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Old 09-25-2011, 05:46 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth View Post
Shit. It is not all the stuff in the chick flicks or the old black and white films that makes you feel all sentimental and crave chocolate?
I always crave chocolate

In the UK we have something called Calpol, that is very good for kids who are running a 'fever', but I think it is not allowed in the US. I had an English friend who was living in the US with her kids and asked me to bring some over.

Works a dream.

But don't ever show me a child with some nasty boiled sweet in their mouth. The parents should be jailed for child abuse. Ask any dentist.
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Old 09-25-2011, 08:38 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by essence View Post
The most stupid thing is to have something which costs $700 per head.

The second most stupid thing is to have an adults only event.

Compared to those stupidities, the actions of the family are small meat.

But children should indeed be kept in order, but surely that is the duty of not just the family, but all adults present? When did we get to the stage where an adult was not allowed to tactfully admonish other people's children?
There are so many things that I agree with in your post.

To answer your question: Here in America its Oprah Winfrey. The females of this nation take their child rearing and relationship advice from some bitch that has never pushed out a child nor been married. These women then sit their kids in front of the TV for 8 hours a day were they learn to misbehave and that actions have no consequences.

Take about 15 minutes to watch the TV show "Bridezillas." Other than having some very rich father in law to bilk I can't understand how these guys put up with these cunts. Maybe...just maybe...the fiancee's cousin actually had to put up with the bride's shit and decided to spoil her "perfect day."
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Old 09-25-2011, 08:51 PM   #18
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Isn't there some saying 'it takes a village to raise a child'?

So don;t complain if some kid is running wild. Take responsibilty, it is probably bored, play a game with him/her.

I have to suffer kids on long flights sometimes. The parents do nothing. But if I stand up and make funny faces, the child is silent for the next hour. In terror.
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Old 09-25-2011, 09:13 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston View Post
I recently went to a very elegant wedding that the bride and groom took over a year to plan.

How ridiculous, don't they have a life? Or is she one of those bitches who expect everybody else do the hard work making a living while she 'lunches' and plans her 'big day'. If she has so much free time, why not do some charitable work?

Every detail was perfect. It was by far the most beautiful wedding I have ever attended.

Perfection is an affront to the deity, it is unachievable, true beauty arises from struggles.

Now the invitation CLEARLY stated it was an adults only affair...The bride stated that she called the guest who had the nerve to RSVP with a +1 and remided them that due to the venue size they could not accomodate more people than already invited. I imagine the cost per head was well over $700.00. She also stated that all through the year they mentioned it was an adults only affair..

Well, that was pretty stupid to only invite adults. Plus a waste of $700 per head. Weddings are about community. Aren't children part of the community?

The bride was livid!

What an egotistical child hater. So what did all the other adults do? Sit there like stuffed dummies? Doooah.

I have been to plenty of kid friendly weddings before and they have been ok but some kids are hellions and one stuck their finger in the cake. The parents thought it was so cute.

It probably represented what they thought of the stuck up bitch of a bride.

What get's me as rude is that they asked if the kids could come and were told it was an adults only affair......They KNEW and still showed up anyway.....She even asked if her oldest could be in the wedding stating that he " had enough practice having been at 3 other weddings". She was politely told NO and it was not mentioned for months......

Well, maybe they thought it was rude to make it all adults (they were correct in that), and weren't going to pander to somebody's stupid notion of what a wedding is(not).

Do you think the bride is wrong for wanting it to be HER day?

Yes, she is completely wrong, it is not her day, it is the community/family's day. She must be an insufferable wife if she can't behave like a responsible mature person on her wedding.

Oh yeah and she showed up looking like a prostitute! I know what prostitutes look like and she gave the ladies a bad name with that tacky red excuse for a dress. Was I wrong to ask her to leave and do as the bride asked? I mean she knew i would have no problem telling tacky to get moving!

Nothing like one girl calling another a hoe

ps. has the marriage failed yet, or is the husband a member here, I would be running out of the house as fast as possible if what you say about her is correct. Give me a blow job? Oh no, couldn;t possibly do that, you might have a germ, it might mess up my hair which I pay $500 every week to get done, you might make a mess on my beautiful carpet, bitch bitch bitch, you disgusting man wanting to put your gross cock up my ass, get away from me, put on another condom, we don't want any accidents.
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Old 09-25-2011, 10:01 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by essence View Post
I have to suffer kids on long flights sometimes. The parents do nothing. But if I stand up and make funny faces, the child is silent for the next hour. In terror.

I hold the parents responsible. After one long flight I reached into my carry on and grabbed several condoms and handed them to the mother of satan's spawns. I told her outright "These will prevent those." Also, the worthless fucking flight attendants did absolutely nothing to help.
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Old 09-26-2011, 03:50 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by essence View Post
Isn't there some saying 'it takes a village to raise a child'?
It takes a village to raise a child but its not the village's responsibility to raise your child.

Some baby cannons and village idiots don't know the difference.
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Old 09-26-2011, 04:14 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
It takes a village to raise a child but its not the village's responsibility to raise your child.

Some baby cannons and village idiots don't know the difference.

I agree with Gnadfly on this one. I can imagine the scene if someone would have corrected this lady's children. She would have gone thermonuclear in about .0005 seconds.

I don't think the kids should have been there. Somethings are just adult fun.
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Old 09-26-2011, 04:37 PM   #23
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Well.... Shame on the people who planned every detail of the wedding for as long as they did, but didn't put someone at the door to keep the kids out that they didn't want....... If you're gonna be an asshole about, don't half ass it.... be full asshole and don't let them in the door..... But the Oprah and Bridezilla epidemic shit has made this sort of stuff just mindlessly out of control.... Especially in this day and age when that marriage will most likely be dissovled within 5 years.... and where will her Daddy be with the $100k wedding bill? On one hand I feel bad for her (albiet slightly).... on the other hand it is completely comical......

What I would like to know is if essence has any strong feelings on the subject? Lmfao!!

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Old 09-26-2011, 10:32 PM   #24
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No, I am completely disinterested!

My own wedding, do it yourself affair in the local church hall, wife's aunt did the cooking, wife's sister's bf was the dj, we honeymooned the next week in a small 1 bed place, together with her two step children, we had a single bed to ourselves.

Our honeymoon night was on a bare dirty floorboards with a mattress. Our home to be.

But it was all good. I hope my next wedding will be as much fun.

On the other hand, another family member, expensive wedding, honeymoon in seychelles etc., didn't take the step children with them, it was over within the year.

My cousin had an expensive wedding, within a year he had a child with the bridesmaid.

Oh yes, the big talking point was when one of my guests decided to change her large baby on the dining table in front of everybody, lots of foul smelling booboo. I don't think I bothered to speak to them again.

But seriously, you have to be severely retarded to even contemplate an adults only wedding.
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Old 09-28-2011, 01:05 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston View Post
... and she gave the ladies a bad name with that tacky red excuse for a dress.

She was just following the advice of
Bill Blass, "when in doubt, wear red".

"And if she's a freak, BBCR until Tuesday morning"


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Old 09-30-2011, 02:39 AM   #26
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I'm kinda conflicted on this one! Personally I wouldn't have an "adults only" ceremony. Aren't weddings supposed to be a celebration?
However If the bridal party made it clear that they didn't want children in attendance - The mother should have done what I'm sure several other parents did and hired a sitter.
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Old 09-30-2011, 06:05 AM   #27
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What do bringing brats have to do with a celebration? They were not invited . . .
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Old 09-30-2011, 07:45 AM   #28
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If little ones were not invited...for whatever reason....they should not have been there. It's pretty simple. If people had a problem with that request...they should not have gone to the wedding.
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Old 09-30-2011, 11:04 AM   #29
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For a joyous family event like a wedding I couldn't imagine NOT having kids present. Of course, these kids should be expected to behave.

I have to laugh at the whole $700/head price for a wedding, although I'm not surprised. The entire wedding industry is built to grossly overcharge for everything, all under the guise of making the Princess have her perfect day.
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Old 09-30-2011, 04:49 PM   #30
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I haven't seen any kids that "behave" in years and I'm not blaming the kids.
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