many choose jail because they don't want to go through rehab. And that's their option.

Now if you don't like the fact that prostitution is illegal, well that's another animal all together. Go talk to the state legislature.
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Old 03-11-2010, 09:40 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia View Post
This program is aimed at street walkers. Does anyone really believe most street walkers don't need help? Right now prostitution is illegal. If arrested, they go to jail. End of story. At least this way they have an option to get cleaned up and have a chance at another life. Many are too far gone. Most addicted people relapse at some point, but at least this way they have options. I don't see how anyone would oppose offering treatment to people who need it.

Again, the police are ALREADY making these arrests. The only difference is people can choose another option. Just like Austin's Community Court, many choose jail because they don't want to go through rehab. And that's their option.

Now if you don't like the fact that prostitution is illegal, well that's another animal all together. Go talk to the state legislature.
I am happy to see that there is an effort going on to help the streetwalkers for a couple of reasons:

1) even if progress is slow and their success numbers are low, so was the idea of recycling ten years ago. Persistence!! At least they are being pro active in helping the SW's instead of turning the other way.

2) if LE is busy focusing on the fruit that hangs lowest from the tree, then they have no motivation to work harder to bust girls who screen, like me.
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Old 03-11-2010, 10:02 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Could they be referring to the legislature? They are all a bunch of whores.
NOT to mention- the BIGGEST TRICKS OF ALL!!! Noone knows how to throw a coke party with 10 HOT chickies and naked debachery like a politician.......I mean...... that's what I've heard......(crickets chirping)
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Old 03-11-2010, 10:07 AM   #21
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Wow, what a tough subject. I agree with Sensual Sophia that many SWs are in a bad situation. That is why I will never see one. I also agree that gov't solutions are rarely successful and that sucess rate is fairly indicative of gov't involvement.
I would love to see a local charity that would do more to help them. That being said, you can't help anyone who doesn't want to be helped. Sad for sure.
That being said, Isn't it amazing a gal can sell her body for science, can sell her body for sports (injuries), can sell it for the allure of sex (modeling), can sell it for simulated sex (movies), sell it for visual sex (stripping), sell it for watching sex (xxx rate porn)... But can't sell it for actual sex!
I often wonder w/ the right to "privacy" (roe v Wade), and the scusa decision legalizing homosexuality, if a prostitution charge would stand up to a serious legal charge.

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Old 03-11-2010, 01:56 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Bull149 View Post
It is another of the social progressive programs... These government reformers are worse than the worst of the religious zelots. JMHO
Not trying to start a fight here, Bull149...I just think we should look deeper, my friend.

LE has only recently been willing to use a tactic that society has used in almost every corner of the globe. I think this is just another form of harassment and public humiliation. Society has used ostracization to help it define and shape its own version of morality for eons.

The Religious Zealots think they have a higher approval from whichever "Deity" they follow to kill and maim in his name, whether they are Islamic fundamentalists detonating an IED, decapitating a prisoner etc. or some clueless pro-life zealots killing an abortion doctor or "Army of God" members kidnapping children to do with them as they please.

I'll take my chances with a bureaucrat over a religious lunatic any day.

Now I can agree with you if you simply say neither one is serving a worthwhile purpose. However, at least there is a form of legal redress with most government entities in this country no matter how convoluted that process may be. Had you asked for the same from a Mullah Omar or a David Koresh, I think either would have given you his own maniacal interpretation of what he believed was his God's justice.

I mean if you want hypocrisy, what if I told you I was a Baptist and that I don't ever have sex standing up because people might see me and think I was dancing? :-D

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Old 03-11-2010, 03:07 PM   #23
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Little Stevie,
for someone "not trying to start a fight", nice way to start one. First, if you understood the post you referenced, you would understand that governments are completely inefficient at things like this. The ROI on "OPM" (other peoples money) is terrible. I'll go further... It is always easy to suggest spending Tax $ (OPM) on what You like, regardless of returns.
I find your denegration of religion very telling and your understanding of US history is quite wrong on this one. Seriously, any reputable history not written by Noam Chomsky would point out strongly the "fallen woman" POV and how no woman would ever choose this life. It was much more about "protecting women" than anything else. Sure there is a strong Putitan streak in America but most laws were rooted in protecting women rather than pushing a religious agenda.
Now, to your denigration of religion... There are wackos in every belief system. But equating miniscual abberations at the 7th Sigma of a mainstream religion with a continuous movement to destroy America is Way off. I'll say it another way, don't equate Christianity, with a Very Few instances of lunacy with the fuckers that systematically carried out 9/11, Cole, etc.
I am sorry, but any equating of these two religions today based on stated intentions and actions bothers me greatly. I didn't serve in the military to protect a America from Christianity "extremists".
I just stated the idiocy of keeping prostitution illegal. If you can't tell, I am a staunch libertarian. I would legalize anything that didn't affect others. But that also means no subsidizing anyone with gov't money (OPM)! And for the record, where the gov't sucks at ROI, private charities and....wait for it.... Religious orgs actually do well at this type of thing. And the real winner? I can be a willing participant to those but I am forced, at the point of a gun, to pay for gov't solutions even when I despise them. And for the record, I am not opposed to the gov't doing this for the SWers on anything other than purely anti gov't intervention. But if given the choice among 80% of what Auston spends our money on, at least out of compassion, I can support this
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